Class SolrIndexer

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogEnabled, Initializable, Component, Contextualizable, Serviceable

Solr indexer.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • dateFormat

      Returns the formatter for indexing dates. This is used for adding a dates as formatted strings (and not with date object directly) to prevent indexing of the wrong value because of time zone
      The date format for indexing dates
    • truncateUtf8StringValue

      public static String truncateUtf8StringValue(String value, org.slf4j.Logger logger, String documentId, String fieldName)
      Truncates (if needed) the given string in order to be indexed without immense term error by Solr. Only the 32766 first bytes of the String will be kept.
      value - The string value to index
      logger - The logger for logging in WARN level in case the given string is too long and will be truncated. Can be null if you do not want to log.
      documentId - The id of the document being indexed. Can be null if you do not want to log.
      fieldName - The name of the field being indexed. Can be null if you do not want to log.
      The given string value, or its truncation if it is too long (greater than 32766 bytes)
    • service

      public void service(ServiceManager serviceManager) throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      service in interface Serviceable
    • initialize

      public void initialize() throws Exception
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface Initializable
    • contextualize

      public void contextualize(Context context) throws ContextException
      Specified by:
      contextualize in interface Contextualizable
    • _getAutoCommitSolrClient

      protected org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient _getAutoCommitSolrClient(String workspaceName)
      Gets the 'autocommit' Solr client
      workspaceName - The name of the workspace
      the Solr client
    • _getNoAutoCommitSolrClient

      protected org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient _getNoAutoCommitSolrClient(String workspaceName)
      Gets the 'no autocommit' Solr client
      workspaceName - The name of the workspace
      the Solr client
    • getCoreNames

      public Set<String> getCoreNames() throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Get the names of the Solr cores.
      The names of the Solr cores.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
    • getRealCoreNames

      protected Set<String> getRealCoreNames() throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Get the names of the Solr cores.
      The names of the Solr cores.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
    • createCore

      public void createCore(String name) throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Create a Solr core.
      name - The name of the core to create.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
    • updateAmetysUrlCoreProperty

      Updates the ametys.url property of the Solr cores.
    • deleteCore

      public void deleteCore(String name) throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Delete a Solr core.
      name - The name of the core to delete.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
    • sendSchema

      public void sendSchema() throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Send the schema.
      IOException - If a communication error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a solr error occurs.
    • addStaticSchemaUpdates

      protected void addStaticSchemaUpdates(List<org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.schema.SchemaRequest.Update> updates, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.schema.SchemaRepresentation staticSchema, SchemaFields schemaFields)
      Compute the list of SchemaRequest.Update directives from the static schema.
      updates - The list of SchemaRequest.Update directives to fill.
      staticSchema - The static schema representation.
      schemaFields - The current schema fields, used to track the existing fields (to be filled).
    • addCustomUpdates

      protected void addCustomUpdates(List<org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.schema.SchemaRequest.Update> updates, SchemaFields schemaFields)
      Compute the list of custom SchemaRequest.Update directives.
      updates - The list of SchemaRequest.Update directives to fill.
      schemaFields - The current schema fields, used to track the existing fields (to be filled).
    • clearSchema

      protected void clearSchema(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient, String collection) throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Delete all the fields of the existing schema in the given collection.
      solrClient - The Solr client
      collection - The collection.
      IOException - If a communication error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a solr error occurs.
    • reloadCores

      protected void reloadCores() throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Reload the solr cores.
      IOException - If a communication error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a solr error occurs.
    • reloadAclCache

      public void reloadAclCache() throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, javax.jcr.RepositoryException
      Reloads the ACL Solr cache for all users
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
      javax.jcr.RepositoryException - If a repository exception occurs when retrieving workspaces.
    • reloadAclCache

      public void reloadAclCache(String workspaceName) throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Reloads the ACL Solr cache for all users
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
    • reloadAclCache

      public void reloadAclCache(String workspaceName, boolean checkIfNecessary) throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
      Reloads the ACL Solr cache for all users
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      checkIfNecessary - true to check if the reload is necessary for each segment (i.e. reload only the segments not already in cache)
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
    • updateAclCache

