Interface FileReloader

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSkinColorsComponent.ColorFileReloader, ContentViewParametersManager.ContentViewParametersReloader, DefaultStaticPageInitializer.PageModelReloader, FilteredContentsInputData, GlobalViewParametersManager.GlobalViewParametersReloader, HelpManager, ServiceViewParametersManager.ServiceViewParametersReloader, SitemapInputData, SkinSitemapDecorators, SkinSitemapIcons

public interface FileReloader
Represents a class able to handle a reloadable configuration file
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getId(String sourceUrl)
    Get an unique ID for this File Reloader
    updateFile(String sourceUrl, Source source, InputStream is)
    Update the file, the sourceUrl is only there if you manage multiple files, the Configuration object is already present to read it
  • Method Details

    • updateFile

      void updateFile(String sourceUrl, Source source, InputStream is) throws Exception
      Update the file, the sourceUrl is only there if you manage multiple files, the Configuration object is already present to read it
      sourceUrl - the url of the file.
      source - the source to read, can be null if no file was read
      is - the input stream to read, can be null if no file was read
      Exception - something went wrong while reading the inputstream
    • getId

      String getId(String sourceUrl)
      Get an unique ID for this File Reloader
      sourceUrl - this is passed as an argument if your class read multiple files. If it reads only one file, the full class name can be a good enough ID
      an unique ID