Class XHTMLSerializerExtensionPoint

    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        public static final String ROLE
        The avalon role
    • Method Detail

      • addExtension

        public void addExtension​(String id,
                                 String pluginName,
                                 String featureName,
                                 Configuration configuration)
                          throws ConfigurationException
        Description copied from interface: ExtensionPoint
        Add an extension to this point. Each implementation knows the meaning of the given configuration.
        id - the unique identifier of the extension.
        pluginName - Unique identifier for the plugin hosting the extension
        featureName - Unique feature identifier (unique for a given pluginName)
        configuration - the information about the extension to be added
        ConfigurationException - when a configuration problem occurs
      • initializeExtensions

        public void initializeExtensions()
                                  throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ExtensionPoint
        Finalize the initialization of the extensions.
        This method is called after all addExtension() calls.
        This is the last step before the actual startup of the application.
        Exception - if something wrong occurs