Class CaptchaHelper

    • Method Detail

      • getCaptchaType

        public static String getCaptchaType()
        Retrieve the type of captcha used
        The type of captcha.
      • checkAndInvalidate

        public static boolean checkAndInvalidate​(String key,
                                                 String value)
        Check a captcha
        key - The captcha key. Can be empty or null when using reCaptcha.
        value - The value to check
        true if the captcha is valid, false otherwise.
      • checkAndInvalidateJCaptcha

        public static boolean checkAndInvalidateJCaptcha​(String key,
                                                         String value)
        Check a captcha
        key - The key
        value - The value to check
        The image captcha
      • checkAndInvalidateReCaptcha

        public static boolean checkAndInvalidateReCaptcha​(String value)
        Check a ReCaptcha value
        value - The value to check
        True if the captcha is valid.
      • removeCaptcha

        public static void removeCaptcha​(String key)
        Remove a captcha
        key - the key value
      • cleanOldCaptchas

        public static void cleanOldCaptchas()
        Clean the outdated captchas
      • generateImageCaptcha

        public static BufferedImage generateImageCaptcha​(String key)
        Generate an image captcha to PNG format. The key has to be unique. If you can not give a unique id use generateImageCaptch without the key argument : but this is less secure.
        key - the wanted key. Can be not null. MUST START with "STATIC-" or "DYNAMIC-". If the key starts with 'STATIC-' this key may be used several times (e.g. for a cached page with a unique id for several display), if the key starts with 'DYNAMIC-' the key will unique (removing an existing captcha with the same key).
        The corresponding image
      • generateImageCaptcha

        public static BufferedImage generateImageCaptcha​(String key,
                                                         boolean addNoise,
                                                         boolean fisheye)
        Generate an image captcha to PNG format. The key has to be unique. If you can not give a unique id use generateImageCaptch without the key argument : but this is less secure.
        key - the wanted key. Can be not null. MUST START with "STATIC-" or "DYNAMIC-". If the key starts with 'STATIC-' this key may be used several times (e.g. for a cached page with a unique id for several display), if the key starts with 'DYNAMIC-' the key will unique (removing an existing captcha with the same key).
        addNoise - true to add noise to captcha image
        fisheye - true to add fish eye background to captcha image
        The corresponding image
      • generateImageCaptcha

        public static BufferedImage generateImageCaptcha​(String key,
                                                         Integer color)
        Generate an image captcha to PNG format. The key has to be unique, if you cannot generate a key use the other form of the method.
        key - the wanted key. Can not be null. You can use RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10) to generates one
        color - The color for font
        The corresponding image
      • generateImageCaptcha

        public static BufferedImage generateImageCaptcha​(String key,
                                                         Integer color,
                                                         boolean addNoise,
                                                         boolean fisheye)
        Generate an image captcha to PNG format. The key has to be unique, if you cannot generate a key use the other form of the method.
        key - the wanted key. Can not be null. You can use RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10) to generates one
        color - The color for font
        addNoise - true to add noise to captcha image
        fisheye - true to add fish eye background to captcha image
        The corresponding image
      • generateImageCaptcha

        public static BufferedImage generateImageCaptcha​(String key,
                                                         Integer color,
                                                         boolean addNoise,
                                                         boolean fisheye,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height)
        Generate an image captcha to PNG format. The key has to be unique, if you cannot generate a key use the other form of the method.
        key - the wanted key. Can not be null. You can use RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10) to generates one
        color - The color for font
        addNoise - true to add noise to captcha image
        fisheye - true to add fish eye background to captcha image
        width - The image width
        height - The image height
        The corresponding image