Class HistoryStepQuery

    • Constructor Detail

      • HistoryStepQuery

        public HistoryStepQuery​(int stepId)
        Create a new HistoryStepQuery.
        stepId - the workflow step ID.
      • HistoryStepQuery

        public HistoryStepQuery​(int stepId,
                                LocalDateTime startAfter,
                                LocalDateTime startBefore)
        Create a new HistoryStepQuery.
        stepId - the workflow step ID.
        startAfter - the beginning Date
        startBefore - the ending Date
      • HistoryStepQuery

        public HistoryStepQuery​(int stepId,
                                AdaptableDate startAfter,
                                AdaptableDate startBefore)
        Create a new HistoryStepQuery.
        stepId - the workflow step ID.
        startAfter - the beginning Date
        startBefore - the ending Date
    • Method Detail

      • build

        public String build()
        Description copied from interface: Query
        Build the solr query string representing the Query object.
        Specified by:
        build in interface Query
        the solr query string representing the Query object.