002 *  Copyright 2015 Anyware Services
003 *
004 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 *  limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.ametys.cms.repository;
018import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
019import java.util.ArrayList;
020import java.util.Date;
021import java.util.HashMap;
022import java.util.HashSet;
023import java.util.List;
024import java.util.Map;
025import java.util.Set;
026import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
027import java.util.concurrent.Future;
028import java.util.stream.Collectors;
030import javax.jcr.Node;
031import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
032import javax.jcr.Session;
034import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Component;
035import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context;
036import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.ContextException;
037import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Contextualizable;
038import org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled;
039import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
040import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
041import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable;
042import org.apache.cocoon.components.ContextHelper;
043import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request;
044import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
045import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
046import org.slf4j.Logger;
048import org.ametys.cms.ObservationConstants;
049import org.ametys.cms.content.ContentHelper;
050import org.ametys.cms.content.archive.ArchiveConstants;
051import org.ametys.cms.content.referencetable.HierarchicalReferenceTablesHelper;
052import org.ametys.cms.contenttype.ContentType;
053import org.ametys.cms.contenttype.ContentTypeExtensionPoint;
054import org.ametys.cms.contenttype.ContentTypesHelper;
055import org.ametys.cms.data.ContentDataHelper;
056import org.ametys.cms.data.type.ModelItemTypeConstants;
057import org.ametys.cms.lock.LockContentManager;
058import org.ametys.cms.repository.ReactionableObject.ReactionType;
059import org.ametys.cms.tag.CMSTag;
060import org.ametys.cms.tag.TagProviderExtensionPoint;
061import org.ametys.cms.workflow.AbstractContentWorkflowComponent;
062import org.ametys.cms.workflow.ContentWorkflowHelper;
063import org.ametys.cms.workflow.EditContentFunction;
064import org.ametys.core.observation.Event;
065import org.ametys.core.observation.ObservationManager;
066import org.ametys.core.right.RightManager;
067import org.ametys.core.right.RightManager.RightResult;
068import org.ametys.core.ui.Callable;
069import org.ametys.core.user.CurrentUserProvider;
070import org.ametys.core.user.UserIdentity;
071import org.ametys.core.user.UserManager;
072import org.ametys.core.util.DateUtils;
073import org.ametys.plugins.core.user.UserHelper;
074import org.ametys.plugins.explorer.ExplorerNode;
075import org.ametys.plugins.explorer.resources.ModifiableResourceCollection;
076import org.ametys.plugins.explorer.resources.Resource;
077import org.ametys.plugins.explorer.resources.ResourceCollection;
078import org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysObject;
079import org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysObjectIterable;
080import org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysObjectResolver;
081import org.ametys.plugins.repository.AmetysRepositoryException;
082import org.ametys.plugins.repository.CopiableAmetysObject;
083import org.ametys.plugins.repository.ModifiableAmetysObject;
084import org.ametys.plugins.repository.ModifiableTraversableAmetysObject;
085import org.ametys.plugins.repository.RemovableAmetysObject;
086import org.ametys.plugins.repository.TraversableAmetysObject;
087import org.ametys.plugins.repository.UnknownAmetysObjectException;
088import org.ametys.plugins.repository.data.holder.ModifiableModelLessDataHolder;
089import org.ametys.plugins.repository.lock.LockAwareAmetysObject;
090import org.ametys.plugins.repository.lock.LockHelper;
091import org.ametys.plugins.repository.lock.LockableAmetysObject;
092import org.ametys.plugins.repository.provider.RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector;
093import org.ametys.plugins.repository.tag.TaggableAmetysObject;
094import org.ametys.plugins.repository.version.ModifiableDataAwareVersionableAmetysObject;
095import org.ametys.plugins.repository.version.VersionableAmetysObject;
096import org.ametys.plugins.workflow.AbstractWorkflowComponent;
097import org.ametys.plugins.workflow.component.CheckRightsCondition;
098import org.ametys.plugins.workflow.store.AbstractJackrabbitWorkflowStore;
099import org.ametys.plugins.workflow.store.AmetysObjectWorkflowStore;
100import org.ametys.plugins.workflow.support.WorkflowProvider;
101import org.ametys.plugins.workflow.support.WorkflowProvider.AmetysObjectWorkflow;
102import org.ametys.runtime.authentication.AccessDeniedException;
103import org.ametys.runtime.model.View;
105import com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException;
106import com.opensymphony.workflow.spi.Step;
109 * DAO for manipulating contents
110 *
111 */
112public class ContentDAO extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Serviceable, Component, Contextualizable
114    /** Avalon Role */
115    public static final String ROLE = ContentDAO.class.getName();
117    /** Deletion status : deleted */
118    protected static final String _CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_DELETED = "deleted";
120    /** Deletion status : undeleted */
121    protected static final String _CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_UNDELETED = "undeleted";
123    /** Deletion status : referenced */
124    protected static final String _CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_REFERENCED = "referenced";
126    /** Deletion status : unauthorized */
127    protected static final String _CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED = "unauthorized";
129    /** Deletion status : locked */
130    protected static final String _CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_LOCKED = "locked";
132    /** Ametys resolver */
133    protected AmetysObjectResolver _resolver;
134    /** Ametys observation manger */
135    protected ObservationManager _observationManager;
136    /** Component to get current user */
137    protected CurrentUserProvider _currentUserProvider;
138    /** Component to get tags */
139    protected TagProviderExtensionPoint _tagProvider;
141    /** Workflow component */
142    protected WorkflowProvider _workflowProvider;
143    /** Workflow helper component */
144    protected ContentWorkflowHelper _contentWorkflowHelper;
145    /** Component to manager lock */
146    protected LockContentManager _lockManager;
147    /** Content-type extension point */
148    protected ContentTypeExtensionPoint _contentTypeEP;
149    /** Content helper */
150    protected ContentHelper _contentHelper;
151    /** Content types helper */
152    protected ContentTypesHelper _cTypesHelper;
153    /** Rights manager */
154    protected RightManager _rightManager;
155    /** Cocoon context */
156    protected Context _context;
157    /** The user manager */
158    protected UserManager _usersManager;
159    /** Helper for users */
160    protected UserHelper _userHelper;
161    /** The helper component for hierarchical simple contents */
162    protected HierarchicalReferenceTablesHelper _hierarchicalSimpleContentsHelper;
163    /** The modifiable content helper */
164    protected ModifiableContentHelper _modifiableContentHelper;
166    /** The mode for tag edition */
167    public enum TagMode 
168    {
169        /** Value will replace existing one */
170        REPLACE,
171        /** Value will be added to existing one */
172        INSERT,
173        /** Value will be removed from existing one */
174        REMOVE
175    }
