Class CDMHelper

    • Method Detail

      • richText2CDM

        public static void richText2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                        String tag,
                                        RichText richText,
                                        SourceResolver sourceResolver)
                                 throws SAXException
        Transform a docbook metadata in a CDM infoBlock way.
        contentHandler - the handler to SAX CDM.
        tag - the surrounding tag.
        richText - the metadata. If richText is null, nothing is SAXed.
        sourceResolver - the Cocoon SourceResolver.
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • richText2CDM

        public static void richText2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                        String tag,
                                        RichText richText,
                                        SourceResolver sourceResolver,
                                        AttributesImpl attrs)
                                 throws SAXException
        Transform a docbook metadata in a CDM infoBlock way.
        contentHandler - the handler to SAX CDM.
        tag - the surrounding tag.
        richText - the metadata. If richText is null, nothing is SAXed.
        sourceResolver - the Cocoon SourceResolver.
        attrs - The attributes to SAX
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • richText2CDM

        public static void richText2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                        String tag,
                                        RichText richText,
                                        SourceResolver sourceResolver,
                                        boolean writeIfEmpty)
                                 throws SAXException
        Transform a docbook metadata in a CDM infoBlock way.
        contentHandler - the handler to SAX CDM.
        tag - the surrounding tag.
        richText - the metadata. If richText is null, nothing is SAXed.
        sourceResolver - the Cocoon SourceResolver.
        writeIfEmpty - true to sax CDM info block even if the rich text is empty
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • richText2CDM

        public static void richText2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                        String tag,
                                        RichText richText,
                                        SourceResolver sourceResolver,
                                        boolean writeIfEmpty,
                                        boolean rawHtmlExpert)
                                 throws SAXException
        Transform a docbook metadata in a CDM infoBlock way.
        contentHandler - the handler to SAX CDM.
        tag - the surrounding tag.
        richText - the metadata. If richText is null, nothing is SAXed.
        sourceResolver - the Cocoon SourceResolver.
        writeIfEmpty - true to sax CDM info block even if the rich text is empty
        rawHtmlExpert - true to export HTML expert as raw CDATA. If false, parse and resolve HTML expert code.
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • richText2CDM

        public static void richText2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                        String tag,
                                        RichText richText,
                                        SourceResolver sourceResolver,
                                        boolean writeIfEmpty,
                                        AttributesImpl attrs)
                                 throws SAXException
        Transform a docbook metadata in a CDM infoBlock way.
        contentHandler - the handler to SAX CDM.
        tag - the surrounding tag.
        richText - the metadata. If richText is null, nothing is SAXed
        writeIfEmpty - true to sax CDM info block even if the rich text is empty
        attrs - The attributes to SAX
        sourceResolver - the Cocoon SourceResolver.
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • richText2CDM

        public static void richText2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                        String tag,
                                        RichText richText,
                                        SourceResolver sourceResolver,
                                        boolean writeIfEmpty,
                                        boolean rawHtmlExpert,
                                        AttributesImpl attrs)
                                 throws SAXException
        Transform a docbook metadata in a CDM infoBlock way.
        contentHandler - the handler to SAX CDM.
        tag - the surrounding tag.
        richText - the metadata. If richText is null, nothing is SAXed
        writeIfEmpty - true to sax CDM info block even if the rich text is empty
        rawHtmlExpert - true to export HTML expert as raw CDATA. If false, parse and resolve HTML expert code.
        attrs - The attributes to SAX
        sourceResolver - the Cocoon SourceResolver.
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • richText2CDM

        public static void richText2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                        RichText richText,
                                        SourceResolver sourceResolver)
                                 throws SAXException
        Transform a docbook metadata in a CDM infoBlock way.
        contentHandler - the handler to SAX CDM.
        richText - the metadata. If richText is null, nothing is SAXed
        sourceResolver - the Cocoon SourceResolver.
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • richText2CDM

        public static void richText2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                        RichText richText,
                                        SourceResolver sourceResolver,
                                        boolean rawHtmlExpert)
                                 throws SAXException
        Transform a docbook metadata in a CDM infoBlock way.
        contentHandler - the handler to SAX CDM.
        richText - the metadata. If richText is null, nothing is SAXed
        sourceResolver - the Cocoon SourceResolver.
        rawHtmlExpert - true to export HTML expert as raw CDATA. If false, parse and resolve HTML expert code.
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • date2CDM

        public static void date2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                    String tagName,
                                    LocalDate value)
                             throws SAXException
        SAX a date in a CDM document.
        contentHandler - The content handler to SAX into.
        tagName - The element name.
        value - The date value.
        SAXException - if an error occurs.