Interface ReturnableSaxer

All Known Implementing Classes:
CalendarContentSaxer, ContentSaxer, CourseSaxer, PageSaxer, ProgramSaxer, ResourceSaxer, UserPageReturnable.UserSaxer

public interface ReturnableSaxer
  • Method Details

    • canSax

      boolean canSax(AmetysObject hit, Logger logger, SearchComponentArguments args)
      Returns true if this saxer is able to SAX the given search hit
      hit - The search hit
      logger - A logger
      args - The other arguments
      true if this saxer is able to SAX the given search hit
    • sax

      void sax(ContentHandler contentHandler, AmetysObject hit, Logger logger, SearchComponentArguments args) throws SAXException
      SAX the given search hit
      contentHandler - The content handler
      hit - The search hit
      logger - A logger
      args - The other arguments
      SAXException - if a SAX error occured
    • getIdentifier

      default String getIdentifier()
      Gets this Saxer identifier.
      Most of the time you don't need to override this method and keep the default implementation which takes the runtime class name.
      This identifier is used to match some XSL templates.
      Thus, it does not have to be a unique identifier; for instance a ReturnableSaxer implementation can extend another Saxer and override getIdentifier() by returning its superclass name, in order to match the same XSL templates.
      this Saxer identifier