177    public void contextualize(Context context) throws ContextException
178    {
179        _context = context;
180    }
182    @Override
183    public void service(ServiceManager smanager) throws ServiceException
184    {
185        _resolver = (AmetysObjectResolver) smanager.lookup(AmetysObjectResolver.ROLE);
186        _observationManager = (ObservationManager) smanager.lookup(ObservationManager.ROLE);
187        _currentUserProvider = (CurrentUserProvider) smanager.lookup(CurrentUserProvider.ROLE);
188        _usersManager = (UserManager) smanager.lookup(UserManager.ROLE);
189        _userHelper = (UserHelper) smanager.lookup(UserHelper.ROLE);
190        _tagProvider = (TagProviderExtensionPoint) smanager.lookup(TagProviderExtensionPoint.ROLE);
191        _workflowProvider = (WorkflowProvider) smanager.lookup(WorkflowProvider.ROLE);
192        _rightManager = (RightManager) smanager.lookup(RightManager.ROLE);
193        _contentTypeEP = (ContentTypeExtensionPoint) smanager.lookup(ContentTypeExtensionPoint.ROLE);
194        _lockManager = (LockContentManager) smanager.lookup(LockContentManager.ROLE);
195        _contentWorkflowHelper = (ContentWorkflowHelper) smanager.lookup(ContentWorkflowHelper.ROLE);
196        _cTypesHelper = (ContentTypesHelper) smanager.lookup(ContentTypesHelper.ROLE);
197        _contentHelper = (ContentHelper) smanager.lookup(ContentHelper.ROLE);
198        _modifiableContentHelper = (ModifiableContentHelper) smanager.lookup(ModifiableContentHelper.ROLE); 
199        _hierarchicalSimpleContentsHelper = (HierarchicalReferenceTablesHelper) smanager.lookup(HierarchicalReferenceTablesHelper.ROLE);
200    }
202    /**
203     * Delete contents and force the deletion of invert relations.
204     * @param contentsId The ids of contents to delete
205     * @return the deleted and undeleted contents
206     */
207    @Callable
208    public Map<String, Object> forceDeleteContents(List<String> contentsId)
209    {
210        return forceDeleteContentsObj(
211            contentsId.stream()
212                .map(_resolver::<Content>resolveById)
213                .collect(Collectors.toList()),
214            getRightToDelete()
215        );
216    }
218    /**
219     * Delete contents and force the deletion of invert relations.
220     * @param contents The contents to delete
221     * @param deleteRightId The deletion right's id to check. Can be null to ignore rights
222     * @return the deleted and undeleted contents
223     */
224    public Map<String, Object> forceDeleteContentsObj(List<Content> contents, String deleteRightId)
225    {
226        Map<String, Object> results = _initializeResultsMap();
228        for (Content content : contents)
229        {
230            Map<String, Object> contentParams = _transformContentToParams(content);
232            String contentDeletionStatus = _getContentDeletionStatus(content, deleteRightId);
234            // The content is referenced, remove referencies
235            // Then remove referencies if you can
236            // Then check that the content is not referenced any more (should not happen)
237            if (contentDeletionStatus != null && contentDeletionStatus.equals(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_REFERENCED) && _removeReferences(content) && !_isContentReferenced(content))
238            {
239                contentDeletionStatus = null;
240            }
242            // The content has no constraints
243            if (contentDeletionStatus == null)
244            {
245                contentDeletionStatus = _reallyDeleteContent(content);
246            }
248            String key = contentDeletionStatus + "-contents";
249            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
250            List<Map<String, Object>> statusedContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) results.get(key);
251            statusedContents.add(contentParams);
252        }
254        return results;
255    }
257    /**
258     * Get the invert action id (used for forced deletion).
259     * @return The invert action id
260     */
261    protected int _getInvertActionId()
262    {
263        return EditContentFunction.INVERT_EDIT_ACTION_ID;
264    }
266    /**
267     * Get the right to delete a content.
268     * @return The right ID to delete a content
269     */
270    protected String getRightToDelete()
271    {
272        return "CMS_Rights_DeleteContent";
273    }
275    /**
276     * Remove all the references to the given content.
277     * @param content The content
278     * @return <code>true</code> if references have been all removed successfully
279     */
280    protected boolean _removeReferences(Content content)
281    {
282        int actionId = _getInvertActionId();
284        // Group references by referencer
285        Map<Content, Set<String>> referencesByContent = new HashMap<>();
286        for (Pair<String, Content> referencingPair : _contentHelper.getReferencingContents(content))
287        {
288            Set<String> references = referencesByContent.computeIfAbsent(referencingPair.getValue(), __ -> new HashSet<>());
289            references.add(referencingPair.getKey());
290        }
292        // Control that each referencer has the invert action available
293        for (Content referencingContent : referencesByContent.keySet())
294        {
295            if (referencingContent instanceof WorkflowAwareContent 
296                    && !_contentWorkflowHelper.isAvailableAction((WorkflowAwareContent) referencingContent, actionId))
297            {
298                getLogger().warn("The action " + actionId + " is not available for the referencing content " + referencingContent.getId() + ". Impossible to delete the content " + content.getId() + ".");
299                return false;
300            }
301        }
303        // Get the references
304        for (Content referencingContent : referencesByContent.keySet())
305        {
306            // Break the references
307            for (String referencingPath : referencesByContent.get(referencingContent))
308            {
309                if (referencingContent instanceof ModifiableContent)
310                {
311                    if (referencingContent.isMultiple(referencingPath))
312                    {
313                        String[] values = ContentDataHelper.getContentIdsStreamFromMultipleContentData(referencingContent, referencingPath)
314                            .filter(id -> !id.equals(content.getId()))
315                            .toArray(String[]::new);
316                        ((ModifiableContent) referencingContent).setValue(referencingPath, values);
317                    }
318                    else
319                    {
320                        ((ModifiableContent) referencingContent).removeValue(referencingPath);
321                    }
322                }
323            }
325            // edit
326            Map<String, Object> contextParameters = new HashMap<>();
327            contextParameters.put("quit", true);
329            Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<>();
330            inputs.put(AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY, contextParameters);
331            inputs.put(CheckRightsCondition.FORCE, true);
333            if (referencingContent instanceof WorkflowAwareContent)
334            {
335                try
336                {
337                    _contentWorkflowHelper.doAction((WorkflowAwareContent) referencingContent, actionId, inputs);
338                }
339                catch (WorkflowException e)
340                {
341                    getLogger().error("An error occured while trying to update the workflow of the referencer " + referencingContent.toString(), e);
342                }
343            }
344        }
346        return true;
347    }
349    /**
350     * Delete contents
351     * @param contentsId The ids of contents to delete
352     * @return the deleted and undeleted contents
