Class LastSynchronizationSystemProperty

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<ModelItem>, Property<ZonedDateTime,Content>, SystemProperty<ZonedDateTime,Content>, ElementDefinition<ZonedDateTime>, ModelItem, PluginAware, Labelable, ModifiableLabelable, Configurable, Serviceable

SystemProperty which represents the last synchronization date of a content.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getValue

      public Object getValue(Content content)
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Get the property's value
      content - the ametysObject containing the property
      the values to index.
    • indexValue

      public void indexValue(org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document, Content content, IndexableDataContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Index the property in a solr document.
      Specified by:
      indexValue in interface Property<ZonedDateTime,Content>
      indexValue in class AbstractSystemProperty<ZonedDateTime,Content>
      document - the solr document to index into.
      content - the ametysObject containing the property to index.
      context - the context of the data to index. Can not be null.
    • getQuery

      public Query getQuery(Object value, Query.Operator operator, String language, Map<String,Object> contextualParameters)
      Description copied from interface: SystemProperty
      Get the Query associated to the given value.
      value - the user-submitted value for this property.
      operator - In advanced search mode, the operator chosen by the user. null to use the criterion-defined operator (simple search mode).
      language - The current search language.
      contextualParameters - the search contextual parameters.
      The Query associated to the given value.
    • getSearchField

      Description copied from interface: SystemProperty
      Get the SearchField representing this system property.
      The search field representing this system property.