      public void updateAclCache(Iterable<? extends AmetysObject> objects) throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, javax.jcr.RepositoryException
      Updates the ACL Solr cache for some AmetysObjects for all workspaces.
      objects - the AmetysObjects to update.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
      javax.jcr.RepositoryException - If a repository exception occurs when retrieving workspaces.
    • updateAclCache

      public void updateAclCache(Iterable<? extends AmetysObject> objects, String workspaceName) throws IOException, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, javax.jcr.RepositoryException
      Updates the ACL Solr cache for some AmetysObjects.
      objects - the AmetysObjects to update.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs.
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - If a Solr error occurs.
      javax.jcr.RepositoryException - If a repository exception occurs when retrieving workspaces.
    • indexAllContents

      public Map<String,Object> indexAllContents(String workspaceName, boolean indexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Index all the contents in a given workspace.
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      The indexation result as a Map.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexAllContents

      public Map<String,Object> indexAllContents(String workspaceName, boolean indexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient, SimpleProgressionTracker progressionTracker) throws Exception
      Index all the contents in a given workspace.
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      progressionTracker - The progression of the indexation
      The indexation result as a Map.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • unindexAllContents

      protected void unindexAllContents(String workspaceName, boolean unindexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Unindex all content documents.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      unindexAttachments - also unindex content attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while unindexing.
    • indexSubcontents

      public void indexSubcontents(String collectionId, boolean indexAttachments) throws Exception
      Add or update the child contents of a AmetysObjectCollection into Solr index, for all workspaces and commit
      collectionId - The id of collection
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexSubcontents

      public void indexSubcontents(String collectionId, String workspaceName, boolean indexAttachments) throws Exception
      Index the child contents of a AmetysObjectCollection
      collectionId - The id of collection
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs while unindexing.
    • indexContent

      public void indexContent(String contentId, boolean indexAttachments) throws Exception
      Add or update a content into Solr index on all workspaces and commit
      contentId - The id of the content to index
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexContent

      public void indexContent(String contentId, String workspaceName, boolean indexAttachments) throws Exception
      Add or update a content into Solr index
      contentId - The id of the content to index
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexContent

      public void indexContent(String contentId, String workspaceName, boolean indexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Add or update a content into Solr index
      contentId - The id of the content to index
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexContents

      public org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult indexContents(Iterable<Content> contents) throws Exception
      Send a collection of contents for indexation in the solr server on all workspaces and commit
      contents - the collection of contents to index.
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexContents

      public org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult indexContents(Iterable<Content> contents, ContainerProgressionTracker progressionTracker) throws Exception
      Send a collection of contents for indexation in the solr server on all workspaces and commit
      contents - the collection of contents to index.
      progressionTracker - The progression of the indexation
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexContents

      public org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult indexContents(Iterable<Content> contents, String workspaceName, boolean indexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Send a collection of contents for indexation in the solr server.
      contents - the collection of contents to index.
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexContents

      public org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult indexContents(Iterable<Content> contents, String workspaceName, boolean indexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient, SimpleProgressionTracker progressionTracker) throws Exception
      Send a collection of contents for indexation in the solr server.
      contents - the collection of contents to index.
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      progressionTracker - The progression of the indexation
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • doIndexContents

      protected org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult doIndexContents(Iterable<Content> contents, String workspaceName, boolean indexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient, SimpleProgressionTracker progressionTracker) throws Exception
      Send some contents for indexation in the solr server.
      contents - the contents to index.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      indexAttachments - to index content attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      progressionTracker - The progression of the indexation
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs committing the results.
    • updateSystemProperty

      public void updateSystemProperty(Content content, String propertyId, String workspaceName) throws Exception
      Update the value of a specific system property in a content document.
      content - The content to update.
      propertyId - The system property ID.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • updateSystemProperty

      public void updateSystemProperty(Content content, String propertyId, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Update the value of a specific system property in a content document.
      content - The content to update.
      propertyId - The system property ID.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • updateProperty

      public void updateProperty(Content content, String propertyId, String workspaceName) throws Exception
      Update the value of a specific property in a content document.
      content - The content to update.
      propertyId - The system property ID.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • updateProperty

