Class SolrContentIndexer

    • Method Detail

      • indexContent

        public void indexContent​(Content content,
                                 org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                 List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments)
                          throws Exception
        Populate a solr input document by adding fields to index into it.
        content - The content to index
        document - The main solr document to index into
        additionalDocuments - The additional documents for repeater instances
        Exception - if an error occurred while indexing
      • indexContentTitle

        protected void indexContentTitle​(Content content,
                                         org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document)
        Index the content title
        content - The title
        document - The main solr document to index into
      • indexSystemProperties

        protected void indexSystemProperties​(Content content,
                                             org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document)
        Index the system properties of a content.
        content - The content to index.
        document - The solr document to index into.
      • indexAllContentTypes

        protected void indexAllContentTypes​(String cTypeId,
                                            org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                            String fieldName)
        Index the content type and all its supertypes in the given document (recursively).
        cTypeId - The ID of the content type to index.
        document - The solr document to index into.
        fieldName - The field name.
      • indexModelFields

        protected void indexModelFields​(Content content,
                                        org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                        List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments)
        Index the fields specified in the indexation model.
        content - The content to index.
        document - The main content solr document.
        additionalDocuments - The additional documents for repeater instances.
      • indexPartialSystemProperty

        public boolean indexPartialSystemProperty​(Content content,
                                                  String propertyId,
                                                  org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document)
                                           throws Exception
        Populate a Solr input document by adding fields for a single system property.
        content - The content to index
        propertyId - The system property ID.
        document - The solr document
        true if there are partial update to apply
        Exception - if an error occurred
      • findAndIndexMetadata

        protected void findAndIndexMetadata​(Content content,
                                            String[] pathSegments,
                                            CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                            MetadataDefinition definition,
                                            IndexingField field,
                                            String fieldName,
                                            org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                            org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                            List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments)
        Find the metadata to index from its path
        content - the content currently being traversed.
        pathSegments - The segments of path of metadata to index
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        definition - The metadata definition
        field - the current indexing field.
        fieldName - the name of the field to index.
        document - The main solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        additionalDocuments - The additional documents
      • findAndIndexMetadataField

        protected void findAndIndexMetadataField​(Content content,
                                                 String[] pathSegments,
                                                 CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                                 MetadataDefinition definition,
                                                 IndexingField field,
                                                 String fieldName,
                                                 org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                 org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                                 List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments)
        Find and index a metadata.
        content - the current content being traversed.
        pathSegments - the full metadata path segments.
        metadata - the current metadata holder.
        definition - the current metadata definition.
        field - the current indexing field.
        fieldName - the name of the field to index.
        document - the solr main document.
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        additionalDocuments - the solr additional documents.
      • findAndIndexOverridingField

        protected void findAndIndexOverridingField​(Content content,
                                                   IndexingModel indexingModel,
                                                   CustomMetadataIndexingField field,
                                                   String fieldName,
                                                   MetadataDefinition definition,
                                                   String[] pathSegments,
                                                   org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                   org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                                   List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments)
        Find and index a property represented by an overriding field.
        content - the current content being traversed.
        indexingModel - the current indexing model.
        pathSegments - the full metadata path segments.
        definition - the current metadata definition.
        field - the current indexing field.
        fieldName - the name of the field to index.
        document - the solr main document.
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        additionalDocuments - the solr additional documents.
      • indexMetadata

        public void indexMetadata​(Content content,
                                  String metadataName,
                                  CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                  org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                  org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                  List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments,
                                  String fieldName,
                                  MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a content metadata.
        content - the current content being traversed.
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        document - the solr document to index into.
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        additionalDocuments - The solr additional documents used for repeater instance
        fieldName - the name of the indexed field.
        definition - the metadata definition.
      • indexOverridingField

        public void indexOverridingField​(CustomMetadataIndexingField field,
                                         Content content,
                                         String fieldName,
                                         org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                         org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                         List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments)
        Index a property represented by an overriding field.
        field - The overriding field.
        content - The content of which to get the property.
        fieldName - The name of the field to index.
        document - the solr document to index into.
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        additionalDocuments - The solr additional documents used for repeater instance
      • indexValues

        public void indexValues​(Content content,
                                String fieldName,
                                MetadataType type,
                                Object[] values,
                                org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc)
        Index values
        content - The content being indexed.
        fieldName - The Solr field's name
        type - the type of values to index
        values - the values
        document - the Solr document
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
      • indexReferenceMetadata

