002 *  Copyright 2015 Anyware Services
003 *
004 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 *  limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.ametys.web.indexing.solr;
018import java.io.IOException;
019import java.time.ZoneOffset;
020import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
021import java.util.ArrayList;
022import java.util.Arrays;
023import java.util.Collection;
024import java.util.HashSet;
025import java.util.List;
026import java.util.Locale;
027import java.util.Map;
028import java.util.Optional;
029import java.util.Set;
030import java.util.function.Function;
031import java.util.stream.Collectors;
033import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Component;
034import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context;
035import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.ContextException;
036import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Contextualizable;
037import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
038import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
039import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable;
040import org.apache.cocoon.components.ContextHelper;
041import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request;
042import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
043import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
044import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
045import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.UpdateResponse;
046import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
047import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputField;
049import org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrFieldNames;
050import org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrIndexer;
051import org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr.SolrResourceIndexer;
052import org.ametys.cms.contenttype.ContentTypesHelper;
053import org.ametys.cms.data.ContentValue;
054import org.ametys.cms.data.type.indexing.IndexableDataContext;
055import org.ametys.cms.data.type.indexing.IndexableElementType;
056import org.ametys.cms.data.type.indexing.IndexableElementTypeHelper;
057import org.ametys.cms.indexing.IndexingException;
058import org.ametys.cms.indexing.solr.AdditionalPropertyIndexer;
059import org.ametys.cms.indexing.solr.AdditionalPropertyIndexerExtensionPoint;
060import org.ametys.cms.repository.Content;
061import org.ametys.cms.search.query.AndQuery;
062import org.ametys.cms.search.query.DocumentTypeQuery;
063import org.ametys.cms.search.query.JoinQuery;
064import org.ametys.cms.search.query.OrQuery;
065import org.ametys.cms.search.query.Query;
066import org.ametys.cms.search.query.QuerySyntaxException;
067import org.ametys.cms.search.solr.SolrClientProvider;
068import org.ametys.cms.search.solr.field.FirstValidationSearchField;
069import org.ametys.cms.search.solr.field.LastMajorValidationSearchField;
070import org.ametys.cms.search.solr.field.LastModifiedSearchField;
071import org.ametys.cms.search.solr.field.LastValidationSearchField;
072import org.ametys.cms.tag.Tag;
073import org.ametys.cms.tag.TagHelper;
074import org.ametys.cms.tag.TagProviderExtensionPoint;
075import org.ametys.core.util.DateUtils;
076import org.ametys.plugins.explorer.resources.Resource;
077import org.ametys.plugins.explorer.resources.ResourceCollection;
078import org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysObject;
079import org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysObjectIterable;
080import org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysObjectResolver;
081import org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysRepositoryException;
082import org.ametys.plugins.repository.RepositoryConstants;
083import org.ametys.plugins.repository.data.holder.ModelAwareDataHolder;
084import org.ametys.plugins.repository.data.holder.group.ModelAwareComposite;
085import org.ametys.plugins.repository.data.holder.group.ModelAwareRepeater;
086import org.ametys.plugins.repository.data.holder.group.ModelAwareRepeaterEntry;
087import org.ametys.plugins.repository.model.CompositeDefinition;
088import org.ametys.plugins.repository.model.RepeaterDefinition;
089import org.ametys.plugins.repository.model.RepositoryDataContext;
090import org.ametys.plugins.repository.provider.RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector;
091import org.ametys.runtime.model.ElementDefinition;
092import org.ametys.runtime.model.ModelItem;
093import org.ametys.runtime.model.type.DataContext;
094import org.ametys.runtime.model.type.ElementType;
095import org.ametys.runtime.model.type.ModelItemTypeConstants;
096import org.ametys.runtime.plugin.component.AbstractLogEnabled;
097import org.ametys.web.WebConstants;
098import org.ametys.web.indexing.solr.page.attachment.PageVisibleAttachmentIndexerExtensionPoint;
099import org.ametys.web.repository.page.Page;
100import org.ametys.web.repository.page.Page.PageType;
101import org.ametys.web.repository.page.Zone;
102import org.ametys.web.repository.page.ZoneItem;
103import org.ametys.web.repository.page.ZoneItem.ZoneType;
104import org.ametys.web.repository.site.Site;
105import org.ametys.web.repository.sitemap.Sitemap;
106import org.ametys.web.search.query.PageAttachmentQuery;
107import org.ametys.web.search.query.PageQuery;
108import org.ametys.web.service.Service;
109import org.ametys.web.service.ServiceExtensionPoint;
112 * Component responsible for indexing a page with all its contents.