353     */
354    @Callable
355    public Map<String, Object> deleteContents(List<String> contentsId)
356    {
357        return deleteContents(contentsId, false);
358    }
360    /**
361     * Delete contents
362     * @param contentsId The ids of contents to delete
363     * @param ignoreRights true to ignore user rights
364     * @return the deleted and undeleted contents
365     */
366    public Map<String, Object> deleteContents(List<String> contentsId, boolean ignoreRights)
367    {
368        return deleteContents(contentsId, ignoreRights ? null : getRightToDelete());
369    }
371    /**
372     * Delete contents
373     * @param contentsId The ids of contents to delete
374     * @param deleteRightId The deletion right's id to check. Can be null to ignore rights
375     * @return the deleted and undeleted contents
376     */
377    public Map<String, Object> deleteContents(List<String> contentsId, String deleteRightId)
378    {
379        Map<String, Object> results = _initializeResultsMap();
381        for (String contentId : contentsId)
382        {
383            Content content = _resolver.resolveById(contentId);
384            Map<String, Object> contentParams = _transformContentToParams(content);
386            String contentDeletionStatus = _getContentDeletionStatus(content, deleteRightId);
388            // The content has no constraints
389            if (contentDeletionStatus == null)
390            {
391                contentDeletionStatus = _reallyDeleteContent(content);
392            }
394            String key = contentDeletionStatus + "-contents";
395            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
396            List<Map<String, Object>> statusedContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) results.get(key);
397            statusedContents.add(contentParams);
398        }
400        return results;
401    }
403    /**
404     * Initialize the result map.
405     * @return The empty result map.
406     */
407    protected Map<String, Object> _initializeResultsMap()
408    {
409        Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<>();
411        results.put(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_DELETED + "-contents", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
412        results.put(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_UNDELETED + "-contents", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
413        results.put(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_REFERENCED + "-contents", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
414        results.put(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED + "-contents", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
415        results.put(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_LOCKED + "-contents", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
417        return results;
418    }
420    /**
421     * Delete the content and notify observers.
422     * @param content The content to delete
423     * @return The deletion status "deleted" or "undeleted" if an exception occurs
424     */
425    protected String _reallyDeleteContent(Content content)
426    {
427        try
428        {
429            // All checks have been done, the content can be deleted
430            Map<String, Object> eventParams = _getEventParametersForDeletion(content);
432            _observationManager.notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_CONTENT_DELETING, _currentUserProvider.getUser(), eventParams));
434            RemovableAmetysObject removableContent = (RemovableAmetysObject) content;
435            ModifiableAmetysObject parent = removableContent.getParent();
437            // Remove the content.
438            removableContent.remove();
440            parent.saveChanges();
442            _observationManager.notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_CONTENT_DELETED, _currentUserProvider.getUser(), eventParams));
445        }
446        catch (AmetysRepositoryException e)
447        {
448            getLogger().error("Unable to delete content '" + content.getId() + "'", e);
451        }
452    }
454    /**
455     * Transform the content to a {@link Map} with id, title and name.
456     * @param content The content to transform
457     * @return A {@link Map} with essentials informations of the content
458     */
459    protected Map<String, Object> _transformContentToParams(Content content)
460    {
461        String contentName = content.getName();
462        String contentTitle = StringUtils.defaultString(_contentHelper.getTitle(content), contentName);
464        Map<String, Object> contentParams = new HashMap<>();
465        contentParams.put("id", content.getId());
466        contentParams.put("title", contentTitle);
467        contentParams.put("name", contentName);
469        return contentParams;
470    }
472    /**
473     * Get the deletion status of the content :
474     *  - unauthorized: The content can't be deleted because of rights
475     *  - locked: The content is locked
476     *  - referenced: The content has ingoing references
477     * @param content The content
478     * @param deleteRightId The right ID
479     * @return <code>null</code> if content deletion can be done or the status if there is something wrong for deletion 
480     */
481    protected String _getContentDeletionStatus(Content content, String deleteRightId)
482    {
483        if (!(content instanceof RemovableAmetysObject))
484        {
485            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The content [" + content.getId() + "] is not a RemovableAmetysObject, it can't be deleted.");
486        }
488        if (deleteRightId != null && !canDelete(content, deleteRightId))
489        {
490            // User has no sufficient right
492        }
494        if (content instanceof LockableAmetysObject)
495        {
496            // If the content is locked, try to unlock it.
497            LockableAmetysObject lockableContent = (LockableAmetysObject) content;
498            if (lockableContent.isLocked())
499            {
500                boolean canUnlockAll = _rightManager.hasRight(_currentUserProvider.getUser(), "CMS_Rights_UnlockAll", "/cms") == RightResult.RIGHT_ALLOW;
501                if (LockHelper.isLockOwner(lockableContent, _currentUserProvider.getUser()) || canUnlockAll)
502                {
503                    lockableContent.unlock();
504                }
505                else
506                {
507                    return _CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_LOCKED;
508                }
509            }
510        }
512        if (_isContentReferenced(content))
513        {
514            // Indicate that the content is referenced.
516        }
518        return null;
519    }
521    /**
522     * Test if content is still referenced before removing it
523     * @param content The content to remove
524     * @return true if content is still referenced
525     */
526    protected boolean _isContentReferenced (Content content)
527    {
528        return content.hasReferencingContents();
529    }
531    /**
532     * Get parameters for content deleted {@link Event}
533     * @param content the removed content
534     * @return the event's parameters
535     */
536    protected Map<String, Object> _getEventParametersForDeletion (Content content)
537    {
538        Map<String, Object> eventParams = new HashMap<>();
539        eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_CONTENT, content);
540        eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_CONTENT_NAME, content.getName());
541        eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_CONTENT_ID, content.getId());
542        return eventParams;
543    }
545    /**
546     * Get the contents properties
547     * @param contentIds The ids of contents
548     * @param workspaceName The workspace name. Can be null to get contents in current workspace.