        public void indexReferenceMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                           String metadataName,
                                           String contentId,
                                           org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                           org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                           String fieldName,
                                           String language,
                                           MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'reference' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        contentId - The content id. For logging purposes
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexStringMetadata

        public void indexStringMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                        String metadataName,
                                        String contentId,
                                        org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                        org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                        String fieldName,
                                        String language,
                                        MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'string' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        contentId - The content id. For logging purposes
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexMultilingualStringMetadata

        public void indexMultilingualStringMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                                    String metadataName,
                                                    String contentId,
                                                    org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                    org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                                    String fieldName,
                                                    MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a multilingual string metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        contentId - The content id. For logging purposes
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexMultilingualStringValues

        public void indexMultilingualStringValues​(MultilingualString value,
                                                  String contentId,
                                                  org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                  org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                                  String fieldName)
        Index a multilingual string values
        value - The multilingual string
        contentId - The content id. For logging purposes
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
      • indexMultilingualStringValues

        public void indexMultilingualStringValues​(String[] values,
                                                  String contentId,
                                                  org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                  org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                                  String fieldName,
                                                  String language)
        Index multilingual 'string' values
        values - The values
        contentId - The content id. For logging purposes
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The language for values.
      • indexMultilingualStringValuesForSorting

        public void indexMultilingualStringValuesForSorting​(String value,
                                                            org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                            String fieldName,
                                                            String language)
        Index multilingual 'string' value in sort field
        value - The value
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The language
      • indexStringValues

        public void indexStringValues​(String[] values,
                                      String contentId,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      String language,
                                      boolean isFacetable)
        Index 'string' values
        values - The values
        contentId - The content id. For logging purposes
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
        isFacetable - true if the field can be used as a facet.
      • indexDateMetadata

        public void indexDateMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                      String metadataName,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'date' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexDateValues

        public void indexDateValues​(Date[] values,
                                    org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                    String fieldName)
        Index 'date' values
        values - The values
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
      • indexDateTimeMetadata

        public void indexDateTimeMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                          String metadataName,
                                          org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                          String fieldName,
                                          MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'datetime' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexDateTimeValues

        public void indexDateTimeValues​(Date[] values,
                                        org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                        String fieldName)
        Index 'datetime' values
        values - The values
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
      • indexDoubleMetadata

        public void indexDoubleMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                        String metadataName,
                                        org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                        String fieldName,
                                        MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'double' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexDoubleValues

        public void indexDoubleValues​(Double[] values,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      boolean isFacetable)
        Index 'double' values
        values - The values
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        isFacetable - true if the field can be used as a facet.
      • indexLongMetadata

        public void indexLongMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                      String metadataName,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'long' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexLongValues

        public void indexLongValues​(Long[] values,
                                    org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    boolean isFacetable)
        Index 'long' values
        values - The values
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        isFacetable - true if the field can be used as a facet.
      • indexUserMetadata

        public void indexUserMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                      String metadataName,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      String language,
                                      MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'user' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexUserValues

        public void indexUserValues​(UserIdentity[] users,
                                    org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                    org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    String language)
        Index 'user' values
        users - The users
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
      • indexBooleanMetadata

        public void indexBooleanMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                         String metadataName,
                                         org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                         String fieldName,
                                         MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'boolean' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexBooleanValues

        public void indexBooleanValues​(Boolean[] values,
                                       org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                       String fieldName)
        Index 'boolean' values
        values - The values
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
      • indexRichtextMetadata

        public void indexRichtextMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                          String metadataName,
                                          org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                          org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                          String fieldName,
                                          String language,
                                          MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'richtext' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexRichtextValue

        public void indexRichtextValue​(RichText richText,
                                       org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                       org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                       String fieldName,
                                       String language)
        Index 'richtext' values
        richText - The rich text to index.
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name.
        language - The content language.
      • _richTextToString

        protected String _richTextToString​(InputStream is)
        Gets a XML as a string and extract the text only
        is - The inputstream of XML
        The text or null if the XML is not well formed
      • indexBinaryMetadata

        public void indexBinaryMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                        String metadataName,
                                        org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                        org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                        String fieldName,
                                        String language,
                                        MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'binary' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexFileMetadata

        public void indexFileMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                      String metadataName,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      String language,
                                      MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'file' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexFileValue

        public void indexFileValue​(Object[] values,
                                   org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                   org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                   String fieldName,
                                   String language)
        Index a 'file' metadata
        values - The values.
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
      • indexFullTextBinary

