Class PathUtils

  • public final class PathUtils
    extends Object
    General path manipulation utilities.
    • Method Detail

      • copyDirectory

        public static void copyDirectory​(Path srcDir,
                                         Path destDir)
                                  throws IOException
        Copies a whole directory to a new location preserving the file dates.

        This method copies the specified directory and all its child directories and files to the specified destination. The destination is the new location and name of the directory.

        The destination directory is created if it does not exist. If the destination directory did exist, then this method merges the source with the destination, with the source taking precedence.

        Note: This method tries to preserve the files' last modified date/times using File.setLastModified(long), however it is not guaranteed that those operations will succeed. If the modification operation fails, no indication is provided.

        srcDir - an existing directory to copy, must not be null
        destDir - the new directory, must not be null
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs during copying
      • copyDirectory

        public static void copyDirectory​(Path srcDir,
                                         Path destDir,
                                         boolean preserveFileDate)
                                  throws IOException
        Copies a whole directory to a new location.

        This method copies the contents of the specified source directory to within the specified destination directory.

        The destination directory is created if it does not exist. If the destination directory did exist, then this method merges the source with the destination, with the source taking precedence.

        Note: Setting preserveFileDate to true tries to preserve the files' last modified date/times using File.setLastModified(long), however it is not guaranteed that those operations will succeed. If the modification operation fails, no indication is provided.

        srcDir - an existing directory to copy, must not be null
        destDir - the new directory, must not be null
        preserveFileDate - true if the file date of the copy should be the same as the original
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs during copying
      • copyDirectory

        public static void copyDirectory​(Path srcDir,
                                         Path destDir,
                                         Predicate<Path> filter)
                                  throws IOException
        Copies a filtered directory to a new location preserving the file dates.

        This method copies the contents of the specified source directory to within the specified destination directory.

        The destination directory is created if it does not exist. If the destination directory did exist, then this method merges the source with the destination, with the source taking precedence.

        Note: This method tries to preserve the files' last modified date/times using File.setLastModified(long), however it is not guaranteed that those operations will succeed. If the modification operation fails, no indication is provided.

        Example: Copy directories only

          // only copy the directory structure
          FileUtils.copyDirectory(srcDir, destDir, Files::isDirectory);
        srcDir - an existing directory to copy, must not be null
        destDir - the new directory, must not be null
        filter - the filter to apply, null means copy all directories and files should be the same as the original
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs during copying
      • copyDirectory

        public static void copyDirectory​(Path srcDir,
                                         Path destDir,
                                         Predicate<Path> filter,
                                         boolean preserveFileDate)
                                  throws IOException
        Copies a filtered directory to a new location.

        This method copies the contents of the specified source directory to within the specified destination directory.

        The destination directory is created if it does not exist. If the destination directory did exist, then this method merges the source with the destination, with the source taking precedence.

        Note: Setting preserveFileDate to true tries to preserve the files' last modified date/times using File.setLastModified(long), however it is not guaranteed that those operations will succeed. If the modification operation fails, no indication is provided.

        Example: Copy directories only

          // only copy the directory structure
          FileUtils.copyDirectory(srcDir, destDir, DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY, false);

        Example: Copy directories and txt files

          // Create a filter for ".txt" files
          IOFileFilter txtSuffixFilter = FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".txt");
          IOFileFilter txtFiles = FileFilterUtils.andFileFilter(FileFileFilter.FILE, txtSuffixFilter);
          // Create a filter for either directories or ".txt" files
          FileFilter filter = FileFilterUtils.orFileFilter(DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY, txtFiles);
          // Copy using the filter
          FileUtils.copyDirectory(srcDir, destDir, filter, false);
        srcDir - an existing directory to copy, must not be null
        destDir - the new directory, must not be null
        filter - the filter to apply, null means copy all directories and files
        preserveFileDate - true if the file date of the copy should be the same as the original
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs during copying
      • moveFile

        public static void moveFile​(Path srcFile,
                                    Path destFile)
                             throws IOException
        Moves a file.

        When the destination file is on another file system, do a "copy and delete".

        srcFile - the file to be moved
        destFile - the destination file
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        FileExistsException - if the destination file exists
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs moving the file
      • moveToDirectory

        public static void moveToDirectory​(Path src,
                                           Path destDir,
                                           boolean createDestDir)
                                    throws IOException
        Moves a file or directory to the destination directory.