      public void updateProperty(Content content, String propertyId, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Update the value of a specific property in a content document.
      content - The content to update.
      propertyId - The system property ID.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • unindexContent

      public void unindexContent(String contentId, boolean unindexAttachments) throws Exception
      Remove a content from Solr index for all workspaces and commit
      contentId - The id of content to unindex
      unindexAttachments - also unindex content attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • unindexContent

      public void unindexContent(String contentId, String workspaceName, boolean unindexAttachments) throws Exception
      Remove a content from Solr index
      contentId - The id of content to unindex
      workspaceName - The workspace where to work in
      unindexAttachments - also unindex content attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • unindexContent

      public void unindexContent(String contentId, String workspaceName, boolean unindexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Remove a content from Solr index
      contentId - The id of content to unindex
      workspaceName - The workspace where to work in
      unindexAttachments - also unindex content attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • unindexContents

      public void unindexContents(Collection<String> contentIds) throws Exception
      Remove a content from Solr index for all workspaces and commit
      contentIds - The id of content to unindex
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • unindexContents

      public void unindexContents(Collection<String> contentIds, String workspaceName) throws Exception
      Remove a content from Solr index
      contentIds - The id of content to unindex
      workspaceName - The workspace where to work in
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • doIndexContent

      protected void doIndexContent(Content content, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Add or update a content into Solr index
      content - The content to index
      workspaceName - The workspace where to index
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexAclInitValues

      public void indexAclInitValues(AmetysObject ametysObject, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document)
      Indexes read-ACl initial values for object
      ametysObject - The object
      document - The Solr document
    • doIndexContentWorkflow

      protected void doIndexContentWorkflow(Content content, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Index the whole workflow of a content.
      content - The content.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexContentAttachments

      public void indexContentAttachments(ResourceCollection collection, Content content) throws Exception
      Index content attachments as new entries in the idnex
      collection - the collection of attachments
      content - the content whose attachments will be indexed
      Exception - if something goes wrong when indexing the attachments of the content
    • indexContentAttachments

      public void indexContentAttachments(ResourceCollection collection, Content content, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Index content attachments as new entries in the idnex
      collection - the collection of attachments
      content - the content whose attachments will be indexed
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if something goes wrong when indexing the attachments of the content
    • indexContentAttachment

      public void indexContentAttachment(Resource resource, Content content) throws Exception
      Index a content attachment
      resource - the content attachment as a Resource
      content - the content whose attachment is going to be indexed
      Exception - if something goes wrong when processing the indexation of the content attachment
    • indexContentAttachment

      public void indexContentAttachment(Resource resource, Content content, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Index a content attachment
      resource - the content attachment as a Resource
      content - the content whose attachment is going to be indexed
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if something goes wrong when processing the indexation of the content attachment
    • _indexResourceDocument

      protected void _indexResourceDocument(Resource resource, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, IOException
      Index a populated solr input document of type Resource.
      resource - the resource from which the input document is created
      document - the input document
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - if there is an error on the server
      IOException - if there is a communication error with the server
    • deleteRepeaterDocs

      protected void deleteRepeaterDocs(String contentId, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Delete repeater documents of a specified content.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      contentId - the content ID.
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexAllResources

      public Map<String,Object> indexAllResources(String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient, SimpleProgressionTracker progressionTracker) throws Exception
      Index all the resources in a given workspace.
      workspaceName - The workspace where to index
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      progressionTracker - The progression of the indexation
      The indexation result as a Map.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexResources

      public org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult indexResources(Iterable<AmetysObject> resources, String documentType, String workspaceName) throws Exception
      Send a collection of contents for indexation in the solr server.
      resources - the collection of contents to index.
      documentType - The document type of the resource
      workspaceName - The workspace where to index
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexResources

      public org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult indexResources(Iterable<? extends AmetysObject> resources, String documentType, TraversableAmetysObject resourceRoot, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Send a collection of contents for indexation in the solr server.
      resources - the collection of contents to index.
      documentType - The document type of the resource
      resourceRoot - The resource root, can be null. In that case, it will be computed for each resource.
      workspaceName - The workspace where to index
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • indexResources

