Class Category

  • public class Category
    extends Object
    This class represent a category of newsletter
    • Constructor Detail

      • Category

        public Category​(String id)
        id - The id of the tag. The id must be unique.
      • Category

        public Category​(String id,
                        String name,
                        String parentId,
                        I18nizableText title,
                        I18nizableText description,
                        String template,
                        String siteName,
                        String lang)
        id - The id of the category. The id must be unique.
        name - The name of the category. The name must be unique. The name is the same as the id except for JCR category.
        parentId - The parent category id
        title - the category title
        description - the category description
        template - the template
        siteName - the category site name
        lang - the category language