Interface SearchUICriterion

All Superinterfaces:
Field, SearchCriterion
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCustomSearchUICriterion, AbstractSearchUICriterion, CompatibleRegimesSearchUICriteria, ContentPrivacySearchUICriterion, DefaultSolrFilterSearchUICriterion, DynamicWrappedSearchUIModel.WrappedSearchUICriterion, IndexingFieldAggregatorSearchUICriterion, IndexingFieldSearchUICriterion, ODFContributorOrManagerSearchUICriteria, PageSearchUICriterion, ProgramItemContextSearchUICriteria, ShareableCoursePartSearchUICriteria, ShareableCourseSearchUICriteria, SolrFilterSearchUICriterion, SystemSearchUICriterion

public interface SearchUICriterion extends SearchCriterion
This class represents a search criterion of a SearchModel
  • Method Details

    • getFieldId

      Get the field identifier. Used to match standard, advanced and faceted criterion (even if the operator is different), whatever their ID is.
      the field identifier.
    • getGroup

      Get the group of the search criterion
      null if the search criterion does not belong to any group, the name of the group otherwise
    • getInitClassName

      Get the JS class name to execute on 'init' event
      the JS class name to execute on 'init' event
    • getSubmitClassName

      Get the JS class name to execute on 'submit' event
      the JS class name to execute on 'submit' event
    • getChangeClassName

      Get the JS class name to execute on 'change' event
      the JS class name to execute on 'change' event
    • isHidden

      boolean isHidden()
      Determines if the criterion is hidden
      true if the criterion is hidden
    • getWidget

      Retrieves the widget to use for rendering.
      the widget or null if none is defined.
    • getWidgetParameters

      Get the widget's parameters
      the widget's parameters
    • getValidator

      Retrieves the validator.
      the validator or null if none is defined.
    • getDefaultValue

      Retrieves the default value.
      If the criterion is hidden, this represents a fixed value for the criterion.
      the default value or null if none is defined.