Class InlineEditorHelper

    • Method Detail

      • getStyleValue

        public static String getStyleValue​(String style,
                                           String parameter)
        Retrieves the value of a CSS property in the given HTML element style attribute
        style - The value of the HTML element style attribute (for example : "text-align:center; float:left; color: #000;")
        parameter - The CSS property ("text-align", "float", "color", ...)
        the value of the given CSS property or empty String if not found
      • getStyleValue

        public static String getStyleValue​(String style,
                                           String parameter,
                                           String defaultValue)
        Retrieves the value of a CSS property in the given HTML element style attribute
        style - The value of the HTML element style attribute (for example : "text-align:center; float:left; color: #000;")
        parameter - The CSS property ("text-align", "float", "color", ...)
        defaultValue - The default value return if style is empty
        the value of the given CSS property or empty String if not found