Class NewsletterLocalURIResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:
URIResolver, Contextualizable, LogEnabled, Serviceable

Resolver for local uri in newsletters
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • service

      public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      service in interface Serviceable
      service in class LocalURIResolver
    • getType

      public String getType()
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Returns the type of links handled by this URIResolver.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface URIResolver
      getType in class LocalURIResolver
      the type of links handled by this URIResolver.
    • resolve

      public String resolve(String uri, boolean download, boolean absolute, boolean internal)
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Resolves a link URI for rendering purposes.
      The output must be a properly encoded path, relative to the webapp context, accessible from a browser.
      Specified by:
      resolve in interface URIResolver
      resolve in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      download - true if the pointed resource is to be downloaded.
      absolute - true if the url must be absolute
      internal - true to get an internal URI.
      the path to the resource.
    • resolveImage

      public String resolveImage(String uri, int height, int width, boolean download, boolean absolute, boolean internal)
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Resolves a link URI for rendering image.
      The output must be a properly encoded path, relative to the webapp context, accessible from a browser.
      Specified by:
      resolveImage in interface URIResolver
      resolveImage in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      height - the height of the image.
      width - the width of the image
      download - true if the pointed resource is to be downloaded.
      absolute - true if the url must be absolute
      internal - true to get an internal URI.
      the path to the image.
    • resolveBoundedImage

      public String resolveBoundedImage(String uri, int maxHeight, int maxWidth, boolean download, boolean absolute, boolean internal)
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Resolves a link URI for rendering image.
      The output must be a properly encoded path, relative to the webapp context, accessible from a browser.
      Specified by:
      resolveBoundedImage in interface URIResolver
      resolveBoundedImage in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      maxHeight - the max height
      maxWidth - the max width
      download - true if the pointed resource is to be downloaded.
      absolute - true if the url must be absolute
      internal - true to get an internal URI.
      the path to the image.
    • resolveCroppedImage

      public String resolveCroppedImage(String uri, int cropHeight, int cropWidth, boolean download, boolean absolute, boolean internal)
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Resolves a link URI for rendering image.
      The output must be a properly encoded path, relative to the webapp context, accessible from a browser.
      Specified by:
      resolveCroppedImage in interface URIResolver
      resolveCroppedImage in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      cropHeight - the crop height
      cropWidth - the crop width
      download - true if the pointed resource is to be downloaded.
      absolute - true if the url must be absolute
      internal - true to get an internal URI.
      the path to the image.
    • resolveImageAsBase64

      public String resolveImageAsBase64(String uri, int height, int width)
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Resolve an image and return it as a base64-encoded string.
      Specified by:
      resolveImageAsBase64 in interface URIResolver
      resolveImageAsBase64 in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      height - the height of the image.
      width - the width of the image
      a base64-encoded string representing the image.
    • resolveBoundedImageAsBase64

      public String resolveBoundedImageAsBase64(String uri, int maxHeight, int maxWidth)
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Resolve an image and return it as a base64-encoded string.
      Specified by:
      resolveBoundedImageAsBase64 in interface URIResolver
      resolveBoundedImageAsBase64 in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      maxHeight - the max height
      maxWidth - the max width
      a base64-encoded string representing the image.
    • resolveCroppedImageAsBase64

      public String resolveCroppedImageAsBase64(String uri, int cropHeight, int cropWidth)
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Resolve an image and return it as a base64-encoded string.
      Specified by:
      resolveCroppedImageAsBase64 in interface URIResolver
      resolveCroppedImageAsBase64 in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      cropHeight - the crop height
      cropWidth - the crop width
      a base64-encoded string representing the image.
    • _resolve

      protected String _resolve(String uri, boolean download, boolean absolute, boolean internal, String suffix)
      Resolves a link URI for rendering purposes.
      The output must be a properly encoded path, relative to the webapp context, accessible from a browser.
      _resolve in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      download - true if the pointed resource is to be downloaded.
      absolute - true if the url must be absolute
      internal - true to get an internal URI.
      suffix - The suffix to add to the resolved path
      the path to the resource.
    • _resolveImageAsBase64

      protected String _resolveImageAsBase64(String uri, int height, int width, int maxHeight, int maxWidth, int cropHeight, int cropWidth)
      Resolve image as base 64
      uri - the link URI.
      height - the specified height. Ignored if 0.
      width - the specified width. Ignored if 0.
      maxHeight - the maximum image height. Ignored if height or width is specified.
      maxWidth - the maximum image width. Ignored if height or width is specified.
      cropHeight - the cropping height. Ignored if 0.
      cropWidth - the cropping width. Ignored if 0.
      a base64-encoded string representing the image.
    • getMimeType

      public String getMimeType(String uri)
      Description copied from interface: URIResolver
      Get the mime type for the targeted URI.
      Specified by:
      getMimeType in interface URIResolver
      getMimeType in class LocalURIResolver
      uri - the link URI.
      the mime type, can be empty or null.