Interface SiteDocumentProvider

  • public interface SiteDocumentProvider
    Additional indexed documents provider.
    The goal is to provide documents which are not pages and needs to be indexed into order to be search.
    • Method Detail

      • indexSiteDocuments

        void indexSiteDocuments​(Site site,
                                org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient)
                         throws Exception
        Add documents to the index.
        site - the site to index.
        solrClient - The solr client to use
        Exception - if an error occurs.
      • indexSitemapDocuments

        void indexSitemapDocuments​(Sitemap sitemap,
                                   org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient)
                            throws Exception
        Add documents to the index.
        sitemap - the sitemap to index.
        solrClient - The solr client to use
        Exception - if an error occurs.