002 *  Copyright 2020 Anyware Services
003 *
004 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 *  limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.ametys.core.migration;
018import java.util.ArrayList;
019import java.util.Collections;
020import java.util.Comparator;
021import java.util.HashMap;
022import java.util.List;
023import java.util.Map;
024import java.util.Map.Entry;
025import java.util.Set;
026import java.util.stream.Collectors;
028import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Component;
029import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
030import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
031import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
032import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
033import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable;
034import org.apache.avalon.framework.thread.ThreadSafe;
035import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
036import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
038import org.ametys.core.ObservationConstants;
039import org.ametys.core.migration.action.Action;
040import org.ametys.core.migration.action.ActionExtensionPoint;
041import org.ametys.core.migration.action.data.ActionData;
042import org.ametys.core.migration.configuration.VersionConfiguration;
043import org.ametys.core.migration.handler.VersionHandler;
044import org.ametys.core.migration.handler.VersionHandlerExtensionPoint;
045import org.ametys.core.migration.version.Version;
046import org.ametys.core.observation.Event;
047import org.ametys.core.observation.ObservationManager;
048import org.ametys.runtime.plugin.ExtensionPoint;
049import org.ametys.runtime.plugin.component.AbstractLogEnabled;
052 * Migration Extension Point that will list all migration needed by the current state of the application
053 */
054public class MigrationExtensionPoint extends AbstractLogEnabled implements ExtensionPoint<MigrationConfiguration>, ThreadSafe, Component, Serviceable
056    /** Avalon Role */
057    public static final String ROLE = MigrationExtensionPoint.class.getName();
059    private Map<String, MigrationConfiguration> _configurations = new HashMap<>();
061    private Map<String, String> _expectedVersionsForExtensions = new HashMap<>();
063    private VersionHandlerExtensionPoint _versionHandlerEP;
065    private ActionExtensionPoint _upgradeEP;
066    private ActionExtensionPoint _initializationEP;
068    private ObservationManager _observationManager;
070    public void service(ServiceManager smanager) throws ServiceException
071    {
072        _versionHandlerEP = (VersionHandlerExtensionPoint) smanager.lookup(VersionHandlerExtensionPoint.ROLE);
073        _upgradeEP = (ActionExtensionPoint) smanager.lookup(ActionExtensionPoint.ROLE_UPGRADE);
074        _initializationEP = (ActionExtensionPoint) smanager.lookup(ActionExtensionPoint.ROLE_INITIALIZATION);
076        if (smanager.hasService(ObservationManager.ROLE))
077        {
078            _observationManager = (ObservationManager) smanager.lookup(ObservationManager.ROLE);
079        }
080    }
082    public void addExtension(String id, String pluginName, String featureName, Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException
083    {
084        _configurations.put(id, new MigrationConfiguration(id, pluginName, featureName, configuration));
085    }
087    public void initializeExtensions() throws Exception
088    {
089        // Nothing here
090    }
092    /**
093     * All migrations are parsed and executed one per one in the right order
094     * @return true if the migration requires a server restart ; false otherwise
095     */
096    public boolean doMigration()
097    {
098        try
099        {
100            getLogger().info("Automatic migration start.");
102            List<ActionData> allUpgradeActions = new ArrayList<>();
103            Map<Version, List<ActionData>> allInitActions = new HashMap<>();
104            boolean versionDeterminationFailed = false;
105            Set<String> keySet = _configurations.keySet();
106            for (String id : keySet)
107            {
108                MigrationConfiguration migrationConfiguration = _configurations.get(id);
110                try
111                {
112                    String expectedVersion = _getHigherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber(migrationConfiguration);
113                    _expectedVersionsForExtensions.put(id, expectedVersion);
114                }
115                catch (ConfigurationException e)
116                {
117                    throw new MigrationException("Impossible to read the upgrade configuration for component '" + id + "'", e);
118                }
120                try
121                {
122                    Configuration configuration = migrationConfiguration.getConfiguration();
124                    List<Version> versions = new ArrayList<>();
125                    for (Configuration versionConfiguration : configuration.getChild("versions").getChildren("version"))
126                    {
127                        try
128                        {
129                            VersionHandler versionHandler = _getVersionHandler(versionConfiguration);
130                            VersionConfiguration versionConfigurationObject = versionHandler.getConfiguration(id, versionConfiguration);
