Interface ReferencingProperty<T,X extends ModelAwareDataAwareAmetysObject>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of the property values
X - Type of ametys object supported by this property
All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<ModelItem>, ElementDefinition<T>, Labelable, ModelItem, ModifiableLabelable, Property<T,X>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractElementsReferencingProperty, AbstractMultiTypedValuesProperty, AbstractMultiValuesProperty, ContentElementReferencingProperty, ElementReferencingProperty, MultiContentValuesProperty, MultiStringValuesProperty

public interface ReferencingProperty<T,X extends ModelAwareDataAwareAmetysObject> extends Property<T,X>
Interface for a property referencing ModelItems
  • Method Details

    • getReferences

      Retrieves the paths of the referenced model items
      the paths of the referenced model items