Class AbstractSiteCacheObserver

All Implemented Interfaces:
Observer, LogEnabled, Serviceable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractSurveyCacheObserver, InvalidateCacheOnContentCommentedObserver, InvalidateCacheOnContentDeletionObserver, InvalidateCacheOnContentPageModificationObserver, InvalidateCacheOnContentPageModificationObserver, InvalidateCacheOnContentReactionObserver, InvalidateCacheOnContentUnpublishObserver, InvalidateCacheOnContentValidationOrTaggingObserver, InvalidateCacheOnFormModifiedObserver, InvalidateCacheOnPageDeletionObserver, InvalidateCacheOnPageMinorChangeObserver, InvalidateCacheOnPageModificationObserver, InvalidateCacheOnPageMoveObserver, InvalidateCacheOnRobotsChangeObserver, InvalidateCacheOnZoneItemAdditionObserver, InvalidateCacheOnZoneItemDeletionObserver

public abstract class AbstractSiteCacheObserver extends AbstractCacheObserver implements Serviceable
Abstract Observer for invalidate site data.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • service

      public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      service in interface Serviceable
    • observe

      public void observe(Event event, Map<String,Object> transientVars) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Observer
      Observes an event.
      Specified by:
      observe in interface Observer
      event - the event.
      transientVars - transientVars passed from one Observer to another when processing a single Event. This may allow optimizations between observers.
      Exception - if an error occurs. All exceptions will be logged but not propagated, as the observation mechanism should never fail.
    • _getSite

      protected abstract Site _getSite(Event event)
      Retrieves the site needed for accessing the front-office.
      event - the event.
      the site or null if not found.
    • _internalObserve

      protected abstract void _internalObserve(Event event, Site site, javax.jcr.Session liveSession) throws Exception
      Observes the event with access to the target site and live workspace.
      event - the event.
      site - the site.
      liveSession - the session to the workspace live.
      Exception - if an error occurs.