Class InvalidInputWorkflowException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class InvalidInputWorkflowException
    extends com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException
    WorkflowException which can be thrown in a FunctionProvider if the input is invalid.

    This is an validation error which will be handled in a special manner.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • InvalidInputWorkflowException

        public InvalidInputWorkflowException​(String message,
                                             AllErrors allErrors)
        Constructs a new invalid input workflow exception with the specified detail message.
        allErrors - The initial errors
        message - The detail message.
      • InvalidInputWorkflowException

        public InvalidInputWorkflowException​(String message,
                                             AllErrors allErrors,
                                             Throwable cause)
        Constructs a new invalid input workflow exception with the specified detail message and cause.
        message - The detail message.
        allErrors - The initial errors
        cause - The cause.
      • InvalidInputWorkflowException

        public InvalidInputWorkflowException​(AllErrors allErrors,
                                             Throwable cause)
        Constructs a new invalid input workflow exception with the specified cause.
        allErrors - The initial errors
        cause - The cause.
    • Method Detail

      • getErrors

        public AllErrors getErrors()
        Get the errors that initiate the exception
        The errors