Class AmetysObjectCollection<F extends AmetysObjectCollectionFactory,A extends AmetysObject>

Type Parameters:
F - the type of the actual factory.
A - the type of the composite AmetysObject.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<A>, ACLAmetysObject, AmetysObject, JCRAmetysObject, MetadataAwareAmetysObject, ModifiableMetadataAwareAmetysObject, ModifiableACLAmetysObject, ModifiableAmetysObject, ModifiableTraversableAmetysObject, RemovableAmetysObject, TraversableAmetysObject

An AmetysObject representing a collection of other AmetysObjects.
The collection stored its contents in the JCR Repository in a hash tree for optimizing performances.
Please note that this implementation does not keep the insertion order of elements.