Interface CacheStats

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CacheStats
    CacheStats store hit, miss, and evictions of a cache. It can also compute rates, and compute the sum/difference between two CacheStats
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long evictionCount()
      Returns the number of times an entry has been evicted.
      double evictionRate()
      Returns the ratio of cache requests that lead to an eviction.
      long hitCount()
      Returns the number of times cache lookup methods have returned a cached value.
      double hitRate()
      Returns the ratio of cache requests which were hits.
      CacheStats minus​(CacheStats cacheStats)
      Returns a new CacheStats representing the difference between this CacheStats and other.
      long missCount()
      Returns the number of times cache lookup methods have returned an uncached (newly loaded) value, or null.
      double missRate()
      Returns the ratio of cache requests which were misses.
      CacheStats plus​(CacheStats cacheStats)
      Returns a new CacheStats representing the sum between this CacheStats and other
      long requestCount()
      Returns the number of times cache lookup methods have returned either a cached or uncached value.
    • Method Detail

      • requestCount

        long requestCount()
        Returns the number of times cache lookup methods have returned either a cached or uncached value. This is defined as hitCount + missCount.
        the number of times cache lookup methods have returned either a cached or uncached value.
      • hitCount

        long hitCount()
        Returns the number of times cache lookup methods have returned a cached value.
        the number of times cache lookup methods have returned a cached value.
      • hitRate

        double hitRate()
        Returns the ratio of cache requests which were hits. This is defined as hitCount/requestCount. If requestCount equals 0, return 1
        the ratio of cache requests which were hits.
      • missCount

        long missCount()
        Returns the number of times cache lookup methods have returned an uncached (newly loaded) value, or null.
      • missRate

        double missRate()
        Returns the ratio of cache requests which were misses. This is defined as missCount/requestCount. If requestCount equals 0, return 0
        the ratio of cache requests which were misses.
      • evictionCount

        long evictionCount()
        Returns the number of times an entry has been evicted. This count does not include manual invalidations.
        the number of times an entry has been evicted.
      • evictionRate

        double evictionRate()
        Returns the ratio of cache requests that lead to an eviction. This is defined as evictionCount/requestCount. If requestCount equals 0, return 0
        the ratio of cache requests that lead to an eviction.
      • minus

        CacheStats minus​(CacheStats cacheStats)
        Returns a new CacheStats representing the difference between this CacheStats and other.
        cacheStats - the other CacheStats
        the CacheStats representing the difference between this CacheStats and other.
      • plus

        CacheStats plus​(CacheStats cacheStats)
        Returns a new CacheStats representing the sum between this CacheStats and other
        cacheStats - the other CacheStats
        the new CacheStats representing the sum between this CacheStats and other.