131                            versions.addAll(versionHandler.getCurrentVersions(id, versionConfigurationObject));
132                        }
133                        catch (NotMigrableInSafeModeException e)
134                        {
135                            getLogger().warn("The migration '{}' cannot be done in safe mode", id, e);
136                        }
137                        catch (MigrationException e)
138                        {
139                            versionDeterminationFailed = true;
140                            getLogger().error("Error during version determination for component {}", id,  e);
141                        }
142                    }
144                    Map<Version, List<ActionData>> initActions = _getInitializationActions(versions, migrationConfiguration);
145                    allInitActions.putAll(initActions);
147                    List<ActionData> upgradeActions = _getUpgradeActions(versions, migrationConfiguration);
148                    allUpgradeActions.addAll(upgradeActions);
149                }
150                catch (ConfigurationException | MigrationException e)
151                {
152                    throw new MigrationException("Exception occured in migration " + id, e);
153                }
154            }
156            if (_applyInitializationActions(allInitActions)
157                || _applyUpgradeActions(allUpgradeActions))
158            {
159                getLogger().info("Automatic migration is restarting the server to continue migration");
160                return true;
161            }
163            if (!versionDeterminationFailed)
164            {
165                _notifyEndOfMigration();
167                // To free some memory space, not done on failing
168                _configurations = null;
169            }
171            getLogger().info("Automatic migration finished.");
172        }
173        catch (MigrationException e)
174        {
175            getLogger().error("Error during the automatic migration", e);
176        }
178        return false;
179    }
181    private VersionHandler _getVersionHandler(Configuration versionConfiguration) throws ConfigurationException
182    {
183        String versionHandlerType = versionConfiguration.getAttribute("type");
185        VersionHandler extension = _versionHandlerEP.getExtension(versionHandlerType);
186        if (extension == null)
187        {
188            throw new ConfigurationException("A migration requests a versionHandler with id '" + versionHandlerType + "', which does not exists, this migration can not be done.", versionConfiguration);
189        }
190        return extension;
191    }
193    /**
194     * Notify with an {@link Event} the end of the migration.
195     */
196    protected void _notifyEndOfMigration()
197    {
198        if (_observationManager != null)
199        {
200            _observationManager.notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_MIGRATION_ENDED, null, Map.of()));
201        }
202    }
204    /**
205     * Execute all needed upgrades
206     * @param allInitializationActions list of needed upgrades
207     * @return true if an action requires a restart
208     * @throws MigrationException Something went wrong
209     */
210    protected boolean _applyInitializationActions(Map<Version, List<ActionData>> allInitializationActions) throws MigrationException
211    {
212        if (allInitializationActions.isEmpty())
213        {
214            getLogger().debug("No initialization to do");
215        }
216        else
217        {
218            for (Entry<Version, List<ActionData>> entry : allInitializationActions.entrySet())
219            {
220                Version version = entry.getKey();
221                List<ActionData> actions = entry.getValue();
223                for (ActionData initializationAction : actions)
224                {
225                    Action actionExtension = _initializationEP.getExtension(initializationAction.getType());
226                    getLogger().info("Run initialization : " + initializationAction.toString());
227                    actionExtension.doAction(initializationAction);
229                    if (initializationAction.requiresRestart())
230                    {
231                        return true;
232                    }
233                }
235                // The ID of the version had already be setted to the most recent action id
236                _upgradeVersion(version);
237            }
238        }
239        return false;
240    }
241    /**
242     * Execute all needed upgrades
243     * @param allActions list of needed upgrades
244     * @return true if an action requires a restart
245     * @throws MigrationException Something went wrong
246     */
247    protected boolean _applyUpgradeActions(List<ActionData> allActions) throws MigrationException
248    {
249        allActions.sort(Comparator.comparing(ActionData::getVersionNumber));
250        if (allActions.isEmpty())
251        {
252            getLogger().debug("No upgrade to do");
253        }
254        else
255        {
256            for (ActionData action : allActions)
257            {
258                Action upgradeExtension = _upgradeEP.getExtension(action.getType());
259                getLogger().info("Run upgrade : " + action.toString());
260                upgradeExtension.doAction(action);
261                _upgradeVersion(action);
