Class SkinTemplateZone

    • Constructor Detail

      • SkinTemplateZone

        public SkinTemplateZone​(String skinId,
                                String templateId,
                                String id,
                                String type,
                                I18nizableText label,
                                I18nizableText description,
                                String smallImage,
                                String mediumImage,
                                String largeImage,
                                String inheritanceString,
                                Optional<ViewParametersModel> viewParameters,
                                Optional<ViewParametersModel> zoneItemViewParameters)
        Create a zone
        skinId - The id of the skin owning the template owning the zone
        templateId - The id of the template owning the zone
        id - The id of the zone
        type - The zone type between primary and secondary.
        label - The label of the zone
        description - The description of the zone
        smallImage - The small image to represent the zone
        mediumImage - The medium image to represent the zone
        largeImage - The large image to represent the zone
        inheritanceString - The inheritance scheme following the pattern "TemplateName->,ZoneNameInThatTemplate,..." where TemplateName can be "*" or "". A completely empty string is equals to "*->CurrentZoneName". A blank string after the arrow means "no inheritance for this template".
        viewParameters - the zone view parameters model
        zoneItemViewParameters - the zone item view parameters model
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        The template id
        the id
      • getDescription

        public I18nizableText getDescription()
        The template description
        The description. Can not be null but can be empty
      • getSmallImage

        public String getSmallImage()
        The small image file uri
        The small image file uri
      • getMediumImage

        public String getMediumImage()
        The medium image file uri
        The medium image file uri
      • getLargeImage

        public String getLargeImage()
        The large image file uri
        The large image file uri
      • hasInheritance

        public boolean hasInheritance()
        Determine if this zone inherits another one
        true if a inheritance is declared.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Get the zone type (primary or secondary)
        the type
      • getInheritance

        public String getInheritance​(String templateName)
        Get the name of the zone to inherit in the given template
        templateName - The name of the template. Cannot be empty, null or a joker.
        The name of a zone in that template, or null is not applicable for this template.