113 */
114public class SolrPageIndexer extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Component, Serviceable, SolrWebFieldNames, Contextualizable
116    /** The avalon role. */
117    public static final String ROLE = SolrPageIndexer.class.getName();
119    /** The Solr client provider */
120    protected SolrClientProvider _solrClientProvider;
121    /** The Solr indexer */
122    protected SolrIndexer _solrIndexer;
123    /** Solr Ametys resources indexer */
124    protected SolrResourceIndexer _solrResourceIndexer;
125    /** The extension point for PageVisibleAttachmentIndexers */
126    protected PageVisibleAttachmentIndexerExtensionPoint _pageVisibleAttachmentIndexerEP;
127    /** The additional property indexer extension point. */
128    protected AdditionalPropertyIndexerExtensionPoint _additionalPropertiesIndexerEP;
129    /** The tag provider extension point. */
130    protected TagProviderExtensionPoint _tagProviderEP;
132    /** The service extension point. */
133    protected ServiceExtensionPoint _serviceExtensionPoint;
134    /** The Ametys object resolver*/
135    protected AmetysObjectResolver _ametysObjectResolver;
136    /** The avalon context */
137    protected Context _context;
139    private ContentTypesHelper _cTypesHelper;
141    @Override
142    public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
143    {
144        _ametysObjectResolver = (AmetysObjectResolver) manager.lookup(AmetysObjectResolver.ROLE);
145        _solrIndexer = (SolrIndexer) manager.lookup(SolrIndexer.ROLE);
146        _solrResourceIndexer = (SolrResourceIndexer) manager.lookup(SolrResourceIndexer.ROLE);
147        _pageVisibleAttachmentIndexerEP = (PageVisibleAttachmentIndexerExtensionPoint) manager.lookup(PageVisibleAttachmentIndexerExtensionPoint.ROLE);
148        _solrClientProvider = (SolrClientProvider) manager.lookup(SolrClientProvider.ROLE);
149        _serviceExtensionPoint = (ServiceExtensionPoint) manager.lookup(ServiceExtensionPoint.ROLE);
150        _additionalPropertiesIndexerEP = (AdditionalPropertyIndexerExtensionPoint) manager.lookup(AdditionalPropertyIndexerExtensionPoint.ROLE);
151        _tagProviderEP = (TagProviderExtensionPoint) manager.lookup(TagProviderExtensionPoint.ROLE);
152        _cTypesHelper = (ContentTypesHelper) manager.lookup(ContentTypesHelper.ROLE);
153    }
155    public void contextualize(Context context) throws ContextException
156    {
157        _context = context;
158    }
160    /**
161     * Index a page and eventually its children, recursively, in all workspaces and commit<br>
162     * By default, children pages will be actually indexed if indexRecursively is true and if those pages are not already indexed.
163     * @param pageId the page to be indexed.
164     * @param indexRecursively to also process children pages.
165     * @param indexAttachments to index page attachments
166     * @throws Exception if an error occurs during indexation.
167     */
168    public void indexPage(String pageId, boolean indexRecursively, boolean indexAttachments) throws Exception
169    {
170        indexPage(pageId, RepositoryConstants.DEFAULT_WORKSPACE, indexRecursively, indexAttachments);
171        indexPage(pageId, WebConstants.LIVE_WORKSPACE, indexRecursively, indexAttachments);
172    }
174    /**
175     * Index a page and eventually its children, recursively.<br>
176     * By default, children pages will be actually indexed if indexRecursively is true and if those pages are not already indexed.
177     * @param pageId the page to be indexed.
178     * @param workspaceName the workspace where to index
179     * @param indexRecursively to also process children pages.
180     * @param indexAttachments to index page attachments
181     * @throws IndexingException if an error occurs during indexation.
182     */
183    public void indexPage(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean indexRecursively, boolean indexAttachments) throws IndexingException
184    {
185        SolrClient solrClient = _solrClientProvider.getUpdateClient(workspaceName, true);
186        indexPage(pageId, workspaceName, indexRecursively, indexAttachments, solrClient);
187    }
189    /**
190     * Index a page and eventually its children, recursively.<br>
191     * By default, children pages will be actually indexed if indexRecursively is true and if those pages are not already indexed.
192     * @param pageId the page to be indexed.
193     * @param workspaceName the workspace where to index
194     * @param indexRecursively to also process children pages.
195     * @param indexAttachments to index page attachments
196     * @param solrClient The solr client to use
197     * @throws IndexingException if an error occurs during indexation.
198     */
199    public void indexPage(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean indexRecursively, boolean indexAttachments, SolrClient solrClient) throws IndexingException
200    {
201        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
203        // Retrieve the current workspace.
204        String currentWsp = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
205        // Retrieve the current site name.
206        String currentSiteName = (String) request.getAttribute("siteName");
208        try
209        {
210            // Force the workspace.
211            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, workspaceName);
213            getLogger().debug("Indexing page: {}", pageId);
215            if (_ametysObjectResolver.hasAmetysObjectForId(pageId)) // In 'live' the page may not exist
216            {
217                Page page = _ametysObjectResolver.resolveById(pageId);
218                _indexPage(page, workspaceName, indexRecursively, indexAttachments, solrClient);
219            }
220        }
221        catch (AmetysRepositoryException e)
222        {
223            String error = String.format("Failed to index page %s in workspace %s", pageId, workspaceName);
224            getLogger().error(error, e);
225            throw new IndexingException(error, e);
226        }
227        finally
228        {
229            // Restore the site name.
230            request.setAttribute("siteName", currentSiteName);
231            // Restore context
232            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, currentWsp);
233        }
234    }
236    private void _indexPage(Page page, String workspaceName, boolean indexRecursively, boolean indexAttachments, SolrClient solrClient) throws IndexingException
237    {
238        getLogger().info("Indexing page: {} in workspace '{}'", page, workspaceName);
240        SolrInputDocument document = new SolrInputDocument();
242        try
243        {
244            // Prepare the solr input document by adding fields.
245            _populatePageDocument(page, document);
247            // Set the additional properties in the document.