263                if (action.requiresRestart())
264                {
265                    return true;
266                }
267            }
268        }
269        return false;
270    }
272    /**
273     * When an upgrade (or an initialization) have been done, we write the new version
274     * @param action upgrade/initialization executed
275     * @throws MigrationException Something went wrong
276     */
277    protected void _upgradeVersion(ActionData action) throws MigrationException
278    {
279        Version newVersion = action.getVersion().copyFromActionData(action);
280        _upgradeVersion(newVersion);
281    }
283    /**
284     * When an upgrade (or an initialization) have been done, we write the new version
285     * @param newVersion upgrade/initialization executed
286     * @throws MigrationException Something went wrong
287     */
288    protected void _upgradeVersion(Version newVersion) throws MigrationException
289    {
290        getLogger().debug("Update version info vor version : " + newVersion.toString());
291        String versionHandlerId = newVersion.getVersionHandlerId();
292        VersionHandler versionHandler = _versionHandlerEP.getExtension(versionHandlerId);
293        if (versionHandler == null)
294        {
295            throw new MigrationException("Version '" + newVersion.toString() + "' requires a versionHandler that does not exists: '" + versionHandlerId + "'.");
296        }
297        else
298        {
299            versionHandler.addVersion(newVersion);
300        }
301    }
303    /**
304     * Analyze the configuration to get a list of upgrades needed based on the current Versions
305     * @param currentVersions list of current versions
306     * @param migrationConfiguration configuration for this extension
307     * @return a list of actions to work on, or null if an error occured
308     * @throws MigrationException impossible to parse the configuration
309     */
310    protected List<ActionData> _getUpgradeActions(List<Version> currentVersions, MigrationConfiguration migrationConfiguration) throws MigrationException
311    {
312        String componentId = migrationConfiguration.getId();
313        try
314        {
315            Configuration[] upgradeList = migrationConfiguration.getConfiguration().getChild("upgrades").getChildren("upgrade");
317            List<ActionData> result = new ArrayList<>();
319            for (Version version : currentVersions)
320            {
321                if (version == null)
322                {
323                    throw new MigrationException("The migration for '" + componentId + "' got a null Version.");
324                }
325                else if (version.getVersionNumber() != null)
326                {
327                    getLogger().debug("Check the upgrades needed for version: {}", version.toString());
328                    String versionNumber = version.getVersionNumber();
330                    String higherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber = _getHigherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber(migrationConfiguration);
331                    if (higherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber.compareTo(versionNumber) < 0)
332                    {
333                        getLogger().warn("There is a version stored more recent that any version available in conf for version: {}", version.toString());
334                    }
336                    List<ActionData> thisVersionUpgrades = new ArrayList<>();
337                    for (Configuration upgradeConf : upgradeList)
338                    {
339                        String upgradeVersionNumber = upgradeConf.getAttribute("versionNumber");
340                        String type = upgradeConf.getAttribute("type");
341                        String from = upgradeConf.getAttribute("from", null);
342                        String comment = upgradeConf.getAttribute("comment", null);
343                        boolean restartRequired = upgradeConf.getAttributeAsBoolean("restart", false);
345                        if (comment == null)
346                        {
347                            comment = "Automatic Upgrade.";
348                        }
349                        else
350                        {
351                            comment = "Automatic Upgrade: " + comment;
352                        }
354                        Action actionExtension = _upgradeEP.getExtension(type);
356                        if (actionExtension == null)
357                        {
358                            throw new ConfigurationException("The type '" + type + "' does not exist.", upgradeConf);
359                        }
361                        if (versionNumber.compareTo(upgradeVersionNumber) >= 0 // Obsolete migrations (migrating to older or current version) 
362                            || from != null && versionNumber.compareTo(from) > 0) // Future migration migrating from an older version
363                        {
364                            continue;
365                        }
366                        else
367                        {
368                            ActionData upgradeData = actionExtension.generateActionData(upgradeVersionNumber, version, comment, from, type, migrationConfiguration.getPluginName(), upgradeConf, restartRequired);
369                            thisVersionUpgrades.add(upgradeData);
