Class ActivityStreamClientInteraction

    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        public static final String ROLE
        The Avalon role
    • Method Detail

      • setPluginInfo

        public void setPluginInfo​(String pluginName,
                                  String featureName,
                                  String id)
        Description copied from interface: PluginAware
        Sets the plugin info relative to the current component.
        Note : The feature name may be null if the targeted component in declared at plugin level.
        Specified by:
        setPluginInfo in interface PluginAware
        pluginName - Unique identifier for the plugin hosting the extension
        featureName - Unique feature identifier (unique for a given pluginName)
        id - Unique identifier of this component
      • getProjectEvents

        public List<Map<String,​Object>> getProjectEvents​(String projectName,
                                                               List<String> filterEventTypes,
                                                               int limit)
        Get the events of the given project and of the given event types
        projectName - the project's name
        filterEventTypes - the type of events to retain
        limit - The max number of events
        the retained events
      • getEvents

        public List<Map<String,​Object>> getEvents​(List<String> projectNames,
                                                        List<String> filterEventTypes,
                                                        int limit)
        Get the events of the given projects and of the given event types
        projectNames - the names of the projects. Can not be null.
        filterEventTypes - the type of events to retain. Can be empty to get all events.
        limit - The max number of events
        the retained events
      • getDateOfLastEvent

        public ZonedDateTime getDateOfLastEvent​(String projectName,
                                                List<String> excludeEventTypes)
        Get the date of last event regardless the current user's rights
        projectName - The project's name
        excludeEventTypes - the types of event to ignore from this search
        the date of last event or null if no event found or an error occurred
      • getAllowedEventTypes

        public Set<StringgetAllowedEventTypes​(Set<Project> projects)
        Get the list of allowed event types for the given projects
        projects - The projects
        The allowed event types
      • getEventsForCurrentUser

        public List<Map<String,​Object>> getEventsForCurrentUser​(int limit)
        Get the events for the current user with the allowed event types get into the user projects.
        limit - The max number of results
        The events for the user projects
      • getEventsForCurrentUser

        public List<Map<String,​Object>> getEventsForCurrentUser​(Set<Project> projects,
                                                                      int limit)
        Get the events for the current user with the allowed event types get into the given projects.
        projects - the projects
        limit - The max number of results
        The events for the user projects