248            _populateAdditionalProperties(page, document);
250            // Indexation of ACL initial values
251            _solrIndexer.indexAclInitValues(page, document);
253            // Indexation of the document
254            _indexPageDocument(page, document, workspaceName, solrClient);
256            // Index page attachments documents
257            if (indexAttachments)
258            {
259                _indexPageAttachments(page.getRootAttachments(), page, solrClient);
260            }
261        }
262        catch (Exception e)
263        {
264            String error = String.format("Failed to index page %s in workspace %s", page.getId(), workspaceName);
265            getLogger().error(error, e);
266            throw new IndexingException(error, e);
267        }
269        if (indexRecursively)
270        {
271            AmetysObjectIterable<? extends Page> children = page.getChildrenPages();
272            for (Page child : children)
273            {
274                // FIXME index child pages if (and only if) not indexed... see original source.
275//                indexPage(child, false, indexRecursively);
276//                indexPage(child, false);
277                _indexPage(child, workspaceName, indexRecursively, indexAttachments, solrClient);
278            }
279        }
280    }
282    /**
283     * Populate the solr input document by adding fields to index.
284     * @param page the page to index.
285     * @param document the solr input document
286     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong when processing the indexation of the page
287     */
288    protected void _populatePageDocument(Page page, SolrInputDocument document) throws Exception
289    {
290        Sitemap sitemap = page.getSitemap();
291        String sitemapName = sitemap.getName();
292        Site site = page.getSite();
293        String siteName = site.getName();
294        String pageId = page.getId();
295        String pageTitle = page.getTitle();
296        String pageLongTitle = page.getLongTitle();
297        String language = sitemapName;
299        // Page id and type
300        document.addField(SolrFieldNames.ID, pageId);
301        document.addField(SolrFieldNames.DOCUMENT_TYPE, SolrWebFieldNames.TYPE_PAGE);
303        // Fulltext
304        IndexableDataContext context = IndexableDataContext.newInstance()
305                                         .withLocale(new Locale(language));
306        IndexableElementTypeHelper.indexFulltextValue(document, pageTitle, context);
307        if (!pageTitle.equals(pageLongTitle))
308        {
309            IndexableElementTypeHelper.indexFulltextValue(document, pageLongTitle, context);
310        }
312        // Page title
313        _indexStringFields(document, pageId, PAGE_TITLE, pageTitle, language);
314        // Page long title
315        _indexStringFields(document, pageId, PAGE_LONG_TITLE, pageLongTitle, language);
316        // Title for sorting
317        document.addField(TITLE_SORT, pageTitle);
319        document.addField(TEMPLATE, page.getTemplate());
320        document.addField(PAGE_TYPE, page.getType().name());
321        document.addField(PAGE_DEPTH, page.getDepth());
323        // Contents (page title shoud be indexed before because the main content can override it).
324        _populatePageContentsDocument(page, document);
326        // Parent of the page
327        AmetysObject parent = page.getParent();
328        if (parent != null)
329        {
330            document.addField(PAGE_PARENT_ID, parent.getId());
331        }
333        // Ancestors of the page
334        List<String> ancestorIds = new ArrayList<>();
335        while (parent instanceof Page)
336        {
337            ancestorIds.add(parent.getId());
338            parent = parent.getParent();
339        }
340        document.addField(PAGE_ANCESTOR_IDS, ancestorIds);
342        document.addField(SITE_NAME, siteName);
343        document.addField(SITEMAP_NAME, sitemapName);
344        document.addField(SITE_TYPE, site.getType());
346        // Page tags (strict and tags including ancestor pages).
347        Set<String> tags = page.getTags()
348                .stream()
349                .filter(tagName -> _tagProviderEP.hasTag(tagName, Map.of("siteName", page.getSiteName())))
350                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
351        document.addField(SolrFieldNames.TAGS, tags);
352        document.addField(SolrFieldNames.ALL_TAGS, _getTagsWithAncestors(page));
354        _populateDatesOfPage(page, document);
356        // Attachments
357        _solrResourceIndexer.indexResourceCollection(page.getRootAttachments(), document, language);
358        Optional.ofNullable(page.getRootAttachments())
359                .map(AmetysObject::getId)
360                .ifPresent(id -> document.addField(PAGE_OUTGOING_REFEERENCES_RESOURCE_IDS, id));
361        _indexVisibleAttachments(page, document);
362    }
364    private void _indexVisibleAttachments(Page page, SolrInputDocument document)
365    {
366        Collection<String> values = _pageVisibleAttachmentIndexerEP.getExtensionsIds()
367                .stream()
368                .map(_pageVisibleAttachmentIndexerEP::getExtension)
369                .map(attachmentIndexer -> attachmentIndexer.getVisibleAttachmentIds(page))
370                .flatMap(Collection::stream)
371                .collect(Collectors.toList());
372        document.addField(PAGE_VISIBLE_ATTACHMENT_RESOURCE_IDS, values);
373    }
375    /**
376     * Populate the solr input document with dates from the page
377     * @param page The page
378     * @param document The Solr document
379     */
380    protected void _populateDatesOfPage(Page page, SolrInputDocument document)
381    {
382        // Page last modification date
383        ZonedDateTime lastModified = _getLastModificationDate(page);
384        if (lastModified != null)
385        {
386            String lastModifiedStr = DateUtils.zonedDateTimeToString(lastModified, ZoneOffset.UTC);
387            // For 'new' search service
388            document.addField(LastModifiedSearchField.NAME, lastModifiedStr);
389            // For 'old' search service
390            document.addField(LAST_MODIFIED + "_dt", lastModifiedStr);
391        }
393        // Page last validation date
394        ZonedDateTime lastValidation = _getLastValidationDate(page);
395        if (lastValidation != null)
396        {