549     * @return The contents' properties
550     */
551    @Callable
552    public Map<String, Object> getContentsProperties (List<String> contentIds, String workspaceName)
553    {
554        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
556        List<Map<String, Object>> contents = new ArrayList<>();
557        List<String> contentsNotFound = new ArrayList<>();
559        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
560        String currentWorkspace = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
561        try
562        {
563            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(workspaceName))
564            {
565                RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, workspaceName);
566            }
568            for (String contentId : contentIds)
569            {
570                try
571                {
572                    Content content = _resolver.resolveById(contentId);
573                    contents.add(getContentProperties(content));
574                }
575                catch (UnknownAmetysObjectException e)
576                {
577                    contentsNotFound.add(contentId);
578                }
579            }
581            result.put("contents", contents);
582            result.put("contentsNotFound", contentsNotFound);
583        }
584        finally
585        {
586            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, currentWorkspace);
587        }
589        return result;
590    }
592    /**
593     * Get the content properties
594     * @param contentId The id of content
595     * @param workspaceName The workspace name. Can be null to get content in current workspace.
596     * @return The content's properties
597     */
598    @Callable
599    public Map<String, Object> getContentProperties (String contentId, String workspaceName)
600    {
601        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
602        String currentWorkspace = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
603        try
604        {
605            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(workspaceName))
606            {
607                RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, workspaceName);
608            }
610            Content content = _resolver.resolveById(contentId);
611            return getContentProperties(content);
612        }
613        finally
614        {
615            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, currentWorkspace);
616        }
617    }
619    /**
620     * Get the content properties
621     * @param content The content
622     * @return The content properties
623     */
624    public Map<String, Object> getContentProperties (Content content)
625    {
626        Map<String, Object> infos = new HashMap<>();
628        infos.put("id", content.getId());
629        infos.put("name", content.getName());
630        infos.put("title", _contentHelper.getTitle(content));
632        if (ModelItemTypeConstants.MULTILINGUAL_STRING_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID.equals(content.getType(Content.ATTRIBUTE_TITLE).getId()))
633        {
634            infos.put("titleVariants", _contentHelper.getTitleVariants(content));
635        }
636        infos.put("path", content.getPath());
637        infos.put("types", content.getTypes());
638        infos.put("mixins", content.getMixinTypes());
639        String lang = content.getLanguage();
640        if (lang != null)
641        {
642            infos.put("lang", lang);
643        }
644        infos.put("creator", _userHelper.user2json(content.getCreator()));
645        infos.put("lastContributor", _userHelper.user2json(content.getLastContributor()));
646        infos.put("creationDate", DateUtils.dateToString(content.getCreationDate()));
647        infos.put("lastModified", DateUtils.dateToString(content.getLastModified()));
648        infos.put("isSimple", _contentHelper.isSimple(content));
649        infos.put("isReferenceTable", _contentHelper.isReferenceTable(content));
650        infos.put("parent", _hierarchicalSimpleContentsHelper.getParent(content));
652        if (content instanceof WorkflowAwareContent)
653        {
654            WorkflowAwareContent waContent = (WorkflowAwareContent) content;
655            AmetysObjectWorkflow workflow = _workflowProvider.getAmetysObjectWorkflow(waContent);
657            infos.put("workflowName", workflow.getWorkflowName(waContent.getWorkflowId()));
659            List<Integer> workflowSteps = new ArrayList<>();
661            List<Step> currentSteps = workflow.getCurrentSteps(waContent.getWorkflowId());
662            for (Step step : currentSteps)
663            {
664                workflowSteps.add(step.getStepId());
665            }
666            infos.put("workflowSteps", workflowSteps);
668            int[] availableActions = _contentWorkflowHelper.getAvailableActions(waContent);
669            infos.put("availableActions", availableActions);
670        }
672        if (content instanceof ModifiableContent)
673        {
674            infos.put("isModifiable", true);
675        }
677        if (content instanceof LockAwareAmetysObject)
678        {
679            LockAwareAmetysObject lockableContent = (LockAwareAmetysObject) content;
680            if (lockableContent.isLocked())
681            {
682                infos.put("locked", true);
683                infos.put("lockOwner", _userHelper.user2json(lockableContent.getLockOwner()));
684                infos.put("canUnlock", _lockManager.canUnlock(lockableContent));
685            }
686        }
688        infos.put("rights", getUserRights(content));
690        Map<String, Object> additionalData = new HashMap<>();
692        String[] contenttypes = content.getTypes();
693        for (String cTypeId : contenttypes)
694        {
695            ContentType cType = _contentTypeEP.getExtension(cTypeId);
696            if (cType != null)
697            {
698                additionalData.putAll(cType.getAdditionalData(content));
699            }
700        }
702        if (!additionalData.isEmpty())
703        {
704            infos.put("additionalData", additionalData); 
705        }
707        infos.put("isTaggable", content instanceof TaggableAmetysObject);
709        if (content instanceof ModifiableDataAwareVersionableAmetysObject)
710        {
711            ModifiableModelLessDataHolder unversionedDataHolder = ((ModifiableDataAwareVersionableAmetysObject) content).getUnversionedDataHolder();
712            if (unversionedDataHolder.hasValue(ArchiveConstants.META_ARCHIVE_SCHEDULED_DATE))
713            {
714                ZonedDateTime scheduledDate = unversionedDataHolder.getValue(ArchiveConstants.META_ARCHIVE_SCHEDULED_DATE);
715                infos.put("scheduledArchivingDate", DateUtils.zonedDateTimeToString(scheduledDate));
716            }
717        }
719        if (content instanceof ReportableObject)
720        {
721            infos.put("reportsCount", ((ReportableObject) content).getReportsCount());
722        }
724        return infos;
725    }
727    /**
728     * Get the content's properties for description
729     * @param contentId The id of content
730     * @param workspaceName The workspace name. Can be null to get content in current workspace.
