Class Extraction

  • public class Extraction
    extends Object
    Object representing the extraction definition file content
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptionId

        public String getDescriptionId()
        Retrieves the identifier of the extraction's description
        the identifier of the extraction's description
      • setDescriptionId

        public void setDescriptionId​(String descriptionId)
        Set the identifier of the extraction's description
        descriptionId - the identifier to set
      • setDisplayOptionalColumnsNames

        public void setDisplayOptionalColumnsNames​(List<String> displayOptionalColumnsNames)
        Set variables names controlling display of optional columns
        displayOptionalColumnsNames - the variables for the optional columns to set
      • setQueryVariablesNamesAndContentTypes

        public void setQueryVariablesNamesAndContentTypes​(Map<String,​String> queryVariablesNamesAndContentTypes)
        Set variables names and content types to use in queries
        queryVariablesNamesAndContentTypes - A Map containing variables names and content types to set
      • setAuthor

        public void setAuthor​(UserIdentity author)
        Set the author of this extraction.
        author - the author