Class ContentSaxer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Component, Contextualizable, Serviceable

public class ContentSaxer extends ContentSaxer
Generates SAX events for Content, including category, automatic and sent for Newsletters. TODO NEWATTRIBUTEAPI_CONTENT: do not use type implementation but the ModelAwareDataHolder#getInternalValue when this API exist
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • saxBody

      protected void saxBody(Content content, ContentHandler contentHandler, Locale locale, View view, String tagName, boolean saxWorkflowStep, boolean saxWorkflowInfo, boolean saxLanguageInfo, String attributesTagName, boolean isEdition, boolean renderDisableValues) throws SAXException
      Description copied from class: ContentSaxer
      Generates SAX events for the content data.
      saxBody in class ContentSaxer
      content - the Content.
      contentHandler - the ContentHandler receving SAX events.
      locale - the Locale to use for eg. multilingual attributes.
      view - the View or null to select all attributes.
      tagName - the surrounding tag name or null to SAX events without root tag.
      saxWorkflowStep - if true, also produces SAX events for the current workflow step.
      saxWorkflowInfo - if true, also produces SAX events for detailed information about the current workflow step.
      saxLanguageInfo - if true, also produces SAX events for detailed information about the content language.
      attributesTagName - the name of the tag surrounding attributes. Used for legacy purposes.
      isEdition - true if SAX events are generated in edition mode, false otherwise
      renderDisableValues - true to render disabled values, false otherwise
      SAXException - if an error occurs during the SAX events generation.
    • saxMetadata

      protected void saxMetadata(Content content, ContentHandler contentHandler) throws SAXException
      Generates SAX events for the newsletter's metadata.
      content - the newsletter
      contentHandler - the ContentHandler receiving SAX events.
      SAXException - if an error occurs during the SAX events generation.