Class URIPrefixHandler

    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        public static final String ROLE
        Avalon role
    • Method Detail

      • computeUriPrefix

        public String computeUriPrefix​(String siteName,
                                       boolean absolute,
                                       boolean internal)
        Computes an URI prefix. Uses by various URIResolver.
        siteName - the current site name. May be null or empty.
        absolute - if the resulting prefix should be absolute.
        internal - if the resulting prefix should be internal.
        the computes prefix.
      • getUriPrefix

        public String getUriPrefix()
        Get the application root. Can be empty if the application resides in the root context.
        Use it to create a link beginning with the application root.
        The application root uri.
      • getUriPrefix

        public String getUriPrefix​(String siteName)
        Get the full path to the workspace with site name. If the current workspace is the default one, the workspace path part will be empty. Use it when creating site-dependent links, such as page URIs.
        siteName - the current site name.
        The workspace context path with site name.
      • getAbsoluteUriPrefix

        public String getAbsoluteUriPrefix()
        Get the absolutized version of the root uri.
        Use it to create an absolute link beginning with the application root, for instance when sending a mail linking to the application.
        The absolute root uri.
      • getAbsoluteUriPrefix

        public String getAbsoluteUriPrefix​(String siteName)
        Get an absolutized version of the workspace context path. Use it when linking to a page or an URI from outside the server, for instance when sending a link to a specific page in an e-mail.
        siteName - The name of the current site.
        The absolute workspace context path.