Class EditContentFunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.opensymphony.workflow.FunctionProvider, Initializable, LogEnabled, Serviceable

    public class EditContentFunction
    extends AbstractContentWorkflowComponent
    implements com.opensymphony.workflow.FunctionProvider, Initializable
    OSWorkflow function to edit a content.

    Values are set either programmatically, or parsed from form submission by their ElementTypes according to the Content model.

    The required transient variables:
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY - Map<String, Object> The map containing the results of the function.
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.result - String "true" when everything goes fine. Missing in other case.
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.<MetadataPath> - Errors Each error during edition will be set here. Key will be the metadata path (with '.' separator). Value will be the error message.
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.CONTENT_KEY - WorkflowAwareContent The content that will be edited. Should have the lock token.
    - AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY - Map<String, Object> Contains the following parameters:
    - AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY.QUIT - boolean True to specify edition mode will be quit, this imply to unlock the content.
    - AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY.VIEW_PARAM The name of the view to use and to check attributes. If missing a view will be created from values.
    - AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY.FALLBACK_VIEW_PARAM The name of the view to use if the initial view does not exist on the Content's model.
    - AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY.VALUES_KEY - Map<String, Object> The typed values. If present, raw values must not be present.
    - AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY.FORM_RAW_VALUES - Map<String, Object> The values of the submitted form. If present, types values must not be present.
    - AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY.FORM_RAW_VALUES.<MetadataPath> Object Key is the path of the metadata ('.' separated) prefixed by FORM_ELEMENTS_PREFIX. Value is a depending on the type of metadata. Sometimes types require additional information. In that case : Key is a metadata path ('.' separated) prefixed by INTERNAL_FORM_ELEMENTS_PREFIX and suffixed by '.' + an additional information name.
    - AbstractWorkflowComponent.CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY.FORM_RAW_COMMENTS - Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> The comments of the metadata of the submitted form :
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.<MetadataPath> - List<Map<String, String>> Key is the path of the metadata ('.' separated) prefixed by FORM_ELEMENTS_PREFIX. Value is the list of comments.
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.<MetadataPath>.<X> - <Map<String, String> A comment with the following parameters
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.<MetadataPath>.<X>.author String The login of the author of the comment
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.<MetadataPath>.<X>.text String The text of the comment
    - AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.<MetadataPath>.<X>.date String The date of the comment using the ISODateTimeFormat (See DateUtils.parse)
    Where <MetadataPath> is the path of a metadata (using a '.' separator). In some cases it is prefixed by FORM_ELEMENTS_PREFIX. A metadata path with in a repeater include the number of the repeated instance (1 based).
    Where <X> Is an element of the parent list.