Interface ActivityType

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProjectsActivityType, AbstractWorkspacesActivityType, CalendarEventActivityType, ContentCommentedActivityType, DefaultActivityType, DocumentCommentedActivityType, DocumentsActivityType, MemberAddedActivityType, MinisiteActivityType, MinisitePageRenamedActivityType, NewsPublishedActivityType, PostCreatedActivityType, ResourceCreatedOrUpdatedActivityType, ResourceRenamedActivityType, TaskAssignedActivityType, TaskClosedStatusChangedActivityType, TasksActivityType, ThreadCreatedActivityType, ThreadsActivityType, WebContentActivityType

public interface ActivityType
Interface for activity types
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedEventTypes

      Get the ids of the supported event types
      the ids of the supported event types
    • setAdditionalActivityData

      default void setAdditionalActivityData(Activity activity, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
      Add the value specific to the activity type to the activity
      activity - the activity
      parameters - the activity parameters
      javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if an error occurs while manipulating the repository
    • isMergeable

      boolean isMergeable(Activity activity1, Activity activity2)
      Determines if two activities can be merged
      activity1 - The first activity
      activity2 - The second activity
      true if the events can be merged
    • mergeActivities

      Merge activities into one activity. Be careful : be sure that the activities can be merged calling isMergeable method before
      activities - The activities to merge
      Merged activities
    • additionnalDataToJSONForClient

      Retrieve data specific to the ActivityType that needs to be serialized but are not stored in the DataHolder. Those data will be added to the data of the dataHolder
      activity - the activity to serialize
      a json map of the specific data