397            String lastValidationStr = DateUtils.zonedDateTimeToString(lastValidation, ZoneOffset.UTC);
398            // For 'new' search service
399            document.addField(LastValidationSearchField.NAME, lastValidationStr);
400        }
402        // Page first validation date
403        ZonedDateTime firstValidation = _getFirstValidationDate(page);
404        if (firstValidation != null)
405        {
406            String firstValidationStr = DateUtils.zonedDateTimeToString(firstValidation, ZoneOffset.UTC);
407            // For 'new' search service
408            document.addField(FirstValidationSearchField.NAME, firstValidationStr);
409        }
411        // Page last major validation date
412        ZonedDateTime lastMajorValidation = _getLastMajorValidationDate(page);
413        if (lastMajorValidation != null)
414        {
415            String lastMajorValidationStr = DateUtils.zonedDateTimeToString(lastMajorValidation, ZoneOffset.UTC);
416            // For 'new' search service
417            document.addField(LastMajorValidationSearchField.NAME, lastMajorValidationStr);
418        }
420        // date for sorting
421        SolrInputField dateField = document.getField(DATE_FOR_SORTING);
422        if (dateField == null)
423        {
424            Collection<Object> oDateValues = document.getFieldValues(CONTENT_INTERESTING_DATES);
425            if (oDateValues != null && !oDateValues.isEmpty())
426            {
427                document.setField(DATE_FOR_SORTING, oDateValues.iterator().next());
428            }
429        }
430    }
432    private void _indexStringFields(SolrInputDocument document, String documentId, String fieldName, String fieldValue, String language)
433    {
434        String possiblyTruncatedValue = SolrIndexer.truncateUtf8StringValue(fieldValue, getLogger(), documentId, fieldName);
436        document.addField(fieldName, possiblyTruncatedValue);
437        document.addField(fieldName + "_txt_" + language, fieldValue);
438        document.addField(fieldName + "_txt_stemmed_" + language, fieldValue);
439        document.addField(fieldName + "_txt_ws_" + language, fieldValue);
441        document.addField(fieldName + "_s_lower", possiblyTruncatedValue.toLowerCase());
442        document.addField(fieldName + "_s_ws", fieldValue.toLowerCase());
443        document.addField(fieldName + "_txt", fieldValue);
444    }
445    /**
446     * Get all the page tags with their ancestors.
447     * @param page The page.
448     * @return All the page tags with their ancestors.
449     */
450    protected Set<String> _getTagsWithAncestors(Page page)
451    {
452        Set<String> allTags = new HashSet<>(page.getTags());
454        Map<String, Object> tagParams = Map.of("siteName", page.getSiteName());
456        for (String tagName : page.getTags())
457        {
458            allTags.add(tagName);
460            // Get the ancestor tags
461            Tag tag = _tagProviderEP.getTag(tagName, tagParams);
462            for (Tag ancestor : TagHelper.getAncestors(tag, false))
463            {
464                allTags.add(ancestor.getName());
465            }
466        }
468        return allTags;
469    }
471    /**
472     * Index the content of the page.<p>
473     * @param page the page to index.
474     * @param document the document to populate.
475     * @throws Exception if an error occurs.
476     */
477    protected void _populatePageContentsDocument(Page page, SolrInputDocument document) throws Exception
478    {
479        if (page.getType() == PageType.CONTAINER)
480        {
481            for (Zone zone : page.getZones())
482            {
483                AmetysObjectIterable<? extends ZoneItem> zoneItems = zone.getZoneItems();
484                for (ZoneItem zoneItem : zoneItems)
485                {
486                    if (zoneItem.getType() == ZoneType.CONTENT)
487                    {
488                        try
489                        {
490                            Content content = zoneItem.getContent();
491                            document.addField(CONTENT_IDS, content.getId());
493                            for (String cType : content.getTypes())
494                            {
495                                document.addField(PAGE_CONTENT_TYPES, cType);
496                                document.addField(PAGE_CONTENT_TYPES + "_s_dv", cType); // facets
497                            }
499                            _indexFacetableFields(content, document);
500                        }
501                        catch (AmetysRepositoryException e)
502                        {
503                            getLogger().error("Failed to index content referenced in the page {}/{}/{} ({} in zoneitem {})", page.getSiteName(), page.getSitemapName(), page.getPathInSitemap(), page.getId(), zoneItem.getId(), e);
504                        }
505                    }
506                    else if (zoneItem.getType() == ZoneType.SERVICE)
507                    {
508                        try
509                        {
510                            String serviceId = zoneItem.getServiceId();
511                            document.addField(SERVICE_IDS, serviceId);
513                            Service service = _serviceExtensionPoint.getExtension(serviceId);
514                            if (service == null)
515                            {
516                                getLogger().error("The service id '{}' does not exist. It is referenced in the page {}/{}/{} ({} in zoneitem {})", serviceId, page.getSiteName(), page.getSitemapName(), page.getPathInSitemap(), page.getId(), zoneItem.getId());
517                            }
518                            else
519                            {
520                                service.index(zoneItem, document);
521                            }
522                        }
523                        catch (AmetysRepositoryException e)
524                        {
525                            getLogger().error("Failed to index service referenced in the page {}/{}/{} ({} in zoneitem {})", page.getSiteName(), page.getSitemapName(), page.getPathInSitemap(), page.getId(), zoneItem.getId(), e);
526                        }
528                    }
529                }
530            }
531        }
532    }
534    /**
535     * Index the facetable fields of a content into the page solr document
536     * @param content The content
537     * @param document The main page solr document.