      public org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult indexResources(Iterable<? extends AmetysObject> resources, String documentType, TraversableAmetysObject resourceRoot, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient, SimpleProgressionTracker progressionTracker) throws Exception
      Send a collection of contents for indexation in the solr server.
      resources - the collection of contents to index.
      documentType - The document type of the resource
      resourceRoot - The resource root, can be null. In that case, it will be computed for each resource.
      workspaceName - The workspace where to index
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      progressionTracker - The progression of the indexation
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • doIndexResources

      protected org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer.IndexationResult doIndexResources(Iterable<? extends AmetysObject> resources, String documentType, TraversableAmetysObject resourceRoot, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient, SimpleProgressionTracker progressionTracker) throws Exception
      Send some resources for indexation in the solr server.
      resources - the resources to index.
      documentType - The document type of the resource
      resourceRoot - The resource root, can be null. In that case, it will be computed for each resource.
      workspaceName - The workspace where to index
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      progressionTracker - The progression of the indexation
      the indexation result.
      Exception - if an error occurs committing the results.
    • indexResource

      public void indexResource(Resource resource, String documentType, String workspaceName) throws Exception
      Add or update a resource into Solr index
      resource - The resource to index
      documentType - The document type of the resource
      workspaceName - The workspace where to index
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • unindexResourcesByPath

      public void unindexResourcesByPath(String rootId, String path) throws Exception
      Delete all resource documents at a given path for all workspaces and commit
      rootId - The resource root ID, must not be null.
      path - The resource path relative to the given root, must start with a slash.
      Exception - If an error occurs while unindexing.
    • unindexResourcesByPath

      public void unindexResourcesByPath(String rootId, String path, String workspaceName) throws Exception
      Delete all resource documents at a given path.
      rootId - The resource root ID, must not be null.
      path - The resource path relative to the given root, must start with a slash.
      workspaceName - The workspace where to work in
      Exception - If an error occurs while unindexing.
    • unindexResource

      public void unindexResource(String resourceId) throws Exception
      Remove a resource from Solr index for all workspaces and commit
      resourceId - The id of resource to unindex
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • unindexResource

      public void unindexResource(String resourceId, String workspaceName) throws Exception
      Remove a resource from the Solr index.
      resourceId - The id of resource to unindex
      workspaceName - The workspace where to work in
      Exception - if an error occurs while unindexing.
    • doIndexExplorerItem

      protected void doIndexExplorerItem(AmetysObject node, String documentType, TraversableAmetysObject resourceRoot, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Add or update a resource into Solr index
      node - The resource to index
      documentType - The document type of the resource
      resourceRoot - The resource root, can be null. In that case, it will be computed for each resource.
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • doIndexResource

      protected void doIndexResource(Resource resource, String documentType, TraversableAmetysObject resourceRoot, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Add or update a resource into Solr index
      resource - The resource to index
      documentType - The document type of the resource
      resourceRoot - The resource root, can be null. In that case, it will be computed for each resource.
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • commit

      public void commit() throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, IOException
      Process a Solr commit operation in all workspaces.
      Use this only after a long operation with updates sent via NoAutoCommitUpdateClient
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - if there is an error on the server
      IOException - if there is a communication error with the server
    • commit

      public void commit(String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, IOException
      Process a Solr commit operation in given workspace.
      workspaceName - The workspace's name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - if there is an error on the server
      IOException - if there is a communication error with the server
    • optimize

      public void optimize(String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, IOException
      Launch a solr index optimization.
      workspaceName - The workspace's name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - if there is an error on the server
      IOException - if there is a communication error with the server
    • unindexAllDocuments

      public void unindexAllDocuments(String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Delete all documents from the solr index.
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while unindexing.
    • doUnindexDocument

      protected void doUnindexDocument(String id, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Delete a document from the Solr server.
      id - The id of the document to delete from Solr
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.
    • doUnindexContentAttachments

      protected void doUnindexContentAttachments(String contentId, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
      Delete content attachments documents of a given content from the Solr server.
      contentId - The id of the content
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      Exception - if an error occurs while indexing.