370                        }
371                    }
373                    result.addAll(_removeDuplicatedActions(thisVersionUpgrades));
374                }
375            }
377            return result;
378        }
379        catch (ConfigurationException e)
380        {
381            throw new MigrationException("Error while parsing configuration for component '" + componentId + "'", e);
382        }
383    }
385    /**
386     * Analyze the configuration to get a list of initializations needed based on the current Versions
387     * @param currentVersions list of current versions
388     * @param migrationConfiguration configuration for this extension
389     * @return a list of actions to work on, or null if an error occured
390     * @throws MigrationException impossible to parse the configuration
391     */
392    protected Map<Version, List<ActionData>> _getInitializationActions(List<Version> currentVersions, MigrationConfiguration migrationConfiguration) throws MigrationException
393    {
394        String componentId = migrationConfiguration.getId();
395        Map<Version, List<ActionData>> result = new HashMap<>();
396        try
397        {
398            Configuration[] initializations = migrationConfiguration.getConfiguration().getChild("initializations").getChildren("initialization");
400            String versionComment = migrationConfiguration.getConfiguration().getChild("initializations").getAttribute("comment", null);
402            if (versionComment == null)
403            {
404                versionComment = "Automatic Initialization.";
405            }
406            else
407            {
408                versionComment = "Automatic Initialization: " + versionComment;
409            }
411            for (Version version : currentVersions)
412            {
413                if (version == null)
414                {
415                    throw new MigrationException("The migration for '" + componentId + "' got a null Version.");
416                }
417                else if (version.getVersionNumber() == null)
418                {
419                    List<ActionData> thisVersionActions = new ArrayList<>();
420                    getLogger().debug("No version number, this is an initialization: {}", version.toString());
422                    String higherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber = _getHigherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber(migrationConfiguration);
423                    version.setVersionNumber(higherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber);
424                    version.setComment(versionComment);
426                    for (Configuration initialization : initializations)
427                    {
428                        String type = initialization.getAttribute("type");
429                        boolean restartRequired = initialization.getAttributeAsBoolean("restart", false);
430                        String actionComment = null; // No comment will be used here, only the version will have a comment in an initialization
432                        Action actionExtension = _initializationEP.getExtension(type);
434                        if (actionExtension == null)
435                        {
436                            throw new ConfigurationException("The type '" + type + "' does not exist.", initialization);
437                        }
438                        ActionData initializationData = actionExtension.generateActionData(higherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber, version, actionComment, null, type, migrationConfiguration.getPluginName(), initialization, restartRequired);
439                        thisVersionActions.add(initializationData);
440                    }
442                    result.put(version, thisVersionActions);
443                }
445            }
447            return result;
448        }
449        catch (ConfigurationException e)
450        {
451            throw new MigrationException("Error while parsing configuration for component '" + componentId + "'", e);
452        }
453    }
456    /**
457     * Returns the most recent version to apply (after an initialization)
458     * @param migrationConfiguration Configuration of the extension
459     * @return the id of the most current available version, or "0" if none available
460     * @throws ConfigurationException Sompthing wrong while reading the configuration
461     */
462    protected String _getHigherCurrentUpgradeVersionNumber(MigrationConfiguration migrationConfiguration) throws ConfigurationException
463    {
464        Configuration[] upgradeList = migrationConfiguration.getConfiguration().getChild("upgrades").getChildren("upgrade");
465        List<String> upgradeIds = new ArrayList<>();
466        for (Configuration upgradeConf : upgradeList)
467        {
468            String id = upgradeConf.getAttribute("versionNumber");
469            upgradeIds.add(id);
470        }
472        if (!upgradeIds.isEmpty())
473        {
474            upgradeIds.sort(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
475            return upgradeIds.get(upgradeIds.size() - 1);
476        }
477        else
478        {
479            return "0";
480        }
481    }
483    /**
484     * Parse the list of upgrade to remove the group-migration
485     * @param actions list of upgrades to clean
486     * @return a list with only needed upgrades.