731     * @return The content's properties for description
732     */
733    @Callable
734    public Map<String, Object> getContentDescription (String contentId, String workspaceName)
735    {
736        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
737        String currentWorkspace = RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.getForcedWorkspace(request);
738        try
739        {
740            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(workspaceName))
741            {
742                RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, workspaceName);
743            }
745            Content content = _resolver.resolveById(contentId);
746            return getContentDescription(content);
747        }
748        finally
749        {
750            RequestAttributeWorkspaceSelector.setForcedWorkspace(request, currentWorkspace);
751        }
752    }
754    /**
755     *Get the content's properties for description
756     * @param content The content
757     * @return The content's properties for description
758     */
759    public Map<String, Object> getContentDescription (Content content)
760    {
761        Map<String, Object> infos = new HashMap<>();
763        infos.put("id", content.getId());
764        infos.put("name", content.getName());
765        infos.put("title", _contentHelper.getTitle(content));
766        infos.put("types", content.getTypes());
767        infos.put("mixins", content.getMixinTypes());
768        infos.put("lang", content.getLanguage());
769        infos.put("creator", _userHelper.user2json(content.getCreator()));
770        infos.put("lastContributor", _userHelper.user2json(content.getLastContributor()));
771        infos.put("lastModified", DateUtils.dateToString(content.getLastModified()));
772        infos.put("iconGlyph", _cTypesHelper.getIconGlyph(content));
773        infos.put("iconDecorator", _cTypesHelper.getIconDecorator(content));
774        infos.put("smallIcon", _cTypesHelper.getSmallIcon(content));
775        infos.put("mediumIcon", _cTypesHelper.getMediumIcon(content));
776        infos.put("largeIcon", _cTypesHelper.getLargeIcon(content));
778        return infos;
779    }
781    /**
782     * Get the views of a content
783     * @param contentId the content's id
784     * @param includeInternal Set to true to include internal views.
785     * @return the views
786     */
787    @Callable
788    public List<Map<String, Object>> getContentViews(String contentId, boolean includeInternal)
789    {
790        List<Map<String, Object>> views = new ArrayList<>();
792        Content content = _resolver.resolveById(contentId);
793        String contentTypeId = _cTypesHelper.getContentTypeIdForRendering(content);
795        ContentType cType = _contentTypeEP.getExtension(contentTypeId);
797        Set<String> viewNames = cType.getViewNames(includeInternal);
798        for (String viewName : viewNames)
799        {
800            View view = cType.getView(viewName);
802            Map<String, Object> viewInfos = new HashMap<>();
803            viewInfos.put("name", viewName);
804            viewInfos.put("label", view.getLabel());
805            viewInfos.put("description", view.getDescription());
806            views.add(viewInfos);
807        }
809        return views;
810    }
812    /**
813     * Get the user rights on content
814     * @param content The content
815     * @return The user's rights
816     */
817    protected Set<String> getUserRights (Content content)
818    {
819        UserIdentity user = _currentUserProvider.getUser();
820        return _rightManager.getUserRights(user, content);
821    }
823    /**
824     * Get the tags of contents
825     * @param contentIds The content's ids
826     * @return the tags
827     */
828    @Callable
829    public Set<String> getTags (List<String> contentIds)
830    {
831        Set<String> tags = new HashSet<>();
833        for (String contentId : contentIds)
834        {
835            Content content = _resolver.resolveById(contentId);
836            tags.addAll(content.getTags());
837        }
839        return tags;
840    }
842    /**
843     * Tag a list of contents with the given tags
844     * @param contentIds The ids of contents to tag
845     * @param tagNames The tags
846     * @param contextualParameters The contextual parameters
847     * @return the result
848     */
849    @Callable
850    public Map<String, Object> tag (List<String> contentIds, List<String> tagNames, Map<String, Object> contextualParameters)
851    {
852        return tag(contentIds, tagNames, TagMode.REPLACE.toString(), contextualParameters);
853    }
855    /**
856     * Tag a list of contents
857     * @param contentIds The ids of contents to tag
858     * @param tagNames The tags
859     * @param mode The mode for updating tags: 'REPLACE' to replace tags, 'INSERT' to add tags or 'REMOVE' to remove tags.
860     * @param contextualParameters The contextual parameters
861     * @return the result
862     */
863    @Callable
864    public Map<String, Object> tag (List<String> contentIds, List<String> tagNames, String mode, Map<String, Object> contextualParameters)
865    {
866        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
868        result.put("notaggable-contents", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
869        result.put("invalid-tags", new ArrayList<String>());
870        result.put("allright-contents", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
871        result.put("locked-contents", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>());
873        for (String contentId : contentIds)
874        {
875            Content content = _resolver.resolveById(contentId);
877            Map<String, Object> content2json = new HashMap<>();
878            content2json.put("id", content.getId());
879            content2json.put("title", _contentHelper.getTitle(content));
881            if (content instanceof TaggableAmetysObject)
882            {
883                TaggableAmetysObject mContent = (TaggableAmetysObject) content;
885                boolean wasLocked = false;
887                if (content instanceof LockableAmetysObject)
888                {
889                    LockableAmetysObject lockableContent = (LockableAmetysObject) content;
890                    UserIdentity user = _currentUserProvider.getUser();
891                    if (lockableContent.isLocked() && !LockHelper.isLockOwner(lockableContent, user))
892                    {
893                        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
894                        List<Map<String, Object>> lockedContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get("locked-contents");
895                        content2json.put("lockOwner", lockableContent.getLockOwner());
896                        lockedContents.add(content2json);
898                        // Stop process
899                        continue;
900                    }
902                    if (lockableContent.isLocked())
903                    {
904                        wasLocked = true;
905                        lockableContent.unlock();
906                    }
907                }
909                TagMode tagMode = TagMode.valueOf(mode);
911                Set<String> oldTags = mContent.getTags();
912                _removeAllTagsInReplaceMode(mContent, tagMode, oldTags);
914                // Then set new tags
915                for (String tagName : tagNames)
916                {
917                    if (_isTagValid(tagName, contextualParameters))
918                    {
919                        if (TagMode.REMOVE.equals(tagMode))
920                        {
921                            mContent.untag(tagName);
922                        }
923                        else if (TagMode.REPLACE.equals(tagMode) || !oldTags.contains(tagName))
924                        {
925                            mContent.tag(tagName);
926                        }
928                    }
929                    else
930                    {
931                        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
932                        List<String> invalidTags = (List<String>) result.get("invalid-tags");
933                        invalidTags.add(tagName);
934                    }
935                }
937                ((ModifiableAmetysObject) content).saveChanges();
939                if (wasLocked)
940                {
941                    // Relock content if it was locked before tagging
942                    ((LockableAmetysObject) content).lock();
943                }
945                content2json.put("tags", content.getTags());
946                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
947                List<Map<String, Object>> allRightPages = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get("allright-contents");
948                allRightPages.add(content2json);
950                if (!oldTags.equals(content.getTags()))
951                {
952                    // Notify observers that the content has been tagged
953                    Map<String, Object> eventParams = new HashMap<>();
954                    eventParams.put(org.ametys.cms.ObservationConstants.ARGS_CONTENT, content);
955                    eventParams.put(org.ametys.cms.ObservationConstants.ARGS_CONTENT_ID, content.getId());
956                    eventParams.put("content.tags", content.getTags());
957                    eventParams.put("content.old.tags", oldTags);
958                    _observationManager.notify(new Event(org.ametys.cms.ObservationConstants.EVENT_CONTENT_TAGGED, _currentUserProvider.getUser(), eventParams));
959                }
960            }
961            else
962            {
963                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
964                List<Map<String, Object>> notaggableContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get("notaggable-contents");
965                notaggableContents.add(content2json);
966            }
967        }
969        return result;
970    }
972    /**
973     * Remove all tags from the given content if tagMode is equals to REPLACE.
