ClassDescriptionAbstract DAO for manipulating sitemap elementA ContentTypesAssignementHandler is responsible for giving the available content types list for a given Zone.Component for copying site or pagesThis implementation of the content types handler is based on content types declared in the whole applicationThe cache is a HashSet of String + a dateThis implementation of the services handler is based on services declared in the whole applicationThe cache is a HashSet of String + a dateA
which is metadata-aware.AmetysObject
for storing page informations.Sitemap element that can be modifiedA zone that is modifiableA zone item that can is modifiablePage
that can be ordered or movedAmetysObject
for reading page informations.<p>Type of a link page.Type of a page.DAO for manipulating pagesHelper for creating JCR XPath queries involving page predicate.A is responsible for giving the available services for a given Zone.DAO for manipulating pagesTraversableAmetysObject
containing pages and which knows about its current site and sitemap, template, zones...A static zone item.Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a zone failed because it does not exist.AnZone
is a part of a page where contents or services can be rendered.Type of an zone.Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a zone failed because it does not exist.Class containing callables to retrieve and configure service parameters