Class AbstractOSEExport

    • Method Detail

      • populate

        public void populate​(String ametysCatalog,
                             Long oseCatalog)
        Description copied from interface: OSEExport
        Populate the database with Ametys data.
        Specified by:
        populate in interface OSEExport
        ametysCatalog - The Ametys catalog to filter
        oseCatalog - The OSE year
      • _populate

        protected abstract List<ParameterizableQuery_populate​(String ametysCatalog,
                                                                Long oseCatalog)
        Populate the Ametys table(s) with the values from Ametys.
        ametysCatalog - The Ametys catalog to filter data.
        oseCatalog - The OSE catalog to insert into the right year.
        A List of queries