Class UserPermissionsToolClientSideElement

All Implemented Interfaces:
ClientSideElement, LogEnabled, PluginAware, Configurable, Serviceable

Client side element of the tool displaying all the permissions for a given user
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • service

      public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      service in interface Serviceable
      service in class StaticFileImportsClientSideElement
    • getUserPermissions

      public Map<String,Object> getUserPermissions(String login, String populationId)
      Provided a user identity, this method will retrieve all permissions concerning this user ie permissions for anonymous, any connected user, user's groups, and the user itself
      login - the user login
      populationId - the user population
      a map with the key "data" containing the list of all the contexts and their permissions. And a key metaData containing a map used to reconfigure the store calling the callable The list of context is something like : [ { label: "foo", category: "bar", order: 0, <permissionKey>: { assignments: [accessResultInfo,…] accessResult: accessResult, } } ]
    • getUser

      public Map<String,Object> getUser(String login, String populationId)
      Get user's information
      login - The user's login
      populationId - The id of the population
      The user's information