Interface ServicesAssignmentHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ServicesAssignmentHandler
A ServicesAssignmentHandler is responsible for giving the available services for a given Zone. This list can be computed according any application needs, such as Rights of the logged in user, path of the Page, ...
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAvailableServices

      Returns the list of available services for a given Zone.
      page - the Page to consider
      zoneName - the zone name to consider
      the list of available services ' id for a given Page and Zone
    • limitAvailableServiceViews

      Set<String> limitAvailableServiceViews(Set<String> allViews, SitemapElement page, String zoneName, String serviceId)
      Returns the list of authorized view for a given Page, zone name and service
      allViews - All existing view to limit
      page - The page to consider
      zoneName - The zone name to consider
      serviceId - The service to consider
      The non null list of available views