487     * @throws MigrationException list of actions incoherent
488     */
489    protected List<ActionData> _removeDuplicatedActions(List<ActionData> actions) throws MigrationException
490    {
491        // First, sort the upgrades by if to have the right order
492        actions.sort(
493            Comparator.comparing(ActionData::getVersionNumber)
494                .thenComparing(
495                    ActionData::getFrom,
496                    Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.naturalOrder())
497                )
498        );
500        // Create a list of pairs for each upgrade containing a "for" attribute to konw from which version to which version we should remove the lines
501        List<Pair<String, String>> fromTo = actions.stream()
502                                                    .filter(u -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(u.getFrom()))
503                                                    .map(u -> Pair.of(u.getFrom(), u.getVersionNumber()))
504                                                    .collect(Collectors.toList());
506        _checkFromUpgrades(actions, fromTo);
508        List<ActionData> result = actions;
510        // Invert the order so we will start to apply the most recent one, it may override other lines with a From inside
511        Collections.reverse(fromTo);
512        // For each pair, remove the right versions
513        for (Pair<String, String> pair : fromTo)
514        {
515            String from = pair.getLeft();
516            String to = pair.getRight();
518            result = result.stream()
519                        .filter(
520                            a -> a.getVersionNumber().compareTo(from) <= 0 
521                            || to.equals(a.getVersionNumber()) && from.equals(a.getFrom())
522                            || a.getVersionNumber().compareTo(to) > 0
523                        )
524                        .collect(Collectors.toList());
525        }
527        return result;
528    }
530    /**
531     * Tests that in the list of fromTo, that each "fromTo" is linked to an action with the same id and without "from" 
532     * @param actions list of actions
533     * @param fromTo list of actions overriding multiple actions
534     * @throws MigrationException there is an overriding version without a "simple" version with the same id
535     */
536    protected void _checkFromUpgrades(List<ActionData> actions, List<Pair<String, String>> fromTo) throws MigrationException
537    {
538        for (Pair<String, String> pair : fromTo)
539        {
540            String from = pair.getLeft();
541            String to = pair.getRight();
542            boolean anyMatch = actions.stream().anyMatch(a -> a.getFrom() == null && to.equals(a.getVersionNumber()));
543            if (!anyMatch)
544            {
545                throw new MigrationException("The action from '" + from + "' to '" + to + "' does not contain a normal upgrade from '" + from + "'");
546            }
547        }
548    }
550    private Map<String, MigrationConfiguration> _getConfigurationsForReading()
551    {
552        if (_configurations == null)
553        {
554            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Configurations have been emptied from the extension point, this method can't be used for now.");
555        }
556        return _configurations;
557    }
559    public boolean hasExtension(String id)
560    {
561        return _getConfigurationsForReading().containsKey(id);
562    }
564    public MigrationConfiguration getExtension(String id)
565    {
566        return _getConfigurationsForReading().get(id);
567    }
569    public Set<String> getExtensionsIds()
570    {
571        return _getConfigurationsForReading().keySet();
572    }
574    /**
575     * Get the expected version for a component.
576     * This is the latest upgrade number declared
577     * @param id the id of the component
578     * @return the expected version number for each version in this component
579     * @throws MigrationException Component not found in the calculated map of expected versions
580     */
581    public String getExpectedVersionForComponent(String id) throws MigrationException
582    {
583        if (!_expectedVersionsForExtensions.containsKey(id))
584        {
585            throw new MigrationException("Component '" + id + "' is not found in the calculated expected versions");
586        }
587        return _expectedVersionsForExtensions.get(id);
588    }