Interface SystemProperty<T,X extends ModelAwareDataAwareAmetysObject>

Type Parameters:
T - type of the property values
X - type of ametys object supported by this property
All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<ModelItem>, ElementDefinition<T>, Labelable, ModelItem, ModifiableLabelable, Property<T,X>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDateTimeSystemProperty, AbstractSystemProperty, AbstractUserSystemProperty, CollectionsSystemProperty, CommentsSystemProperty, ContentPrivacySystemProperty, ContentTypeSystemProperty, ContributorSystemProperty, CreationDateSystemProperty, CreatorSystemProperty, FirstValidationSystemProperty, FirstValidatorSystemProperty, FulltextSystemProperty, HasLiveVersionSystemProperty, LanguageSystemProperty, LastMajorValidationSystemProperty, LastMajorValidatorSystemProperty, LastModifiedSystemProperty, LastValidationSystemProperty, LastValidatorSystemProperty, OrphanSystemProperty, PagesSystemProperty, ParentContentSystemProperty, ProfiledGroupsTagsSystemProperty, SemanticAnnotationSystemProperty, SharedSystemProperty, SiteSystemProperty, SiteTypeSystemProperty, TagsSystemProperty, TagsSystemProperty, ViewBasedFullTextSystemProperty, WorkflowStepSystemProperty, WorkflowStepSystemProperty

public interface SystemProperty<T,X extends ModelAwareDataAwareAmetysObject> extends Property<T,X>
Represents a universal property of a supported ModelAwareDataAwareAmetysObject Ex: content types, language or current workflow steps are some system properties supporting contents
  • Method Details

    • isSearchable

      default boolean isSearchable()
      Get if the property can be searched on (i.e. used in a SearchCriterion).
      true if the property can be searched on, false otherwise.
    • isDisplayable

      default boolean isDisplayable()
      Get if the property can be displayed (i.e. used in a ResultField).
      true if the property can be displayed, false otherwise.
    • isSortable

      default boolean isSortable()
      Get if the property can be sorted on.
      true if the property can be sorted on, false otherwise.
    • isFacetable

      default boolean isFacetable()
      Gets if the property can be facetable
      true if the property can be facetable, false otherwise.
    • getQuery

      Query getQuery(Object value, Query.Operator operator, String language, Map<String,Object> contextualParameters)
      Get the Query associated to the given value.
      value - the user-submitted value for this property.
      operator - In advanced search mode, the operator chosen by the user. null to use the criterion-defined operator (simple search mode).
      language - The current search language.
      contextualParameters - the search contextual parameters.
      The Query associated to the given value.
    • getRenderer

      default String getRenderer()
      Get the renderer.
      The column renderer.
    • getConverter

      default String getConverter()
      Get the property column converter.
      The property column converter.
    • getColumnWidth

      Get the column width.
      the default column width, can be null.
    • getSearchField

      Get the SearchField representing this system property.
      The search field representing this system property.
    • getSortValue

      default Object getSortValue(X ametysObject)
      Get the sort value represented by this field in the given result ametys object.
      ametysObject - the result ametys object.
      the content sort value, must be scalar (String, long, double, Date).
    • getSchemaDefinitions

      Get the schema definitions brought by this property.
      The schema definitions used by this property.