        When the destination is on another file system, do a "copy and delete".

        src - the file or directory to be moved
        destDir - the destination directory
        createDestDir - If true create the destination directory, otherwise if false throw an IOException
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        FileExistsException - if the directory or file exists in the destination directory
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs moving the file
      • moveFileToDirectory

        public static void moveFileToDirectory​(Path srcFile,
                                               Path destDir,
                                               boolean createDestDir)
                                        throws IOException
        Moves a file to a directory.
        srcFile - the file to be moved
        destDir - the destination file
        createDestDir - If true create the destination directory, otherwise if false throw an IOException
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        FileExistsException - if the destination file exists
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs moving the file
      • moveDirectoryToDirectory

        public static void moveDirectoryToDirectory​(Path src,
                                                    Path destDir,
                                                    boolean createDestDir)
                                             throws IOException
        Moves a directory to another directory.
        src - the file to be moved
        destDir - the destination file
        createDestDir - If true create the destination directory, otherwise if false throw an IOException
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        FileExistsException - if the directory exists in the destination directory
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs moving the file
      • moveDirectory

        public static void moveDirectory​(Path srcDir,
                                         Path destDir)
                                  throws IOException
        Moves a directory.

        When the destination directory is on another file system, do a "copy and delete".

        srcDir - the directory to be moved
        destDir - the destination directory
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        FileExistsException - if the destination directory exists
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs moving the file
      • deleteQuietly

        public static boolean deleteQuietly​(Path file)
        Deletes a file, never throwing an exception. If file is a directory, delete it and all sub-directories.

        The difference between File.delete() and this method are:

        • A directory to be deleted does not have to be empty.
        • No exceptions are thrown when a file or directory cannot be deleted.
        file - file or directory to delete, can be null
        true if the file or directory was deleted, otherwise false
      • forceDelete

        public static void forceDelete​(Path file)
                                throws IOException
        Deletes a file. If file is a directory, delete it and all sub-directories.

        The difference between File.delete() and this method are:

        • A directory to be deleted does not have to be empty.
        • You get exceptions when a file or directory cannot be deleted. ( methods returns a boolean)
        file - file or directory to delete, must not be null
        NullPointerException - if the directory is null
        FileNotFoundException - if the file was not found
        IOException - in case deletion is unsuccessful
      • isSymlink

        public static boolean isSymlink​(Path file)
                                 throws IOException
        Determines whether the specified file is a Symbolic Link rather than an actual file.

        Will not return true if there is a Symbolic Link anywhere in the path, only if the specific file is.

        When using jdk1.7, this method delegates to boolean java.nio.file.Files.isSymbolicLink(Path path)

        For code that runs on Java 1.7 or later, use the following method instead:
        boolean java.nio.file.Files.isSymbolicLink(Path path)

        file - the file to check
        true if the file is a Symbolic Link
        IOException - if an IO error occurs while checking the file
      • copyFile

        public static void copyFile​(Path srcFile,
                                    Path destFile)
                             throws IOException
        Copies a file to a new location preserving the file date.

        This method copies the contents of the specified source file to the specified destination file. The directory holding the destination file is created if it does not exist. If the destination file exists, then this method will overwrite it.

        Note: This method tries to preserve the file's last modified date/times using File.setLastModified(long), however it is not guaranteed that the operation will succeed. If the modification operation fails, no indication is provided.

        srcFile - an existing file to copy, must not be null
        destFile - the new file, must not be null
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs during copying
        IOException - if the output file length is not the same as the input file length after the copy completes
        See Also:
        copyFile(Path, Path, boolean)
      • copyFile

        public static void copyFile​(Path srcFile,
                                    Path destFile,
                                    boolean preserveFileDate)
                             throws IOException
        Copies a file to a new location.

        This method copies the contents of the specified source file to the specified destination file. The directory holding the destination file is created if it does not exist. If the destination file exists, then this method will overwrite it.

        Note: Setting preserveFileDate to true tries to preserve the file's last modified date/times using File.setLastModified(long), however it is not guaranteed that the operation will succeed. If the modification operation fails, no indication is provided.

        srcFile - an existing file to copy, must not be null
        destFile - the new file, must not be null
        preserveFileDate - true if the file date of the copy should be the same as the original
        NullPointerException - if source or destination is null
        IOException - if source or destination is invalid
        IOException - if an IO error occurs during copying
        IOException - if the output file length is not the same as the input file length after the copy completes
        See Also:
        doCopyFile(Path, Path, boolean)