Class ExtractionExecutor

    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        public static final String ROLE
        The Avalon role.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public Set<Pathexecute​(String relativeFilePath,
                                 String defaultResultFileName,
                                 String lang,
                                 Map<String,​Object> parameters,
                                 PipelineDescriptor pipeline)
                          throws Exception
        Executes the given extraction
        relativeFilePath - The path of the extraction file to execute
        defaultResultFileName - The default file name for the result (it can be unused, for instance if resultSubFolder is a file, i.e. contains a '.' in its last element)
        lang - The language
        parameters - The parameters
        pipeline - The execution pipeline
        The set of the result files path
        Exception - if an errors occurred
      • execute

        public void execute​(String relativeFilePath,
                            OutputStream resultOutputStream,
                            String lang,
                            Map<String,​Object> parameters,
                            PipelineDescriptor pipeline)
                     throws Exception
        Executes the given extraction
        relativeFilePath - The path of the extraction file to execute
        resultOutputStream - The result output stream
        lang - The language
        parameters - The parameters
        pipeline - The execution pipeline
        Exception - if an errors occurred