Interface CopyFormUpdater

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFormCopyUpdater, FormPageRuleCopyUpdater, FormQuestionRuleCopyUpdater

public interface CopyFormUpdater
Interface to update questions or pages after a form copy
  • Method Details

    • updateForm

      void updateForm(Form originalForm, Form createdForm)
      Update form after copy
      originalForm - the original form
      createdForm - the new form
    • updateFormPage

      void updateFormPage(FormPage originalFormPage, FormPage createdFormPage)
      Update page after copy
      originalFormPage - the original form page
      createdFormPage - the new form page
    • updateFormQuestion

      void updateFormQuestion(FormQuestion originalFormQuestion, FormQuestion createdFormQuestion)
      Update question after copy
      originalFormQuestion - the original form question
      createdFormQuestion - the new form question