538     */
539    protected void _indexFacetableFields(Content content, SolrInputDocument document)
540    {
541        try
542        {
543            String[] allContentTypes = ArrayUtils.addAll(content.getTypes(), content.getMixinTypes());
544            for (ModelItem modelItem : _cTypesHelper.getModelItems(allContentTypes))
545            {
546                DataContext context = RepositoryDataContext.newInstance()
547                                                           .withObject(content);
549                Optional.ofNullable(content.getLanguage())
550                        .map(Locale::new)
551                        .ifPresent(context::withLocale);
553                _findAndIndexFacetableField(document, content, modelItem, context);
554            }
555        }
556        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
557        {
558            getLogger().error("indexContent > Error getting the model items of content " + content.getId(), e);
559            throw new RuntimeException("indexContent > Error getting the model items of content " + content.getId(), e);
560        }
561    }
563    /**
564     * Index the facetable fields of a data holder into the page solr document
565     * @param pageDocument The Solr page document
566     * @param dataHolder the parent data holder
567     * @param modelItem the model item
568     * @param context the context of the data to index
569     */
570    protected void _findAndIndexFacetableField(SolrInputDocument pageDocument, ModelAwareDataHolder dataHolder, ModelItem modelItem, DataContext context)
571    {
572        String dataName = modelItem.getName();
573        if (dataHolder.hasValue(dataName))
574        {
575            if (modelItem instanceof ElementDefinition elementDefinition)
576            {
577                DataContext newContext = context.cloneContext()
578                                                .addSegmentToDataPath(dataName);
580                Collection<String> values = _getValuesToIndex(dataHolder, elementDefinition, newContext);
581                for (String value : values)
582                {
583                    pageDocument.addField(FACETABLE_CONTENT_FIELD_PREFIX + dataName + "_s_dv", value);
584                }
585            }
586            else if (modelItem instanceof RepeaterDefinition repeaterDefinition)
587            {
588                ModelAwareRepeater repeater = dataHolder.getRepeater(dataName);
589                for (ModelAwareRepeaterEntry entry : repeater.getEntries())
590                {
591                    DataContext newContext = context.cloneContext()
592                                                    .addSegmentToDataPath(dataName + "[" + entry.getPosition() + "]");
594                    for (ModelItem child : repeaterDefinition.getModelItems())
595                    {
596                        _findAndIndexFacetableField(pageDocument, entry, child, newContext);
597                    }
598                }
599            }
600            else if (modelItem instanceof CompositeDefinition compositeDefinition)
601            {
602                ModelAwareComposite composite = dataHolder.getComposite(dataName);
603                DataContext newContext = context.cloneContext()
604                                                .addSegmentToDataPath(dataName);
606                for (ModelItem child : compositeDefinition.getModelItems())
607                {
608                    _findAndIndexFacetableField(pageDocument, composite, child, newContext);
609                }
610            }
611        }
612    }
614    /**
615     * Retrieves the values to index if the field is facetable, or an empty collection
616     * @param dataHolder the data holder
617     * @param elementDefinition the definition of the field
618     * @param context the context of the data to index
619     * @return the values to index if the field is facetable, or an empty collection
620     */
621    protected Collection<String> _getValuesToIndex(ModelAwareDataHolder dataHolder, ElementDefinition elementDefinition, DataContext context)
622    {
623        String dataName = elementDefinition.getName();
624        ElementType type = elementDefinition.getType();
625        if (type instanceof IndexableElementType indexingElementType)
626        {
627            if (ModelItemTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE_ID.equals(type.getId()) && indexingElementType.isFacetable(context))
628            {
629                Object value = dataHolder.getValue(dataName, true);
630                if (value instanceof String[] stringValues)
631                {
632                    return Arrays.asList(stringValues);
633                }
634                else if (value instanceof String stringValue)
635                {
636                    return List.of(stringValue);
637                }
638            }
639            else if (org.ametys.cms.data.type.ModelItemTypeConstants.CONTENT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID.equals(type.getId()))
640            {
641                Object value = dataHolder.getValue(dataName, true);
642                if (value instanceof ContentValue[] contentValues)
643                {
644                    return Arrays.stream(contentValues)
645                            .map(ContentValue::getContentId)
646                            .collect(Collectors.toList());
647                }
648                else if (value instanceof ContentValue contentValue)
649                {
650                    return List.of(contentValue.getContentId());
651                }
652            }
653        }
655        return List.of();
656    }
658    /**
659     * Computes the last modification date of a page.
660     * @param page the page.
661     * @return the last modification date or <code>null</code>.
662     */
663    protected ZonedDateTime _getLastModificationDate(Page page)
664    {
665        return _getLastDate(page, Content::getLastModified);
666    }
667    /**
668     * Computes the first validation date of a page.
669     * @param page the page.
670     * @return the first validation date or <code>null</code>.
671     */
672    protected ZonedDateTime _getFirstValidationDate(Page page)
673    {
674        return _getFirstDate(page, Content::getFirstValidationDate);
675    }
677    /**
678     * Computes the last validation date of a page.