        protected void indexFullTextBinary​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                           String metadataName,
                                           org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                           org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                           String fieldName,
                                           String language,
                                           MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'binary' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The content document.
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexFullTextBinaryValue

        protected void indexFullTextBinaryValue​(InputStream is,
                                                org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                                String fieldName,
                                                String language)
        Index a 'binary' value
        is - An InputStream on the binary data.
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The index field name
        language - The content language.
      • indexContentMetadata

        public void indexContentMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                         String metadataName,
                                         org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                         String fieldName,
                                         MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'content' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexContentValues

        public void indexContentValues​(String[] contentIds,
                                       org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                       String fieldName)
        Index content values.
        contentIds - The ID of the contents to index.
        document - The solr document to index into.
        fieldName - the field name.
      • indexSubContentMetadata

        public void indexSubContentMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                            String metadataName,
                                            org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                            String fieldName,
                                            MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'sub_content' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexGeoCodeMetadata

        public void indexGeoCodeMetadata​(CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                         String metadataName,
                                         org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                         String fieldName,
                                         MetadataDefinition definition)
        Index a 'geocode' metadata
        metadata - The parent composite metadata
        metadataName - The name of metadata to index
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
        definition - The metadata definition
      • indexGeocodeValue

        public void indexGeocodeValue​(double latitude,
                                      double longitude,
                                      org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                      String fieldName)
        Index a 'geocode' metadata
        latitude - the coord latitude.
        longitude - the coord longitude.
        document - The solr document to index into
        fieldName - The index field name
      • indexCompositeMetadata

        public void indexCompositeMetadata​(Content content,
                                           CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                           String metadataName,
                                           org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                           org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                           String fieldName,
                                           MetadataDefinition definition,
                                           List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments)
        Index a composite metadata, i.e. browse and index the sub-metadatas.
        content - The content being indexed.
        metadata - The parent metadata.
        metadataName - The composite metadata name.
        document - The solr document to index into.
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The field name.
        definition - The composite metadata definition.
        additionalDocuments - The solr additional documents used for repeater instance
      • indexRepeaterMetadata

        public void indexRepeaterMetadata​(Content content,
                                          CompositeMetadata metadata,
                                          String metadataName,
                                          org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                          org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                          String fieldName,
                                          MetadataDefinition definition,
                                          List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> additionalDocuments)
        Index a repeater metadata, i.e. browse and index the entries.
        content - The content being indexed.
        metadata - The parent metadata.
        metadataName - The repeater metadata name.
        document - The solr document to index into.
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        fieldName - The field name.
        definition - The repeater metadata definition.
        additionalDocuments - The solr additional documents used for repeater instance
      • indexResourceContent

        protected void indexResourceContent​(Resource resource,
                                            org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                            org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                            String language)
        Index the content of a resource.
        resource - The resource
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        language - The content language.
      • indexResourceContentValue

        protected void indexResourceContentValue​(InputStream is,
                                                 String[] keywords,
                                                 String description,
                                                 String language,
                                                 org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                 org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc)
                                          throws IOException,
        Index the content of a resource.
        is - An input stream on the resource content.
        keywords - The resource keywords.
        description - The resource description.
        language - The content language.
        document - The solr document to index into
        contentDoc - The parent content document to index into (can be null if the main document is the content doc itself).
        TikaException - If an error occurs extracting the document's text content.
        IOException - If an error occurs reading the document's text content.
      • indexFulltextValue

        protected void indexFulltextValue​(org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument mainDocument,
                                          org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument contentDoc,
                                          String text,
                                          String language)
        Index a full-text value.
        mainDocument - The document being used, can be either the content document itself or a repeater document.
        contentDoc - The parent content document. If the mainDocument is the content document, this will be null.
        text - The text to index.
        language - The content language.
      • indexFulltextValue

        public static void indexFulltextValue​(org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                              String text,
                                              String language)
        Index a full-text value.
        document - The document to index into.
        text - The text to index.
        language - The content language.
      • indexFulltextValue

        public static void indexFulltextValue​(org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                              String text,
                                              Collection<String> languages)
        Index a full-text value.
        document - The document to index into.
        text - The text to index.
        languages - The languages.
      • indexLanguageFulltextValue

        protected static void indexLanguageFulltextValue​(org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                         String text,
                                                         String language)
        Index a full-text value in the language-specific fields.
        document - The document to index into.
        text - The text to index.
        language - The content language.