Class ProfileAssignmentsToolClientSideElement

    • Method Detail

      • getUserGroups

        public List<Map<String,​Object>> getUserGroups​(String login,
                                                            String populationId)
        Gets the groups of a user as JSON
        login - The login of the user
        populationId - The population of the user
        the groups of a user as JSON
      • saveChanges

        public Map<String,​ObjectsaveChanges​(String rightAssignmentCtxId,
                                                    Object jsContext,
                                                    List<Map<String,​Object>> assignmentsInfo)
        Save some changes made client-side.
        rightAssignmentCtxId - The id of the right assignment context
        jsContext - The JS object context
        assignmentsInfo - The list of all the changes to make. Each map in the list must contain the following keys:
        1. profileId for the id of the profile (as a string)
        2. assignment for the kind of assignment (can be ACCESS_TYPE_ALLOW, ACCESS_TYPE_DENY...)
        3. assignmentType expects one of these four strings: "user", "group", "anonymous", "anyConnectedUser"
        4. identity Can be null if assignmentType is "anonymous" or "anyConnectedUser". If "user", must be a map with the keys "login" and "populationId". If "group", must be a map with the keys "groupId" and "groupDirectory"
        a map containing 3 objects : success : boolean, everything is saved successInfos : elements from assignmentsInfo that are saved errorInfos : elements from assignmentsInfo that are not saved
      • _notifyObservers

        protected void _notifyObservers​(Object context,
                                        String contextIdentifier,
                                        Set<String> profileIds)
        Notify observers after modifying profile assignments.
        context - The context
        contextIdentifier - The context identifier
        profileIds - The profiles
      • _getEventParams

        protected Map<String,​Object_getEventParams​(Object context,
                                                           String contextIdentifier,
                                                           Set<String> profileIds)
        Get the event params for notification.
        context - The context
        contextIdentifier - The context identifier
        profileIds - The profiles
        the event params
      • isInheritanceDisallowed

        public boolean isInheritanceDisallowed​(String rightAssignmentCtxId,
                                               Object jsContext)
        Determines if the inheritance of assignments is disallowed on the given context
        rightAssignmentCtxId - The id of the right assignment context
        jsContext - The JS object context
        true if the inheritance is disallowed.
      • disallowInheritance

        public void disallowInheritance​(String rightAssignmentCtxId,
                                        Object jsContext,
                                        boolean disallow)
        Allow or disallow the inheritance of assignments on the given context
        rightAssignmentCtxId - The id of the right assignment context
        jsContext - The JS object context
        disallow - true to disallow the inheritance, false to allow.
      • getInheritedAssignments

        public Map<String,​StringgetInheritedAssignments​(String rightAssignmentCtxId,
                                                                Object jsContext,
                                                                List<String> profileIds,
                                                                String targetType,
                                                                Map<String,​String> identity)
        Get the first permission given by inheritance for a object context and profiles
        rightAssignmentCtxId - The id of the right assignment context
        jsContext - The JS object context
        profileIds - The list of profiles
        targetType - The type of target : anonymous, any connected users, a user or a group
        identity - The identity of the target. Can be null if the target is anonymous or any connected users
        The first access type given by inheritance for each profile
      • getInheritedAssignment

        public String getInheritedAssignment​(String rightAssignmentCtxId,
                                             Object jsContext,
                                             String profileId,
                                             String targetType,
                                             Map<String,​String> identity)
        Get the first permission given by inheritance for a object context and a specific profile
        rightAssignmentCtxId - The id of the right assignment context
        jsContext - The JS object context
        profileId - The id of profile
        targetType - The type of target : anonymous, any connected users, a user or a group
        identity - The identity of the target. Can be null if the target is anonymous or any connected users
        The first access type given by inheritance