679     * @param page the page.
680     * @return the last validation date or <code>null</code>.
681     */
682    protected ZonedDateTime _getLastValidationDate(Page page)
683    {
684        return _getLastDate(page, Content::getLastValidationDate);
685    }
687    /**
688     * Computes the last major validation date of a page.
689     * @param page the page.
690     * @return the last major validation date or <code>null</code>.
691     */
692    protected ZonedDateTime _getLastMajorValidationDate(Page page)
693    {
694        return _getLastDate(page, Content::getLastMajorValidationDate);
695    }
697    /**
698     * Computes a "last date" of a page, using the simple and naive following algorithm:
699     * <br>From all the dates from each of its contents, keep the greatest of them.
700     * @param page the page.
701     * @param dateRetriever The function to retrieve a Date from a Content of the Page
702     * @return the "last date" or <code>null</code>.
703     */
704    protected ZonedDateTime _getLastDate(Page page, Function<Content, ZonedDateTime> dateRetriever)
705    {
706        ZonedDateTime last = null;
708        if (page.getType() == PageType.CONTAINER)
709        {
710            for (Zone zone : page.getZones())
711            {
712                AmetysObjectIterable<? extends ZoneItem> zoneItems = zone.getZoneItems();
713                for (ZoneItem zoneItem : zoneItems)
714                {
715                    switch (zoneItem.getType())
716                    {
717                        case SERVICE:
718                            // A service has no last date
719                            break;
720                        case CONTENT:
721                            try
722                            {
723                                ZonedDateTime contentLast = dateRetriever.apply(zoneItem.getContent());
725                                if (contentLast != null && (last == null || contentLast.isAfter(last)))
726                                {
727                                    // Keep the latest date
728                                    last = contentLast;
729                                }
730                            }
731                            catch (AmetysRepositoryException e)
732                            {
733                                getLogger().error("Failed to index last date for content in page {}/{}/{} ({} in zoneitem {})", page.getSiteName(), page.getSitemapName(), page.getPathInSitemap(), page.getId(), zoneItem.getId(), e);
734                            }
735                            break;
736                        default:
737                            break;
738                    }
739                }
740            }
741        }
743        return last;
744    }
746    /**
747     * Computes a "first date" of a page, using the simple and naive following algorithm:
748     * <br>From all the dates from each of its contents, keep the lowest of them.
749     * @param page the page.
750     * @param dateRetriever The function to retrieve a Date from a Content of the Page
751     * @return the "first date" or <code>null</code>.
752     */
753    protected ZonedDateTime _getFirstDate(Page page, Function<Content, ZonedDateTime> dateRetriever)
754    {
755        ZonedDateTime first = null;
757        if (page.getType() == PageType.CONTAINER)
758        {
759            for (Zone zone : page.getZones())
760            {
761                AmetysObjectIterable<? extends ZoneItem> zoneItems = zone.getZoneItems();
762                for (ZoneItem zoneItem : zoneItems)
763                {
764                    switch (zoneItem.getType())
765                    {
766                        case SERVICE:
767                            // A service has no first date
768                            break;
769                        case CONTENT:
770                            try
771                            {
772                                ZonedDateTime contentFirst = dateRetriever.apply(zoneItem.getContent());
774                                if (contentFirst != null && (first == null || contentFirst.isBefore(first)))
775                                {
776                                    // Keep the lowest date
777                                    first = contentFirst;
778                                }
779                            }
780                            catch (AmetysRepositoryException e)
781                            {
782                                getLogger().error("Failed to index first date for content in page {}/{}/{} ({} in zoneitem {})", page.getSiteName(), page.getSitemapName(), page.getPathInSitemap(), page.getId(), zoneItem.getId(), e);
783                            }
784                            break;
785                        default:
786                            break;
787                    }
788                }
789            }
790        }
792        return first;
793    }
795    /**
796     * Populate the solr input document by adding fields to index.
797     * @param page the page to index.
798     * @param document the solr input document
799     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong when processing the indexation of the page
800     */
801    protected void _populateAdditionalProperties(Page page, SolrInputDocument document) throws Exception
802    {
803        Collection<AdditionalPropertyIndexer> indexers = _additionalPropertiesIndexerEP.getIndexers("page");
804        for (AdditionalPropertyIndexer indexer : indexers)
805        {
806            indexer.index(page, document);
807        }
808    }
810    /**
811     * Index page attachments as new entries in the index.
