Class ContentIdQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Query

Represents a Query testing the current id of a content. It can only be used to search on the content id.
  • Constructor Details

    • ContentIdQuery

      public ContentIdQuery(String value)
      Build a ContentIdQuery.
      value - the content id to test.
    • ContentIdQuery

      public ContentIdQuery(String... values)
      Build a ContentIdQuery.
      values - the content ids to test.
    • ContentIdQuery

      public ContentIdQuery(Query.Operator operator, String value)
      Build a ContentIdQuery.
      operator - the operator.
      value - the content id to test.
    • ContentIdQuery

      public ContentIdQuery(Query.Operator operator, String... values)
      Build a ContentIdQuery.
      operator - the operator.
      values - the content ids to test.
    • ContentIdQuery

      public ContentIdQuery(Query.Operator operator, Query.LogicalOperator logicalOperator, String... values)
      Build a ContentIdQuery.
      operator - the operator.
      logicalOperator - the logical operator.
      values - the content ids to test.