974     * @param mContent The content
975     * @param tagMode The tag
976     * @param oldTags Tags to remove
977     */
978    protected void _removeAllTagsInReplaceMode(TaggableAmetysObject mContent, TagMode tagMode, Set<String> oldTags)
979    {
980        if (TagMode.REPLACE.equals(tagMode))
981        {
982            // First delete old tags
983            for (String tagName : oldTags)
984            {
985                mContent.untag(tagName);
986            }
987        }
988    }
990    /**
991     * Is the tag a content tag
992     * @param tagName The tag name
993     * @param contextualParameters The contextual parameters
994     * @return true if the tag is a valid content tag
995     */
996    protected boolean _isTagValid (String tagName, Map<String, Object> contextualParameters)
997    {
998        CMSTag tag = _tagProvider.getTag(tagName, contextualParameters);
999        return tag.getTarget().getName().equals("CONTENT");
1000    }
1002    /**
1003     * Copy a content.
1004     * @param originalContent the original content.
1005     * @param parent the object in which to create a content.
1006     * @param name the content name.
1007     * @param initWorkflowActionId The initial workflow action id
1008     * @return the copied content.
1009     * @throws AmetysRepositoryException If an error occured
1010     */
1011    public ModifiableContent copy(DefaultContent originalContent, ModifiableTraversableAmetysObject parent, String name, int initWorkflowActionId) throws AmetysRepositoryException
1012    {
1013        return copy(originalContent, parent, name, null, initWorkflowActionId);
1014    }
1016    /**
1017     * Copy a content.
1018     * @param originalContent the original content.
1019     * @param parent the object in which to create a content.
1020     * @param name the content name.
1021     * @param lang the content language. If null, the content language will be the same of the original content 
1022     * @param initWorkflowActionId The initial workflow action id
1023     * @return the copied content.
1024     * @throws AmetysRepositoryException If an error occured
1025     */
1026    public ModifiableContent copy(DefaultContent originalContent, ModifiableTraversableAmetysObject parent, String name, String lang, int initWorkflowActionId) throws AmetysRepositoryException
1027    {
1028        return copy(originalContent, parent, name, lang, initWorkflowActionId, true, false, false);
1029    }
1031    /**
1032     * Copy a content.
1033     * @param originalContent the original content.
1034     * @param parent the object in which to create a content.
1035     * @param name the content name.
1036     * @param lang the content language. If null, the content language will be the same of the original content 
1037     * @param initWorkflowActionId The initial workflow action id
1038     * @param notifyObservers Set to false to do not fire observer events
1039     * @param waitAsyncObservers true to wait for asynchronous observers to complete
1040     * @param copyACL true to copy ACL of source content
1041     * @return the copied content.
1042     * @throws AmetysRepositoryException If an error occured
1043     */
1044    public ModifiableContent copy(DefaultContent originalContent, ModifiableTraversableAmetysObject parent, String name, String lang, int initWorkflowActionId, boolean notifyObservers, boolean waitAsyncObservers, boolean copyACL) throws AmetysRepositoryException
1045    {
1046        try
1047        {
1048            String originalName = name == null ? originalContent.getName() : name;
1049            String contentName = originalName;
1050            int index = 2;
1051            while (parent.hasChild(contentName))
1052            {
1053                contentName = originalName + "-" + (index++);
1054            }
1056            String originalContentType = originalContent.getNode().getPrimaryNodeType().getName();
1058            ModifiableContent content = parent.createChild(contentName, originalContentType);
1060            String targetLanguage = lang == null ? originalContent.getLanguage() : lang;
1061            if (targetLanguage != null)
1062            {
1063                content.setLanguage(targetLanguage);
1064            }
1066            content.setTypes(originalContent.getTypes());
1068            _modifiableContentHelper.copyTitle(originalContent, content);
1070            if (originalContent instanceof WorkflowAwareContent)
1071            {
1072                WorkflowAwareContent waOriginalContent = (WorkflowAwareContent) originalContent;
1073                AmetysObjectWorkflow originalContentWorkflow = _workflowProvider.getAmetysObjectWorkflow(waOriginalContent);
1074                String workflowName = originalContentWorkflow.getWorkflowName(waOriginalContent.getWorkflowId());
1076                // Initialize new content workflow
1077                WorkflowAwareContent waContent = (WorkflowAwareContent) content;
1078                AmetysObjectWorkflow workflow = _workflowProvider.getAmetysObjectWorkflow(waContent);
1080                HashMap<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<>();
1081                // Provide the content key
1082                inputs.put(AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.CONTENT_KEY, waContent);
1084                long workflowId = workflow.initialize(workflowName, initWorkflowActionId, inputs);
1085                waContent.setWorkflowId(workflowId);
1087                // Set the current step ID property
1088                Step currentStep = (Step) workflow.getCurrentSteps(workflowId).iterator().next();
1089                waContent.setCurrentStepId(currentStep.getStepId());
1091                Node workflowEntryNode = null;
1092                Node node = waContent.getNode();
1093                Session session = node.getSession();
1096                try
1097                {
1098                    AbstractJackrabbitWorkflowStore workflowStore = (AbstractJackrabbitWorkflowStore) workflow.getConfiguration().getWorkflowStore();
1100                    if (workflowStore instanceof AmetysObjectWorkflowStore)
1101                    {
1102                        AmetysObjectWorkflowStore ametysObjectWorkflowStore = (AmetysObjectWorkflowStore) workflowStore;
1103                        ametysObjectWorkflowStore.bindAmetysObject(waContent);
1104                    }
1106                    workflowEntryNode = workflowStore.getEntryNode(session, workflowId);
1107                    workflowEntryNode.setProperty("ametys-internal:initialActionId", initWorkflowActionId);
1108                }
1109                catch (RepositoryException e)
1110                {
1111                    throw new AmetysRepositoryException("Unable to link the workflow to the content", e);
1112                }
1113            }
1115            // Copy attributes
1116            originalContent.copyTo(content);
1118            // Copy attachments 
1119            _copyAttachments(originalContent, content);
1121            if (copyACL)
1122            {
1123                _copyACL(originalContent, content);
1124            }
1126            UserIdentity currentUser = _currentUserProvider.getUser();
1127            if (currentUser != null)
1128            {
1129                content.setCreator(currentUser);
1130                content.setLastContributor(currentUser);
1131                content.setLastModified(new Date());
1132                content.setCreationDate(new Date());
1133            }
1135            parent.saveChanges();
1137            // Create a new version
1138            if (content instanceof VersionableAmetysObject)
1139            {
1140                ((VersionableAmetysObject) content).checkpoint();
1141            }
1143            if (notifyObservers)
1144            {
1145                _notifyContentCopied(content, waitAsyncObservers);
1146            }
1148            return content;
1149        }
1150        catch (WorkflowException e)
1151        {
1152            throw new AmetysRepositoryException(e);
1153        }
1154        catch (RepositoryException e)
1155        {
1156            throw new AmetysRepositoryException(e);
