Class InputValidator

  • public class InputValidator
    extends Object
    Validator to determine if the search has to be launched or not
    If both rejects() and validate() return false, then it is unknown and the search will not be launched.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InputValidator

        public InputValidator​(SearchServiceInstance serviceInstance,
                              ZoneItem zoneItem,
                              String submittedFormParamValue,
                              String fromZoneItemId)
        serviceInstance - The current service instance
        zoneItem - The current zone item
        submittedFormParamValue - The value of the parameter for "submit-form"
        fromZoneItemId - The zone item id the request comes from
    • Method Detail

      • rejects

        public boolean rejects()
        Determines if the search has NOT to be launched
        If this method returns true, then it will ensure that is the search will not be launched, even though validate() would return true as well.
        true if the search has NOT to be launched
      • validate

        public boolean validate()
        Validates in order to determine if the search has to be launched or not
        true if the search has to be launched
      • notPartOfAService

        protected boolean notPartOfAService()
        The current request is not part of a service
        true if the current request is not part of a service
      • comesFromSameGroupId

        protected boolean comesFromSameGroupId()
        It comes from the same group id
        true if it comes from the same group id
      • comesFromSameZoneItemId

        protected boolean comesFromSameZoneItemId()
        It comes from the same zone item id
        true if it comes from the same zone item id