AbstractContentFunction |
Abstract workflow function working on a Content, which provides common content methods.
AbstractContentWorkflowComponent |
Abstract class for easily retrieving environment components
in a condition or a function and especially a content.
AllErrors |
Object for storing binding and validation errors.
ArchiveContentAction |
Action for archiving a content.
CommentStepFunction |
Function setting the user comment into the step before it's stored.
ContentCheckRightsCondition |
Condition for checking rights of an user for the current action
using the right content context.
ContentCurrentStepCondition |
OSWorkflow condition to test the current step of a content
The following configuration have to be used:
ContentHistoryAction |
This action returns the workflow history of a content
ContentHistoryAction.VersionInformation |
ContentWorkflowAction |
Action for firing a transition on a content's workflow.
ContentWorkflowHelper |
A component to do workflow actions on Content
CreateContentByCopyRightCondition |
Condition for checking if an user has the right to create a content of the requested type.
CreateContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a content.
CreateContentRightCondition |
Condition for checking if an user has the right to create a content of the requested type.
CreateReferenceTableContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function for creating a entry of reference table.
CreateVersionFunction |
Workflow function creating a new content version.
DefaultWorkflowStepEnumerator |
EditContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function to edit a content.
Values are set either programmatically, or parsed from form submission by their ElementType s according to the Content model.
The required transient variables:
- AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY - Map<String, Object> The map containing the results of the function.
- AbstractContentWorkflowComponent.RESULT_MAP_KEY.result - String "true" when everything goes fine.
ExtractOutgoingReferencesFunction |
OSWorkflow function to extract outgoing references in a content.
InitializeContentWorkflowAction |
Action for initializing a transition on a content's workflow.
LockCondition |
OSWorkflow condition for testing the lock state of a content.
MarkContentArchivedFunction |
Workflow function which marks a content archived.
RestoreRevisionFunction |
OSWorkflow function to restore an old revision of a content.
SendMailFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SendMailToUserFunction |
OS workflow function to send mail after an action is triggered.
SetCurrentStepIdAndNotifyFunction |
OS workflow function to set the current step id
SetProposalDateContentFunction |
Function setting or removing the date at which the content was proposed for
validation, i.e.
TasksGenerator |
Generates the tasks list
UnarchiveContentAction |
Unarchive a content.
UnlockContentFunction |
OSWorkflow function to unlock a content.
ValidateContentCondition |
OSWorkflow condition to check all content metadata are valid
ValidationStepFunction |
OSWorkflow function for setting the "validate" flag on steps, indicating they represent a validation step.
This function MUST be used as a post-function of the validation function.
WorkflowTasksComponent |
Component for saxing tasks specific to an user.
The algorithm is the following :
First, we get all granted sites for the user with the right manager.
WorkflowTasksGenerator |
Workflow tasks generator.