1157        }
1158    }
1160    /**
1161     * Copy the attachments of a content
1162     * @param srcContent The source content
1163     * @param targetContent The target content
1164     */
1165    protected void _copyAttachments(Content srcContent, Content targetContent)
1166    {
1167        ResourceCollection srcRootAttachments = srcContent.getRootAttachments();
1168        ResourceCollection targetRootAttachments = targetContent.getRootAttachments();
1170        AmetysObjectIterable<AmetysObject> children = srcRootAttachments.getChildren();
1171        for (AmetysObject child : children)
1172        {
1173            if (child instanceof CopiableAmetysObject)
1174            {
1175                try
1176                {
1177                    ((CopiableAmetysObject) child).copyTo((ModifiableTraversableAmetysObject) targetRootAttachments, child.getName());
1178                }
1179                catch (AmetysRepositoryException e)
1180                {
1181                    getLogger().error("Failed to copy attachments at path " + child.getPath() + " from content " + srcContent + " to content " + targetContent, e);
1182                }
1183            }
1184        }
1185    }
1187    /**
1188     * Copy the ACL of a content
1189     * @param srcContent The source content
1190     * @param targetContent The target content
1191     */
1192    protected void _copyACL(Content srcContent, Content targetContent)
1193    {
1194        if (srcContent instanceof DefaultContent && targetContent instanceof DefaultContent)
1195        {
1196            Node srcNode = ((DefaultContent) srcContent).getNode();
1197            Node targetNode = ((DefaultContent) targetContent).getNode();
1199            try
1200            {
1201                String aclNodeName = "ametys-internal:acl";
1202                if (srcNode.hasNode(aclNodeName))
1203                {
1204                    Node aclNode = srcNode.getNode(aclNodeName);
1205                    aclNode.getSession().getWorkspace().copy(aclNode.getPath(), targetNode.getPath() + "/" + aclNodeName);
1206                }
1207            }
1208            catch (RepositoryException e)
1209            {
1210                getLogger().error("Failed to copy ACL from content " + srcContent + " to content " + targetContent, e);
1211            }
1212        }
1213    }
1215    /**
1216     * Notify observers that the content has been created
1217     * @param content The content added
1218     * @param waitAsyncObservers true to wait for asynchonous observers to finish
1219     * @throws WorkflowException If an error occurred
1220     */
1221    protected void _notifyContentCopied(Content content, boolean waitAsyncObservers) throws WorkflowException
1222    {
1223        Map<String, Object> eventParams = new HashMap<>();
1224        eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_CONTENT, content);
1225        eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_CONTENT_ID, content.getId());
1227        List<Future> futures = _observationManager.notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_CONTENT_ADDED, _currentUserProvider.getUser(), eventParams));
1228        futures.addAll(_observationManager.notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_CONTENT_WORKFLOW_CHANGED, _currentUserProvider.getUser(), eventParams)));
1230        if (waitAsyncObservers)
1231        {
1232            // Wait for asynchonous observers to finish
1233            for (Future future : futures)
1234            {
1235                try
1236                {
1237                    future.get();
1238                }
1239                catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e)
1240                {
1241                    getLogger().error(String.format("Error while waiting for async observer to complete"));
1242                }
1243            }
1244        }
1245    }
1247    /**
1248     * Returns the content's attachments root node
1249     * @param id the content's id
1250     * @return The attachments' root node informations
1251     */
1252    @Callable
1253    public Map<String, Object> getAttachmentsRootNode (String id)
1254    {
1255        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
1257        Content content = _resolver.resolveById(id);
1259        result.put("title", _contentHelper.getTitle(content));
1260        result.put("contentId", content.getId());
1262        TraversableAmetysObject attachments = content.getRootAttachments();
1264        if (attachments != null)
1265        {
1266            result.put("id", attachments.getId());
1267            if (attachments instanceof ModifiableAmetysObject)
1268            {
1269                result.put("isModifiable", true);
1270            }
1271            if (attachments instanceof ModifiableResourceCollection)
1272            {
1273                result.put("canCreateChild", true);
1274            }
1276            boolean hasChildNodes = false;
1277            boolean hasResources = false;
1279            for (AmetysObject child : attachments.getChildren())
1280            {
1281                if (child instanceof Resource)
1282                {
1283                    hasResources = true;
1284                }
1285                else if (child instanceof ExplorerNode)
1286                {
1287                    hasChildNodes = true;
1288                }
1289            }
1291            if (hasChildNodes)
1292            {
1293                result.put("hasChildNodes", true);
1294            }
1296            if (hasResources)
1297            {
1298                result.put("hasResources", true);
1299            }
1301            return result;
1302        }
1304        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content with id '" + id + "' does not support attachments.");
1305    }
1307    /**
1308     * Determines if the current user has right to delete the content
1309     * @param content The content
1310     * @return true if current user is authorized to delete the content
1311     */
1312    public boolean canDelete(Content content)
1313    {
1314        return canDelete(content, getRightToDelete());
1315    }
1317    /**
1318     * Determines if the current user has right to delete the content
1319     * @param content The content
1320     * @param deleteRightId The right's id to check for deletion
1321     * @return true if current user is authorized to delete the content
1322     */
1323    public boolean canDelete(Content content, String deleteRightId)
1324    {
1325        UserIdentity user = _currentUserProvider.getUser();
1326        if (_rightManager.hasRight(user, deleteRightId, content) == RightResult.RIGHT_ALLOW)
1327        {
1328            return true;
1329        }
1331        return false;
1332    }
1334    /**
1335     * Add or remove a reaction on a content
1336     * @param contentId The content id
1337     * @param reactionName the reaction name (ex: LIKE)
1338     * @param remove true to remove the reaction, false to add reaction
1339     * @return the result with the current actors of this reaction
1340     */
1341    @Callable
1342    public Map<String, Object> react(String contentId, String reactionName, boolean remove)
1343    {
1344        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
1346        Content content = _resolver.resolveById(contentId);
1348        if (_rightManager.currentUserHasReadAccess(content))
1349        {
1350            ReactionType reactionType = ReactionType.valueOf(reactionName);
1351            UserIdentity actor = _currentUserProvider.getUser();
1353            boolean updated = remove ? unreact(content, actor, reactionType) : react(content, actor, reactionType);
1354            result.put("updated", updated);
1355            result.put("contentId", contentId);
1356            result.put("actors", _userHelper.userIdentities2json(((ReactionableObject) content).getReactionUsers(reactionType)));
1357        }
1358        else
1359        {
1360            result.put("unauthorized", true);
1361            result.put("updated", false);
1362        }
1364        return result;
1365    }
1367    /**
1368     * Add a reaction on a {@link Content}.
