Interface CopyODFUpdater

All Known Subinterfaces:
CopyCatalogUpdater, CopyODFContentUpdater, ProgramTranslationUpdater
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProgramItemAttributeCopyUpdater, CoursePartHolderUpdater, EducationalBookletCopyUpdater, EducationalPathCopyUpdater, EtapePorteuseCourseCopyUpdater, MCCCopyUpdater, PilotageAttributeCopyUpdater, ProgramItemReferencesCopyUpdater, PublishableCopyUpdater, SCCCopyUpdater, ShareableCourseCopyUpdater, ThematicsUpdater, TranslationUpdater, WorkflowPilotageUpdater

public interface CopyODFUpdater
Interface to update ODF contents after a copy
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    updateContents(String initialCatalogName, String newCatalogName, Map<Content,Content> copiedContents, Content targetParentContent)
    Update contents after the full copy of an ODF content.
  • Method Details

    • updateContents

      void updateContents(String initialCatalogName, String newCatalogName, Map<Content,Content> copiedContents, Content targetParentContent)
      Update contents after the full copy of an ODF content. Implements this method when you need to do some stuff when all contents have been copied.
      initialCatalogName - the name of initial catalog
      newCatalogName - the name of new catalog
      copiedContents - the initial contents with their copied content
      targetParentContent - the target parent content where the contents are copied. Can be null.