Interface ModifiableACLAmetysObject

All Superinterfaces:
ACLAmetysObject, AmetysObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
CommentableContent, Content, ContributorCommentableContent, ModifiableContent, ModifiableWebContent, ModifiableWorkflowAwareContent, SharedContent, WebContent, WorkflowAwareContent
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractColorableJCRTag, AbstractProgram, AbstractProgramPart, AbstractSitemapElement, AbstractSurveyElement, AbstractTraversableProgramPart, AmetysObjectCollection, Cart, CartContainer, CategoryJCR, CMSJCRTag, Container, Course, CourseList, CoursePart, DefaultAmetysObject, DefaultContent, DefaultLink, DefaultLockableAmetysObject, DefaultPage, DefaultSharedContent, DefaultTraversableAmetysObject, DefaultWebContent, DefaultWorkflowAwareContent, DefaultZone, Form, FormDirectory, FormPage, FormQuestion, JCRCalendar, JCRCalendarEvent, JCRCalendarResource, JCRCategory, JCRPost, JCRProjectMember, JCRResource, JCRResourcesCollection, JCRTag, JCRTask, JCRTasksList, JCRThread, JCRThread, KeywordJCR, ModifiableDefaultContent, ModifiableDefaultWebContent, OrgUnit, Person, Program, Project, ProjectTagJCR, Query, QueryContainer, RootAmetysObject, Site, Sitemap, SubProgram, Survey, SurveyPage, SurveyQuestion, ThemeJCR, ThemeJCR, Thesaurus, VersionComponentAmetysObject, VersionsAmetysObject

ACLAmetysObject that can store and modify its profile assignements.
  • Method Details

    • addAllowedProfilesForAnyConnectedUser

      Adds allowed profiles any connected user has on this ametys object
      profileIds - The profiles to add
    • removeAllowedProfilesForAnyConnectedUser

      Removes allowed profiles any connected user has on this ametys object
      profileIds - The profiles to remove
    • addDeniedProfilesForAnyConnectedUser

      Adds denied profiles any connected user has on this ametys object
      profileIds - The profiles to add
    • removeDeniedProfilesForAnyConnectedUser

      Removes denied profiles any connected user has on this ametys object
      profileIds - The profiles to remove
    • addAllowedProfilesForAnonymous

      Adds allowed profiles an anonymous user has on this ametys object
      profileIds - The profiles to add
    • removeAllowedProfilesForAnonymous

      Removes allowed profiles an anonymous user has on this ametys object
      profileIds - The profiles to remove
    • addDeniedProfilesForAnonymous

      Adds denied profiles an anonymous user has on this ametys object
      profileIds - The profiles to add
    • removeDeniedProfilesForAnonymous

      Removes denied profiles an anonymous user has on this ametys object
      profileIds - The profiles to remove
    • addAllowedUsers

      void addAllowedUsers(Set<UserIdentity> users, String profileId)
      Associates some users with an allowed profile on this ametys object
      users - The users to add
      profileId - The id of the profile
    • removeAllowedUsers

      void removeAllowedUsers(Set<UserIdentity> users, String profileId)
      Removes the association between some users and an allowed profile on this ametys object
      users - The users to remove
      profileId - The id of the profile
    • removeAllowedUsers

      Removes the association between some users and all allowed profiles on this ametys object
      users - The users to remove
    • addAllowedGroups

      void addAllowedGroups(Set<GroupIdentity> groups, String profileId)
      Associates some groups with an allowed profile on this ametys object
      groups - The groups to add
      profileId - The id of the profile
    • removeAllowedGroups

      void removeAllowedGroups(Set<GroupIdentity> groups, String profileId)
      Removes the association between some groups and an allowed profile on this ametys object
      groups - The groups to remove
      profileId - The id of the profile
    • removeAllowedGroups

      Removes the association between some groups and all allowed profiles on this ametys object
      groups - The groups to remove
    • addDeniedUsers

      void addDeniedUsers(Set<UserIdentity> users, String profileId)
      Associates some users with a denied profile on this ametys object
      users - The users to add
      profileId - The id of the profile
    • removeDeniedUsers

      void removeDeniedUsers(Set<UserIdentity> users, String profileId)
      Removes the association between some users and an denied profile on this ametys object
      users - The users to remove
      profileId - The id of the profile
    • removeDeniedUsers

      Removes the association between some users and all denied profiles on this ametys object
      users - The users to remove
    • addDeniedGroups

      void addDeniedGroups(Set<GroupIdentity> groups, String profileId)
      Associates some groups with an allowed profile on this ametys object
      groups - The groups to add
      profileId - The id of the profile
    • removeDeniedGroups

      void removeDeniedGroups(Set<GroupIdentity> groups, String profileId)
      Removes the association between some groups and an allowed profile on this ametys object
      groups - The groups to remove
      profileId - The id of the profile
    • removeDeniedGroups

      Removes the association between some groups and all allowed profiles on this ametys object
      groups - The groups to remove
    • disallowInheritance

      void disallowInheritance(boolean disallow)
      Allow or disallow inheritance of permissions
      disallow - true to disallow inheritance