1369     * @param content the content
1370     * @param userIdentity the issuer of reaction
1371     * @param reactionType the reaction type
1372     * @return true if a change was made
1373     */
1374    public boolean react(Content content, UserIdentity userIdentity, ReactionType reactionType)
1375    {
1376        return _addOrRemoveReaction(content, userIdentity, reactionType, false);
1377    }
1379    /**
1380     * Remove reaction if exists on a {@link Content}.
1381     * @param content the content
1382     * @param userIdentity the issuer of reaction
1383     * @param reactionType the reaction type
1384     * @return <code>true</code> if a change was made
1385     */
1386    public boolean unreact(Content content, UserIdentity userIdentity, ReactionType reactionType)
1387    {
1388        return _addOrRemoveReaction(content, userIdentity, reactionType, true);
1389    }
1391    /**
1392     * Add or remove reaction if exists on the given content.
1393     * @param content the content
1394     * @param userIdentity the issuer of reaction
1395     * @param reactionType the reaction type
1396     * @param remove <code>true</code> if it's to remove the reaction
1397     * @return <code>true</code> if a change was made
1398     */
1399    protected boolean _addOrRemoveReaction(Content content, UserIdentity userIdentity, ReactionType reactionType, boolean remove)
1400    {
1401        if (content instanceof ReactionableObject)
1402        {
1403            boolean hasChanges = false;
1405            List<UserIdentity> reactionIssuers = ((ReactionableObject) content).getReactionUsers(reactionType);
1406            if (!remove && !reactionIssuers.contains(userIdentity))
1407            {
1408                ((ReactionableObject) content).addReaction(userIdentity, reactionType);
1409                hasChanges = true;
1410            }
1411            else if (remove && reactionIssuers.contains(userIdentity))
1412            {
1413                ((ReactionableObject) content).removeReaction(userIdentity, reactionType);
1414                hasChanges = true;
1415            }
1417            if (hasChanges)
1418            {
1419                ((DefaultContent) content).saveChanges();
1421                Map<String, Object> eventParams = new HashMap<>();
1422                eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_CONTENT, content);
1423                eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_REACTION_TYPE, reactionType);
1424                eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_REACTION_ISSUER, userIdentity);
1425                _observationManager.notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_CONTENT_REACTION_CHANGED, userIdentity, eventParams));
1427                return true;
1428            }
1429        }
1431        return false;
1432    }
1434    /**
1435     * Add a report on a content
1436     * @param content The content
1437     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the content is not a {@link ReportableObject}
1438     * @throws AccessDeniedException if the current user has not read access on the given content
1439     */
1440    public void report(Content content) throws IllegalArgumentException, AccessDeniedException
1441    {
1442        if (_rightManager.currentUserHasReadAccess(content))
1443        {
1444            if (content instanceof ReportableObject)
1445            {
1446                ((ReportableObject) content).addReport();
1447                ((DefaultContent) content).saveChanges();
1448            }
1449            else
1450            {
1451                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to report the content '" + content.getId() + "'. Current user is not authorized to see this content.");
1452            }
1453        }
1454        else
1455        {
1456            throw new AccessDeniedException("Unable to report the content '" + content.getId() + "'. Current user is not authorized to see this content.");
1457        }
1458    }
1460    /**
1461     * Delete contents and force the deletion of invert relations, then log the result.
1462     * @param contents The contents to delete
1463     * @param deleteRightId The deletion right's id to check. Can be null to ignore rights
1464     * @param logger The logger
1465     * @return the number of deleted contents
1466     */
1467    public int forceDeleteContentsWithLog(List<Content> contents, String deleteRightId, Logger logger)
1468    {
1469        return _logResult(forceDeleteContentsObj(contents, deleteRightId), logger);
1470    }
1472    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1473    private int _logResult(Map<String, Object> result, Logger logger)
1474    {
1475        List<Map<String, Object>> referencedContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_REFERENCED + "-contents");
1476        if (referencedContents.size() > 0)
1477        {
1478            logger.info("The following contents cannot be deleted because they are referenced: {}", referencedContents.stream().map(m -> m.get("id")).collect(Collectors.toList()));
1479        }
1481        List<Map<String, Object>> lockedContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_LOCKED + "-contents");
1482        if (lockedContents.size() > 0)
1483        {
1484            logger.info("The following contents cannot be deleted because they are locked: {}", lockedContents.stream().map(m -> m.get("id")).collect(Collectors.toList()));
1485        }
1487        List<Map<String, Object>> unauthorizedContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED + "-contents");
1488        if (unauthorizedContents.size() > 0)
1489        {
1490            logger.info("The following contents cannot be deleted because they are no authorization: {}", unauthorizedContents.stream().map(m -> m.get("id")).collect(Collectors.toList()));
1491        }
1493        List<Map<String, Object>> undeletedContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_UNDELETED + "-contents");
1494        if (undeletedContents.size() > 0)
1495        {
1496            logger.info("{} contents were not deleted. See previous logs for more information.", undeletedContents.size());
1497        }
1499        List<Map<String, Object>> deletedContents = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get(_CONTENT_DELETION_STATUS_DELETED + "-contents");
1500        return deletedContents.size();
1501    }