812     * @param collection the collection of attachments
813     * @param page the page whose attachments will be indexed
814     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong when indexing the attachments of the page
815     */
816    public void indexPageAttachments(ResourceCollection collection, Page page) throws Exception
817    {
818        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
819        String workspaceName = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
820        SolrClient solrClient = _solrClientProvider.getUpdateClient(workspaceName);
821        _indexPageAttachments(collection, page, solrClient);
822    }
824    private void _indexPageAttachments(ResourceCollection collection, Page page, SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
825    {
826        if (collection == null)
827        {
828            return;
829        }
831        AmetysObjectIterable<AmetysObject> children = collection.getChildren();
832        for (AmetysObject object : children)
833        {
834            if (object instanceof ResourceCollection)
835            {
836                _indexPageAttachments((ResourceCollection) object, page, solrClient);
837            }
838            else if (object instanceof Resource)
839            {
840                Resource resource = (Resource) object;
841                _indexPageAttachment(resource, page, solrClient);
842            }
843        }
844    }
846    /**
847     * Index a page attachment
848     * @param resource the page attachment as a {@link Resource}
849     * @param page the page whose attachment is going to be indexed
850     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong when processing the indexation of the page attachment
851     */
852    public void indexPageAttachment(Resource resource, Page page) throws Exception
853    {
854        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
855        String workspaceName = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
856        SolrClient solrClient = _solrClientProvider.getUpdateClient(workspaceName);
857        _indexPageAttachment(resource, page, solrClient);
858    }
860    private void _indexPageAttachment(Resource resource, Page page, SolrClient solrClient) throws Exception
861    {
862        SolrInputDocument document = new SolrInputDocument();
864        // Prepare resource doc
865        _populatePageAttachmentDocument(resource, document, page);
867        // Indexation of the document
868        _indexResourceDocument(resource, document, solrClient);
869    }
871    private void _populatePageAttachmentDocument(Resource resource, SolrInputDocument document, Page page) throws Exception
872    {
873        String language = page.getSitemapName();
875        _solrResourceIndexer.indexResource(resource, document, TYPE_PAGE_RESOURCE, language);
877        Site site = page.getSite();
878        // site name - Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED
879        document.addField(SolrWebFieldNames.SITE_NAME, site.getName());
881        // site type - Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED
882        document.addField(SolrWebFieldNames.SITE_TYPE, site.getType());
884        // Added for Solr.
885        // Page site map name - Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED
886        document.addField(SITEMAP_NAME, page.getSitemapName());
888        // Need the id of the page for unindexing attachment during the unindexing of the page
889        document.addField(ATTACHMENT_PAGE_ID, page.getId());
890    }
892    /**
893     * Index a populated solr input document of type Page.
894     * @param page the page from which the input document is created
895     * @param document the input document to add to the solr index
896     * @param workspaceName The workspace name
897     * @param solrClient The solr client to use
898     * @throws SolrServerException if there is an error on the Solr server
899     * @throws IOException if there is a communication error with the server
900     */
901    protected void _indexPageDocument(Page page, SolrInputDocument document, String workspaceName, SolrClient solrClient) throws SolrServerException, IOException
902    {
903        // Retrieve appropriate solr client
904        String collectionName = _solrClientProvider.getCollectionName(workspaceName);
906        // Add document
907        UpdateResponse solrResponse = solrClient.add(collectionName, document);
908        int status = solrResponse.getStatus();
910        if (status != 0)
911        {
912            throw new IOException("Ametys Page indexing - Expecting status code of '0' in the Solr response but got : '" + status + "'. Page id : " + page.getId());
913        }
915        getLogger().debug("Successful page indexing. Page identifier : {}", page.getId());
916    }
918    /**
919     * Index a populated solr input document of type Resource.
920     * @param resource the resource from which the input document is created
921     * @param document the input document
922     * @param solrClient The solr client to use
923     * @throws SolrServerException if there is an error on the server
924     * @throws IOException if there is a communication error with the server
925     */
926    protected void _indexResourceDocument(Resource resource, SolrInputDocument document, SolrClient solrClient) throws SolrServerException, IOException
927    {
928        // Retrieve appropriate solr client
929        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
930        String workspaceName = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
931        String collectionName = _solrClientProvider.getCollectionName(workspaceName);
933        // Add document
934        UpdateResponse solrResponse = solrClient.add(collectionName, document);
935        int status = solrResponse.getStatus();
937        if (status != 0)
938        {
939            throw new IOException("Ametys Page indexing - Expecting status code of '0' in the Solr response but got : '" + status + "'. Resource id : " + resource.getId());
940        }
942        getLogger().debug("Successful resource indexing. Resource identifier : {}", resource.getId());
943    }
945    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
947    /**
948     * Un-index a page by its ID  for all workspaces and commit
949     * @param pageId The page ID.
950     * @param unindexRecursively also unindex child pages if requested.
951     * @param unindexAttachments also unindex page attachments
952     * @throws Exception if an error occurs during index update.
953     */
954    public void unindexPage(String pageId, boolean unindexRecursively, boolean unindexAttachments) throws Exception
955    {
956        unindexPage(pageId, RepositoryConstants.DEFAULT_WORKSPACE, unindexRecursively, unindexAttachments);
957        unindexPage(pageId, WebConstants.LIVE_WORKSPACE, unindexRecursively, unindexAttachments);
958    }
960    /**
961     * De-index a page (and optionally its children pages).
962     * @param pageId the page to be de-indexed.
963     * @param workspaceName The workspace where to work in 
964     * @param unindexRecursively also unindex child pages if requested.
965     * @param unindexAttachments also unindex page attachments
966     * @throws Exception if an error occurs during index update.
967     */
968    public void unindexPage(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean unindexRecursively, boolean unindexAttachments) throws Exception
969    {
970        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
972        // Retrieve the current workspace.
973        String currentWsp = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
974        // Retrieve the current site name.
975        String currentSiteName = (String) request.getAttribute("siteName");
977        try
978        {
979            // Force the workspace.
980            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, workspaceName);
982            getLogger().debug("Unindexing page: {}", pageId);
984            _unindexPageDocument(pageId, workspaceName, unindexRecursively, unindexAttachments);
985        }
986        catch (Exception e)
987        {
988            String error = String.format("Failed to unindex page %s in workspace %s", pageId, workspaceName);
989            getLogger().error(error, e);
990            throw new IndexingException(error, e);
991        }
992        finally
993        {
994            // Restore the site name.
