Class SCCCopyUpdater

All Implemented Interfaces:
CopyCatalogUpdater, LogEnabled, Serviceable

The catalog copy updater to add the internal scc id if exists
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • service

      public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      service in interface Serviceable
    • updateContent

      public void updateContent(String initialCatalogName, String newCatalogName, Program initalContent, Program createdContent)
      Description copied from interface: CopyCatalogUpdater
      Update content during copy of a catalog. Implements this method when you do not need to wait for the full copy of the catalog.
      Specified by:
      updateContent in interface CopyCatalogUpdater
      initialCatalogName - the name of initial catalog
      newCatalogName - the name of new catalog
      initalContent - the initial program
      createdContent - the created program
    • updateContents

      public void updateContents(String initialCatalogName, String newCatalogName, Map<String,String> copiedPrograms, Map<String,String> copiedSubPrograms, Map<String,String> copiedContainers, Map<String,String> copiedCourseLists, Map<String,String> copiedCourses, Map<String,String> copiedCourseParts)
      Description copied from interface: CopyCatalogUpdater
      Update contents after the full copy of a catalog. Implements this method when you need to do some stuff when all contents have been copied.
      Specified by:
      updateContents in interface CopyCatalogUpdater
      initialCatalogName - the name of initial catalog
      newCatalogName - the name of new catalog
      copiedPrograms - the id of initial programs with their copied content
      copiedSubPrograms - the id of initial subprograms with their copied content
      copiedContainers - the id of initial containers with their copied content
      copiedCourseLists - the id of initial course lists with their copied content
      copiedCourses - the id of initial courses with their copied content
      copiedCourseParts - the id of initial course parts with their copied content
    • _updateSCCId

      protected void _updateSCCId(Map<String,String> copiedContents)
      Update the scc
      copiedContents - contents to update