Interface EnhancedCondition

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AmetysObjectCheckRightsCondition, AmetysObjectCurrentStepCondition, CheckCurrentUserContentCondition, CheckRightsCondition, ContentCheckRightsCondition, ContentCurrentStepCondition, CreateContentByCopyRightCondition, CreateContentRightCondition, ExplorerNodeCheckRightsCondition, FormCheckRightsCondition, HasLiveLabelCondition, IsSubmitterCondition, IsUserCondition, LockCondition, PublishableODFContentCondition, SendNewsPublicationNotificationCondition, ValidateContentCondition, ValidateProgramItemTreeCondition, ValidationStepCondition

public interface EnhancedCondition extends com.opensymphony.workflow.Condition
Interface for adding description and arguments to Condition
  • Method Details

    • getArguments

      Get the list of accepted arguments for this condition
      a List of argument names and associated description
    • getLabel

      Get the label for this condition
      the label
    • getFullLabel

      default I18nizableText getFullLabel(Map<String,String> argumentsValues)
      Get the condition label depending on arguments values
      argumentsValues - a map of the arguments with their values in current workflow
      a label to display in workflow editor vue
    • getVisibilities

      Get the condition's visibilities depending on rights
      a list of all the allowed right profiles