995            request.setAttribute("siteName", currentSiteName);
996            // Restore context
997            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, currentWsp);
998        }
999    }
1001    /**
1002     * Deindex a document of type Page. Also deindex attachments of a page
1003     * @param pageId the id of the page to deindex
1004     * @param workspaceName The workspace name
1005     * @param unindexRecursively also unindex child pages if requested.
1006     * @param unindexAttachments also unindex page attachments
1007     * @throws SolrServerException if there is an error on the server
1008     * @throws IOException if there is a communication error with the server
1009     * @throws QuerySyntaxException if the uri query can't be built because of a syntax error.
1010     */
1011    protected void _unindexPageDocument(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean unindexRecursively, boolean unindexAttachments) throws SolrServerException, IOException, QuerySyntaxException
1012    {
1013        // Retrieve appropriate solr client
1014        String collectionName = _solrClientProvider.getCollectionName(workspaceName);
1015        SolrClient solrClient = _solrClientProvider.getUpdateClient(workspaceName);
1017        getLogger().info("Unindexing page {} in workspace '{}'", pageId, workspaceName);
1019        Query pages = new AndQuery(new DocumentTypeQuery(TYPE_PAGE), new PageQuery(pageId, unindexRecursively));
1020        Query query;
1021        if (unindexRecursively && unindexAttachments)
1022        {
1023            // {!ametys join=pageId q=page-ancestorIds:"page://xxxx"}
1024            Query joinQuery = new JoinQuery(() -> PAGE_ANCESTOR_IDS + ":\"" + pageId + "\"", ATTACHMENT_PAGE_ID);
1025            Query attachments = new AndQuery(new DocumentTypeQuery(TYPE_PAGE_RESOURCE), new OrQuery(new PageAttachmentQuery(pageId), joinQuery));
1026            query = new OrQuery(attachments, pages);
1027        }
1028        else if (unindexAttachments)
1029        {
1030            Query attachments = new AndQuery(new DocumentTypeQuery(TYPE_PAGE_RESOURCE), new PageAttachmentQuery(pageId));
1031            query = new OrQuery(attachments, pages);
1032        }
1033        else
1034        {
1035            query = pages;
1036        }
1038        // Delete by query
1039        UpdateResponse solrResponse = solrClient.deleteByQuery(collectionName, query.build());
1040        int status = solrResponse.getStatus();
1042        if (status != 0)
1043        {
1044            throw new IOException("Ametys Page de-indexing - Expecting status code of '0' in the Solr response but got : '" + status + "'. Page id : " + pageId);
1045        }
1047        getLogger().debug("Successful page de-indexing{}. Page identifier : {}", unindexRecursively ? " with its children" : "", pageId);
1048    }
1050    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1052    /**
1053     * Reindex a page by its ID for all workspaces and commit
1054     * @param pageId The page ID.
1055     * @param reindexRecursively also reindex child pages if requested.
1056     * @param reindexAttachments also reindex page attachments
1057     * @throws Exception if an error occurs during index update.
1058     */
1059    public void reindexPage(String pageId, boolean reindexRecursively, boolean reindexAttachments) throws Exception
1060    {
1061        reindexPage(pageId, RepositoryConstants.DEFAULT_WORKSPACE, reindexRecursively, reindexAttachments);
1062        reindexPage(pageId, WebConstants.LIVE_WORKSPACE, reindexRecursively, reindexAttachments);
1063    }
1066    /**
1067     * Reindex a page by its ID.
1068     * @param pageId The page ID.
1069     * @param workspaceName The workspace where to work in 
1070     * @param reindexRecursively also reindex child pages if requested.
1071     * @param reindexAttachments also reindex page attachments
1072     * @throws IndexingException if an error occurs during index update.
1073     */
1074    public void reindexPage(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean reindexRecursively, boolean reindexAttachments) throws IndexingException
1075    {
1076        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
1078        // Retrieve the current workspace.
1079        String currentWsp = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
1080        // Retrieve the current site name.
1081        String currentSiteName = (String) request.getAttribute("siteName");
1083        try
1084        {
1085            // Force the workspace.
1086            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, workspaceName);
1088            getLogger().debug("Reindexing page: {}", pageId);
1090            if (_ametysObjectResolver.hasAmetysObjectForId(pageId)) // In 'live' the page may not exist
1091            {
1092                Page page = _ametysObjectResolver.resolveById(pageId);
1093                _unindexPageDocument(pageId, workspaceName, reindexRecursively, reindexAttachments);
1094                SolrClient solrClient = _solrClientProvider.getUpdateClient(workspaceName);
1095                _indexPage(page, workspaceName, reindexRecursively, reindexAttachments, solrClient);
1096            }
1097        }
1098        catch (AmetysRepositoryException | QuerySyntaxException | SolrServerException | IOException e)
1099        {
1100            String error = String.format("Failed to unindex page %s in workspace %s", pageId, workspaceName);
1101            getLogger().error(error, e);
1102            throw new IndexingException(error, e);
1103        }
1104        finally
1105        {
1106            // Restore the site name.
1107            request.setAttribute("siteName", currentSiteName);
1108            // Restore context
1109            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, currentWsp);
1110        }
1111    }