CandidatesValidator |
This validator does not allow a set of values only containing candidates.
ChooseHierarchicalContentFileImportsClientSideElement |
This implementation imports the file only if it is needed, i.e.
GetHierarchicalReferenceTablesAction |
Action for getting information about the hierarchy of a reference table
HierarchicalReferenceTableClientSideElement |
This element creates a button enabling to do operation on reference table contents which can have a child.
HierarchicalReferenceTablesDeleteContentDAO |
DAO deleting a content from a hierarchical reference table reference table
HierarchicalReferenceTablesHelper |
Helper component for computing information about hierarchy of reference table Contents.
HierarchicalReferenceTablesRibbonImportManager |
Ribbon import manager, which import ribbon files only if there is at least one hierarchical reference tables in the application
SetParentContentClientSideElement |
Set the "parent" attribute of a simple content