AbstractCreateODFContentFunction |
Abstract OSWorkflow function for creating a ODF content.
AbstractCreateODFProgramItemFunction |
Abstract OSWorkflow function for creating a ProgramItem content
Populate catalog and code metadata.
CreateContainerFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a odfContent.
CreateCourseFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a Course content
CreateCourseListFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a course list.
CreateCoursePartFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a CoursePart content
CreateOrgUnitFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a OrgUnit content.
CreatePersonFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a Person content
CreateProgramFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a Program content.
CreateSubProgramFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a odfContent.
MoveLiveTagOnCoursePartFunction |
Move Live tag on CoursePart when the course is validated.
ODFWorkflowHelper |
Helper for ODF contents on their workflow