Interface ModelItemAccessor

All Known Subinterfaces:
ContentElementDefinition, ContentType, Model, ModelItemContainer, ModifiableUserDirectory, Service, SiteType, SynchronizableContentsCollectionModel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContentProperty, AttachmentsService, AutomaticContentType, CalendarSearchService, CatalogModel, CatalogSiteType, CompositeDefinition, ConfigManager, ContentAttributeDefinition, ContentConsistencyModel, ContentElementReferencingProperty, ContentRestrictedCompositeDefinition, ContentRestrictedRepeaterDefinition, DefaultContentElementDefinition, DefaultContentType, DefaultSiteType, DefaultSynchronizableContentsCollectionModel, ExplorerFolderService, FilteredContentsService, FilteredPagesService, FormService, HTMLContentType, JdbcUserDirectory, LinkDirectoryService, ModelItemGroup, ODFContentType, OrgUnitAncestorProperty, OverridenThematicsProperty, ParentContentSystemProperty, ParentProgramsProperty, ParentSubProgramsProperty, ProgramSkillsProperty, ProjectWorkspaceSiteType, RepeaterDefinition, SearchPagesService, SearchService, SelfAndParentOrgUnitsProperty, ServerDirectoryService, SitemapService, SkinParametersModel, StaticService, SurveyService, SyndicationService, ViewParametersModel

public interface ModelItemAccessor
Interface for objects that can access to some model items
  • Method Details

    • getChild

      default ModelItem getChild(String childName)
      Retrieves the child model item with the given name
      childName - name of the model item child to retrieve
      the child with the given name, or null if no child is found
    • getModelItem

      Retrieves the model item at given path
      itemPath - the item path
      the model item.
      UndefinedItemPathException - if there is no item defined at the given path
    • hasModelItem

      default boolean hasModelItem(String itemPath)
      Checks if there is an item defined with the given path
      itemPath - path of the item
      true if there is an item, false otherwise
    • getModelItems

      Retrieves all the model items of this accessor
      the model items