Interface Model

All Superinterfaces:
ModelItemAccessor, ModelItemContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
ContentType, ModifiableUserDirectory, Service, SiteType, SynchronizableContentsCollectionModel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttachmentsService, AutomaticContentType, CalendarSearchService, CatalogModel, ConfigManager, DefaultContentType, DefaultSiteType, DefaultSynchronizableContentsCollectionModel, ExplorerFolderService, FilteredContentsService, FilteredPagesService, HTMLContentType, JdbcUserDirectory, LinkDirectoryService, ODFContentType, PostContentType, ProjectWorkspaceSiteType, SearchPagesService, SearchService, ServerDirectoryService, SitemapService, SkinParametersModel, StaticService, SyndicationService, ViewParametersModel

public interface Model extends ModelItemContainer
Interface of model classes for parameters or attributes
  • Method Details

    • of

      static Model of(String id, String familyId, ModelItem... modelItems)
      Creates a Model with the given ModelItems
      id - the model identifier
      familyId - the model family identifier
      modelItems - the model items
      the created Model
    • getId

      Retrieves the model id (an id must be unique in the family getFamilyId()
      model id (for example the content type id for a content)
    • getFamilyId

      Retrieves the Family Id (for example the extension point) Each model Id have to be unique in it's family Id
      content point (for example "org.ametys.cms.contenttype.ContentTypeExtensionPoint" for a content)