Interface VirtualAmetysObjectFactory<A extends AmetysObject>

Type Parameters:
A - the actual type of AmetysObjects
All Superinterfaces:
AmetysObjectFactory<A>, Component
All Known Implementing Classes:
FirstLevelPageFactory, VirtualOrganisationChartPageFactory, VirtualUGCPageFactory, VirtualUserDirectoryPageFactory

public interface VirtualAmetysObjectFactory<A extends AmetysObject> extends AmetysObjectFactory<A>
AmetysObjectFactory for handling "virtual" objects, in that they did not rely directly to the JCR storage.
Such factory is bounded to an object through a particular property in the JCR tree.
Virtual AmetysObject handled by a VirtualAmetysObjectFactory are considered as children of the JCRAmetysObject corresponding to the JCR Node holding that property.